Qué significarán los próximos 20 años para el empleo, y cómo prepararse

Submitted by dfabbri on

Foro Económico Mundial  (28.01.2019) Las próximas dos décadas prometen una revolución a gran escala en nuestras vidas laborales. Antes de estudiar los próximos 20 años, echemos un vistazo rápido al presente, y a algo que alguna vez se consideró paradójico.

Global challenges
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Labour market
Document Type

EU: Let’s make posted workers feel really secure

Submitted by dfabbri on

EurActiv (03.02.2019) Marek Benio, who will chair the 6th European Labour Mobility Congress in Krakow on 14-15 March, offers his commentary regarding the European Parliament’s proposals for the revision of regulations affecting social security schemes for posted workers.

Regions / Country
european union
Global challenges
Document Type

Deutschland: Was ändert sich 2019 bei der Rente?

Submitted by dfabbri on

n-tv (01.02.2019) Ab dem 1. Juli sollen die Renten im Westen um 3,18 und im Osten um 3,91 Prozent steigen. So steht es im Entwurf des Rentenversicherungsberichts 2018 der Bundesregierung. Die Anpassung gilt für alle Altersrenten, für Erwerbsminderungs- und Hinterbliebenenrenten, für gesetzliche Unfallrenten sowie für die Renten der Landwirte aus der landwirtschaftlichen Rentenkasse. Zugleich sollen Rentenniveau und Beitrag bis 2025 stabil bleiben.

Regions / Country
Document Type

European Union: Closing the gender digital gap, a priority for Commissioner Gabriel

Submitted by dfabbri on

EurActiv (31.01.2019) Digital Economy Commissioner Mariya Gabriel defended the need for a collective response to the digital gender gap on Tuesday (29 January), at a conference on gender equality organized by the Martens Centre in Brussels.

Regions / Country
european union
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Societal Impact
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
Document Type

Protecting workers against cancer-causing chemicals: third agreement between EU institutions

Submitted by dfabbri on

European Commission (29.01.2019) The European Parliament, the Council and the Commission reached a provisional agreement on the Commission's third proposal to broaden the list of recognised cancer-causing chemicals in the workplace.

Regions / Country
Prevention of occupational risks


Document Type

Global Commission on the Future of Work: Work for a brighter future

Submitted by pmassetti on

ILO (22.01.2019) This landmark report by the ILO Global Commission on the Future of Work examines how to achieve a better future of work for all at a time of unprecedented change and exceptional challenges in the world of work.

Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Societal Impact
Document Type

[Report] Social Protection in Asia and the Pacific: Inventory of non-contributory programmes

Submitted by dfabbri on

socialprotection.org (January 2019) The report presents an inventory of non-contributory social protection programmes in South and East Asian countries and the Pacific Islands. It is based on an extensive review of official government documents and websites, reports and relevant documents produced by international organisations, and academic papers.

Regions / Country
Social assistance
Conditional cash transfers


Document Type