Germany needs a quarter of a million migrant workers a year

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EurActiv (20.02.2019) Germany is dependent on migrant workers but a decreasing number of them will be EU citizens in the future. In the long term, about 146,000 immigrants from outside of the EU will have to be integrated into the German labour market every year, according to a recent study. EURACTIV Germany reports.

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Schweiz: Prämienverbilligung: Gesundheitskommission fordert Systemwechsel

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NZZ (07.02.2019) Der Kantonsrat will Ungerechtigkeiten bei der Prämienverbilligung ausmerzen –darüber sind sich die Parteien einig. Das ursprünglich geplante Sparvorhaben ist zudem vom Tisch, zur Debatte steht vielmehr, ob der Kanton noch mehr Geld ausschütten soll.

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India: The road to social protection, beyond jobs

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Hindustan Times (19.02.2019) The changing nature of work is upending traditional employment globally, and with it, social protection systems. Take for instance, insurance, made possible through mandatory contribution and payroll taxes on formal wage employment.

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BM: Paraguay está entre los países con mayor nivel de empleo informal

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ultimahora (19.02.2019) Con un índice del 71%, se lidera el ránking entre economías emergentes de ingreso mediano alto. La falta de protección social para trabajadores se mantiene entre las principales preocupaciones.

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Conference on VISION ZERO inaugurated for promoting safety and health at work

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devdiscourse (18.02.2019) The concept of ‘Vision Zero’ is fast gaining international acceptance and is expected to leverage the efforts of the Government of India to raise the occupational safety and health standards in the country so as to improve the occupational safety and health situation.

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Global challenges
Prevention of occupational risks


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France: Le chômage en légère baisse depuis l’arrivée de Macron à l’Elysée

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Le Monde (18.02.2019) Le chômage poursuit sa décrue. Selon le dernier bilan de l’Institut national de la statistique et des études éco­nomiques (Insee), le niveau de l’emploi a retrouvé son niveau de 2009. Au dernier trimestre 2018, 8,8 % de la population active française était sans emploi, selon la définition du Bureau international du travail (BIT), qui fait référence.

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Pakistan: Govt working to address poverty, Lodhi tells UN

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Gulf Times (18.02.2019) Pakistan has told the United Nations that the government of Prime Minister Imran Khan is pursuing a number of people-centric policies designed to eliminate poverty by boosting sustainable economic growth of the country.

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Global challenges
Conditional cash transfers


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OIT: Sistema de pensiones debe incluir a informales

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La Republica (15.02.2019) Previsional. En informe se invita a garantizar una protección social universal. Además, sugiere que los gobiernos pueden "ampliar margen fiscal" para atender este problema. Según cifras de la Organización Internacional del Trabajo (OIT), hoy existen 2.000 millones de personas en el mundo que trabajan en la informalidad. Obtienen ingresos para garantizar su vida en el presente; pero estarán desprotegidas en el futuro ya que no contribuyen para su pensión.

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