Why AI will make healthcare personal

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World Economic Forum (14.03.2019) For generations healthcare has been episodic – someone gets sick or breaks a bone, they see a doctor, and then they might not see another one until the next time they get sick or injured. Now, as emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence open up new possibilities for the healthcare industry in the Fourth Industrial Revolution, policymakers and practitioners are developing new ways to deliver continuous healthcare for better outcomes.

Global challenges
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Service delivery
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
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Hit and Miss: An assessment of targeting effectiveness in social protection

Submitted by pmassetti on

Development Pathways (March 2019) This paper is the result of a global review of the effectiveness of different methods of selecting social protection recipients, both targeted and universal schemes. The work considered the effectiveness of 38 programmes across 23 low- and middle-income countries, including means-tested schemes and those using proxy means testing, community-based targeting, self-targeted and pension testing.

Programme evaluation
Conditional cash transfers
Programme & evaluation

Medical tourism and national health care systems: an institutionalist research agenda

Submitted by pmassetti on

biomedcentral.com (July 2018) Although a growing body of literature has emerged to study medical tourism and address the policy challenges it creates for national health care systems, the comparative scholarship on the topic remains too limited in scope.

Global challenges
Document Type

Kazakh national social insurance fund accumulates $3.7 billion, envisions changes

Submitted by dfabbri on

 The Astana Times (18.03.2019) As of January, the National Social Insurance Fund has accumulated 1.4 trillion tenge (US$3.7 billion) and is reaching 6.126 million citizens, or 70.3 percent of the country’s working population, said Vice Minister of Labour and Social Protection Svetlana Zhakupova at the recent discussion by the Mazhilis (lower house of Parliament) of the mandatory social insurance bill.

Regions / Country
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France: Retraites - Agnès Buzyn évoque un "allongement de la durée de travail"

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Nouvel Obs (18.03.2019) "Je pense qu'un jour, nous serons obligés de travailler plus longtemps sinon notre système de retraite ne pourra pas tenir", a déclaré la ministre de la Santé.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
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Suisse: Age de la retraite - les femmes jouent à pile ou face

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Le Temps (18.03.2019) La droite pousse depuis des années pour un relèvement de l’âge de la retraite des femmes. Le compromis qui lie réforme fiscale et AVS, en vote le 19 mai, promet d’atténuer la pression. Mais la question reviendra sur la table

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Les politiques publiques appelées à promouvoir la protection sociale en Afrique

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Apanews.net (16.03.2019) Les politiques africaines sont appelées à encourager le développement durable inclusif et à promouvoir la protection sociale sur le continent, et partant renforcer ce droit humain fondamental par la conclusion d'accords de coopération et de partenariat intrafricains en la matière, ont recommandé les participants à la journée d'information et de formation sur « la protection sociale en Afrique », organisée, vendredi, à Rabat, par l'Union Africaine de la Mutualité (UAM), en partenariat avec la Mutuelle Générale du Personnel des Administrations Publiques (MGPAP- Maroc)

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Document Type

{Report} Why Nordic nations are the best places to have children

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World Economic Forum t15.03.2019) Other nations often look to Scandinavia for inspiration on family policies. The region’s childcare arrangements are among the most generous in the world, supporting parents from the early days of pregnancy to school and beyond.

Regions / Country
Family benefits


Document Type

Brazil pension reform chief sticks to savings target and May vote

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Reuters (11.03.2019) Brazil’s government is sticking to its goal of having its pension reform bill, with promised public savings of more than 1 trillion reais ($262.5 billion) over the next decade, ready for a vote in the lower house of Congress by the end of May.

Regions / Country
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Social protection: More than half the global population lacks health care and social security, ILO report finds

Submitted by dfabbri on

ILO (11.03.2019) There has been widespread progress in the development of national social security systems, according to a new ILO report, which also identifies gaps that need to be promptly addressed.

Difficult-to-cover groups
Document Type