Whisper it, but there’s good news on Brazilian pension reform

Submitted by dfabbri on

Financial Times (08.02.2019) There was good news from Brazil this week when a draft emerged of the government’s plans to overhaul the country’s deficit-ridden pensions system. The reform, under new president Jair Bolsonaro, would be a big step in setting the country back on the path to growth after its crushing recession of 2015-2016, raising hopes of investors who have seen several attempts to get the changes through congress fail over the past quarter of a century.

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Comment les jeunes actifs voient le monde du travail

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EurActiv (08.02.2019) Selon une enquête Domplus-BVA pour La Tribune de janvier 2019, sur 1 000 jeunes actifs de moins de 35 ans interrogés sur leur rapport au travail, 80 % placent leur carrière professionnelle au centre de leurs préoccupations

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european union
Global challenges
Employment of young workers
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[Blog] Suisse: Santé numérique - et si la vraie révolution était celle des patients ?

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Le Temps (07.02.2019) Le numérique est-il utile en médecine et si oui, pour faire quoi ? Poser la question pourrait passer pour de l’idiotie tant le discours ambiant est que le numérique va tout révolutionner, y compris la santé.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Societal Impact
Service delivery
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags

France: Le chômage paie-t-il plus que le travail ?

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Alternatives Economiques (05.02.2019) Les modalités de calcul des allocations chômage pour les contrats courts peuvent, dans certaines situations, générer des effets d’aubaine. Mais dans l’immense majorité des cas, il est impossible de gagner plus au chômage qu’en travaillant.

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[Report] ILO/UNICEF: Towards universal social protection for children Achieving SDG 1.3

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ILO (07.02.2019) The importance of ensuring adequate social protection for children has long been high on the agenda of both the ILO and UNICEF. For children, social protection takes on a special significance, since the negative effects of poverty and deprivation in childhood have ramifications that can last a lifetime.

Global challenges

ILO: Social protection - Countries urged to act on universal social protection

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ILO (07.02.2019) To end poverty, ensure social protection for all and make good on international commitments made in 2015, countries around the world have been urged at a ministerial-level conference at the International Labour Organization to take five actions towards universal social protection.

Global challenges
Document Type

[Note] France: Baisses de charges : stop ou encore?

Submitted by gfilhon on

cae-eco (Janvier 2019) Les politiques d’allègements de cotisations sociales se succèdent, mais les créations d’emploi, ou les exportations, ne sont pas pour autant au rendez-vous.

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Employment policies
Employment of young workers
Contribution collection and compliance
Document Type

The demise of Mexico’s Prospera programme: a tragedy foretold

Submitted by pmassetti on

Development Pathways (06.02.2019) The big story in the social protection world last week was the news that Mexico’s Prospera programme is to be abolished after 21 years. Formerly known as Progresa and Oportunidades, it had become an iconic programme for advocates of conditional cash transfers (CCTs) and widely disseminated internationally. 

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