Build Blockchain Into Your Data and Analytics Program | Gartner Webinars

Submitted by rruggia on

Blockchain's distributed trust model promises to remake existing business processes. Data and analytics leaders must recast existing data management and analytics capabilities and add new competencies to manage risk and exploit new opportunities. This webinar will guide you on how to build on your data and analytics expertise to support your enterprise's blockchain efforts. 

• What is blockchain and distributed ledger technology
• How blockchain can disrupt your data and analytics infrastructure
• The maturity level of blockchain and where should you begin

Global challenges


Malta: Ten days of paternity leave are ‘just the beginning’

Submitted by dfabbri on

timesofmalta (28.01.2019) The current one-day paternity leave is a huge injustice, according to the Association for Equality, welcoming an EU directive increasing the entitlement to 10 days and noting it is “the least fathers should be granted”. Though, by Maltese law, mothers can benefit from up to 18 weeks leave, fathers only enjoy a single day of birth leave.

Regions / Country
Family benefits
Parental leave

[Meinung] Österreich: Wie Negativsteuern und weniger Sozialversicherung wirken

Submitted by dfabbri on

Wiener Zeitung Online (28.01.2019) Es bleibt bei der Ankündigung der Regierung, kleinere Einkommen mit 700 Millionen Euro über die Sozialversicherung ab 2020 entlasten zu wollen. Wer davon profitiert, war auch am Montag nicht zu konkretisieren. Aus dem Finanzministerium war nur zu erfahren, dass es auch weiterhin die Rückerstattung solcher Beiträge, also die Negativsteuer von bis zu 400 Euro im Jahr bei Arbeitnehmern, bis zu 500 Euro bei Pendlern oder 110 Euro bei Pensionisten geben solle. Zusätzlich? "Genau", sagt ein Sprecher.

Regions / Country

Bermuda: Social insurance contribution rise delayed

Submitted by dfabbri on

The Royal Gazette:Bermuda Business (17.01.2019) Seniors are seeing a 1.4 per cent increase in their contributory pension benefits this month, backdated to August of last year. The increased payout, which is in line with inflation, would normally trigger a simultaneous increase in the mandatory contributions made by those of working age.

Regions / Country
Old-age pensions
Document Type

New Zealand: Health & safety: Top challenges for 2019

Submitted by dfabbri on

hrmonline (25.01.2019) As the New Year begins, many businesses will be revisiting their health and safety controls and reminding workers about how to work safely in all the tasks they are completing. Managers with a strategic focus will also be asking themselves what they can expect from the Government and WorkSafe New Zealand in 2019.

Regions / Country
new zealand
Prevention of occupational risks


Document Type

Le congé paternité de 10 jours minimum généralisé à toute l’UE

Submitted by pmassetti on (25.01.2019) Pour favoriser l’égalité homme-femme, les institutions européennes ont approuvé la création d’un congé paternité de 10 jours minimum pour toute l’UE, un progrès pour la plupart des pays. Le congé existe déjà en France, où il sera néanmoins assoupli.

Regions / Country
Family benefits

Sécurité sociale: Les Marocains largement en tête en Espagne

Submitted by dfabbri on

Infomédiaire (22.01.2019) Un total de 255 708 Marocains étaient affiliés à la sécurité sociale en Espagne á fin 2018, indique mardi le ministère espagnol du Travail, des migrations et de la sécurité sociale.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Extension of coverage
Document Type

Africa: Universal health coverage and health security WHO’s top priority

Submitted by dfabbri on

The Southern Times (23.01.2019) Cape Verde and the World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Office for Africa will jointly host the Second Africa Health Forum under the theme “Achieving Universal Health Coverage and Health Security in Africa: The Africa we want to see”.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Extension of coverage
Document Type