México, cerca de garantizar inclusión social a trabajadoras del hogar

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20minutos (01.03.2019) El panorama para la inclusión de las trabajadoras del hogar a la seguridad social es un poco más claro, con el mandato de la Suprema Corte para la ratificación del Convenio 189 de la Organización Internacional del Trabajo se espera que el Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social elabore un programa piloto para la inclusión de estas personas, propuesta que sería evaluada por la Conferencia Interamericana de Seguridad Social (CISS), explicó su titular, Gibrán Ramírez.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Document Type

Rwanda Social Security Board (RSSB) strengthens quality service, increases contributions and enhances social protection programs

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The New Times (04.03.2019) For many years now, Rwanda has implemented well-designed social security policies that have contributed to better livelihoods, provided protection, engendered confidence and commitment at work, and spurred community and economic growth. As incomes and the tax base increase, it is easier for the government to generate revenue and invest in social welfare programs that benefit the less fortunate.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Contribution collection and compliance
Document Type

Finlande: Moins anxieux grâce au revenu de base

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Alternatives Economiques (01.03.2019) Les premiers résultats d’une expérimentation montre que le revenu de base accroît le bien-être des allocataires, même s’ils ne retrouvent pas plus souvent un travail

Regions / Country
Social assistance
Document Type

España: El Gobierno amplía por decreto ley el permiso de paternidad a 16 semanas

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El País (01.03.2019) El gran guiño a la igualdad de Pedro Sánchez llegó en el último Consejo de Ministros antes de la disolución de las Cortes y a una semana del 8 de Marzo, en el que el movimiento feminista vuelve a llamar a la huelga. El Gobierno ha aprobado por decreto ley la equiparación de los permisos de paternidad y maternidad, una medida que sitúa a España a la cabeza de Europa. Los padres dispondrán de 16 semanas pagados al 100% a partir de 2021. El decreto obliga además a las empresas a incluir un registro de salarios para evitar la discriminación por sexo.

Regions / Country
Family benefits
Parental leave
Document Type

L’économie souterraine représente 12 % du PIB français

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EurActiv (28.02.2019) Environ 2,5 millions de personnes pratiqueraient, pour tout ou partie, le travail non déclaré, mais l’ampleur du phénomène reste mal connue, selon un rapport du Conseil d’orientation pour l’emploi

Regions / Country
Difficult-to-cover groups
Document Type

[Blog] ILO: Artificial intelligence: opportunity or job-killer?

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ILO Blog (27.02.2019) There is little doubt artificial intelligence (AI) will play a major role in the future of work – a future that has already begun. Think, for example, of self-driving cars, algorithmic stock market trading, or even computer-aided medical diagnosis.

Global challenges
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Labour market
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags

The Future of Work: Regional Perspectives

Submitted by pmassetti on

Asian Development Bank (January 2019) This study considers how technology is likely to change labor markets in Africa; Developing Asia; Emerging Europe, Central Asia, and the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean; and Latin American and the Caribbean in the coming years.

Regions / Country
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Labour market
Large-scale automation
Document Type

US: Older Workers Face Career Woes Even in a Strong Economy

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Reverse Mortgage Daily (25.02.2019) As workers get older, their employment becomes increasingly difficult to maintain even in a generally prosperous economic climate. This is according to a study conducted by the Urban Institute, and recently highlighted by the Boston College Center for Retirement Research

Regions / Country
United States
Global challenges
Old-age pensions
Document Type

Annotated Bibliography | Future of Work

Submitted by pmassetti on

Version 2.1 - February 2019

The following is an annotated bibliography of reports on the future of work, produced by the Labour Market Information Council (LMIC). The annotated reports are from a variety of sources, with an emphasis on Canadian studies. To ensure relevance, LMIC focuses on reports that were produced within the last decade, with some exceptions where warranted.


Digital Economy Topical Cluster
External impact
Labour market