The Swedish face of inequality

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Social Europe (17.01.2019) Sweden used to be revered for stemming inequality through progressive taxation and universal welfare. Now tax breaks for the wealthy and ‘free choice’ in public goods such as education cocoon the rich from the rest.

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Global challenges


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Suisse: Pauvreté - Aide sociale: il y a plus de non-recourants que d’abus

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Le Temps (16.01.2019) En Suisse, comme en Europe, une grande majorité des personnes dans le besoin ne réclament pas les aides sociales auxquelles elles ont droit. Une économie pour l’Etat? Au contraire

Regions / Country
Social assistance


Document Type

[Opinion] Rewriting the future of work

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ejinsight (10.01.2019) Much has been written about the “future of work,” and much of it makes for gloomy reading. Study after study predicts that automation will upend entire industries and leave millions unemployed. A 2013 paper by two Oxford professors even suggested that machines could replace 47 percent of jobs in the United States within “a decade or two.”

Global challenges
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Labour market
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
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France: Les chauffeurs Uber sous "contrat de travail" pour la cour d'appel

Submitted by gfilhon on (11.01.2019) Dans un arrêt rendu le 10 janvier 2019, la cour d'appel de Paris a estimé que le contrat qui liait un ancien chauffeur Uber à la célèbre plateforme de VTC était bien un "contrat de travail". Le lien de subordination entre le chauffeur et la plateforme a pu être caractérisé aux yeux de la justice, ce qui est une première en France.

Regions / Country
Employment policies
Employment of young workers
Error, evasion and fraud
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Digital Platforms
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
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[Report] OECD: Social Protection System Review: A Toolkit

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OECD (2018) The positive impacts of social protection on reducing poverty and inequality and contributing to development are well evidenced. Establishing an integrated system facilitates the provision of a social protection floor, whereby individuals are appropriately protected throughout the life cycle. This is achieved not only by making sure there is a sufficient range of programmes to cover a population’s risk profile but also by sharing information on different individuals to ensure they are linked to an appropriate programme.

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US: Could Physicians e-Prescribe Community Services?

Submitted by pmassetti on (07.11.2018) What if helpful community services could be e-prescribed from the EHR in much the same way that an antibiotic or statin is today? That is the vision of Stacy Lindau, M.D., a professor of obstetrics/gynecology and geriatrics at the University of Chicago who has helped launch a startup community coordination system called NowPow.

Regions / Country
United States
Global challenges
Social assistance
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Service delivery
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España: Hacienda prestará 15.000 millones a la Seguridad Social para las pensiones

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El País (14.01.2019) Los Presupuestos de 2019 vuelven a incluir un préstamo de Hacienda a la Seguridad Social para pagar las pensiones. Ascenderá a unos 15.000 millones, el equivalente al 1,2% del PIB, apuntan fuentes de Trabajo. Es una cantidad parecida a la de 2018 y supera los 10.000 millones de 2017. Estos créditos cubren el desfase entre lo recaudado por cotizaciones y lo pagado en pensiones para las pagas de verano y Navidad. Así evitan que se agote el Fondo de Reserva.

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UK: Can AI improve mental health at work? Start-up introduces artificial intelligence tech to support employees

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London Evening Standard (10.01.2019)  A new year means a new start as millions of us make resolutions for the coming 12 months - putting self care at the top of our agenda. And with the workplace being where we spend most of our time, it is perhaps important to consider how we are looking after ourselves while sitting in front of our desks.

Regions / Country
united kingdom
Global challenges
Safety and health at work
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Digital Platforms
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
Document Type