Can PMJAY fix India’s healthcare system? Crossing five hurdles on the path to universal health coverage

Submitted by massetti on (12.10.2018)  Arguably the most ambitious health insurance programme in the world today, the Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (PMJAY) gives India the chance to transform its healthcare infrastructure. This paper discusses these hurdles and concludes that if PMJAY succeeds, India's largest health insurance scheme would also become its most effective healthcare initiative.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Document Type

[Report] WHO/Europe: Will population ageing spell the end of the welfare state? A review of evidence and policy options

Submitted by dfabbri on

Euro WHO (October 2018) This brief serves as an overview and introduction to the Economics of Healthy and Active Ageing series. It reviews the main evidence on the health and long-term care costs associated with ageing populations to better understand the expected cost pressures due to changing demographics. At the same time, the brief explores how older populations can and do contribute meaningfully both in economic and societal terms, particularly if they are able to remain healthy and active into later life.

Regions / Country
european union
Document Type

Estonia and Finland first to start exchanging healthcare data by end of year

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EurActiv (05.10.2018) Estonia and Finland will start exchanging digital prescriptions at the end of the year, in a groundbreaking move that Estonian Health Minister Riina Sikkut said she hoped other EU countries will follow. Speaking to on the sidelines of the ongoing European Health Forum in Gastein, Austria, Sikkut said that in Estonia, it is common practice for healthcare professionals to use the e-health system to exchange patient medical records.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Governance and administration
Data management
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Digital Platforms
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
Document Type

España será el país del mundo con mayor esperanza de vida en 2040

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El País (17.10.2018) Los españoles tendrán una esperanza de vida de 85,8 años en 2040, lo que convertirá a España en el país con mayor esperanza de vida del mundo, según un estudio de la Universidad de Washington (Seattle, EE UU) difundido este martes.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Old-age pensions
Demographic change
Document Type

[Blog] IADB: Día internacional para la erradicación de la pobreza, menos pobreza y mejor salud

Submitted by dfabbri on

blogs.iadb. (17.10.2018) Cada año, el 17 de octubre se celebra el Día internacional para la erradicación de la pobreza. Este año el tema es “construir un futuro sostenible: unirnos para poner fin a la pobreza y la discriminación”. Si bien erradicar la pobreza puede parecer imposible, incluso en países de la OECD hay población pobre y todo depende de la definición utilizada, en este contexto, estamos hablando de pobreza extrema.

Global challenges
Social assistance


Document Type

En 2040, l'Espagne pourrait détrôner le Japon en matière d'espérance de vie 

Submitted by dfabbri on

 Le Temps (17.10.2018)  Une étude estime que l'Espagne, avec 85,8 ans, pourrait prendre la tête du palmarès de l'espérance de vie d'ici à 2040, devant le Japon, Singapour et la Suisse

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Old-age pensions
Demographic change
Document Type

Sweden has EU's lowest proportion of people living in serious poverty -

Submitted by dfabbri on

The Local (17.10.2018) Sweden has the EU's lowest proportion of people living in serious poverty, with around one percent of the population falling into that category according to national statistics agency SCB.

Regions / Country
Social assistance
Document Type

France: Comment lutter contre le non recours aux prestations sociales?

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France Inter (17.10.2018) En cette journée internationale pour l'élimination de la pauvreté France Inter se penche sur cette question complexe dont semblent aujourd'hui se saisir les pouvoirs publics

Regions / Country
Social assistance


Document Type

ILO study: Portugal’s post-crisis policies boosted growth and employment

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ILO (12.10.2018) Successful results were supported by social dialogue between government and the social partners.  A mix of sound economic and social policies and constructive social dialogue between the government, workers’ and employers’ organizations have helped Portugal recover from the 2008 economic and financial crisis and have driven economic and employment growth, says a new ILO report.

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Document Type

Deutschland: Arbeiten im Rentenalter

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allgemeine-zeitung (08.10.2018) Immer mehr Rentner bleiben im Alter auch beruflich aktiv. Ist eine „Vermittlungsstelle Seniorenjobs“ also eine Perspektive mit Zukunft? Mit einer bundesweiten Fachtagung im Kreishaus in Ingelheim wurden diese und weitere sich daraus ergebenden Fragen aus der Perspektive von Wissenschaft, Politik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft beleuchtet und diskutiert.

Regions / Country
Old-age pensions
Document Type