Active Ageing Index in Korea – Comparison with China and EU countries - Um - 2019 - Asian Social Work and Policy Review - Wiley Online Library

Submitted by pmassetti on

The evidence‐based policymaking relies on the use and robustness of the available data. Many conceptual and operational difficulties restrict this process, not least in making use of evidence to identify policy priorities. The Active Ageing Index (AAI), developed originally for the 28 European Union countries, offers a strong motivation in this respect. This paper reports on the development of the AAI for Korea, a country where speed and level of population aging is among the highest in the world.

Global challenges
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France: Comment nos voisins européens gèrent la dépendance des personnes âgées

Submitted by pmassetti on

Les Echos (28.03.2018) Part de l'assurance privée, rôle des collectivités locales, reste à charge des familles : chaque pays en Europe fait face à sa façon à la perte d'autonomie des personnes âgées.

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Global challenges
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Perú: Mujeres informales ganan 3 veces menos que formales

Submitted by dfabbri on (26.03.2019) Brecha salarial. En un puesto de trabajo formal el salario promedio de una mujer asciende a S/ 2.032; mientras que en el sector informal gana S/ 715 al mes.

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Global challenges
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[Report] Employment and social developments in Europe: Record number of people in employment, but more investment in skills needed

Submitted by dfabbri on

Europa (26.03.2019) The spring edition of the Commission's Employment and Social Developments in Europe (ESDE) Quarterly Review shows that the number of people in employment and the number of hours worked continues to rise.

Regions / Country
european union
Document Type

Europe sociale : la fin des galères administratives pour les frontaliers ? - Europe et hop !

Submitted by dfabbri on

Arte (20.03.2019) Bien sûr, le Brexit reste le feuilleton dramatique du moment. Mais l’Union européenne avance aussi pour renforcer les droits aux aides sociales des personnes qui travaillent et vivent dans un autre pays européen que le leur. Dans ce journal, nous irons aussi en Italie, où Matteo Salvini devrait échapper à la justice et nous partirons en Hongrie où Viktor Orban se prépare à sa possible exclusion du Parti populaire européen. Enfin, pourquoi ne pas revenir sur notre vision de l’Union européenne, qui fait l’objet de sondages aux résultats parfois étonnants ?

Regions / Country
european union
Global challenges
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The Globotics Upheaval by Richard Baldwin — white-collar disruption | Financial Times

Submitted by yzhu on

When globalisation meshes with robotics, the losers will be the middle classes.


Global challenges
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Digital Platforms
Labour market
Large-scale automation
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags

España dibuja la ruta para atacar la pobreza en todos los frentes

Submitted by dfabbri on

El País (26.03.2019) El Gobierno ha aprobado este viernes la primera estrategia nacional contra la pobreza y la exclusión social en España. El documento abarca el periodo entre los años 2019 y 2023 y esboza la ruta a seguir para combatir la desigualdad en todos sus frentes, desde su manifestación en la infancia hasta la vulnerabilidad energética.

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Fairer and clearer rules on social benefits for EU mobile workers agreed

Submitted by pmassetti on

European Parliament (19.03.2019) New rules aim to ensure access to social security for EU workers who have moved to a different EU country, while fairly distributing obligations among member states. Updated rules for unemployment, family and long-term care benefits. Better cooperation between member states to ensure access to benefits and root out fraud or errors

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Family benefits

Philippines: DOLE chief welcomes workplace safety law

Submitted by dfabbri on

Manila Bulletin News (25.03.2019) Labor Secretary Silvestre Bello III welcomed the signing into law of the Occupational Safety and Health Standards (OSHS) bill, which he said is expected to minimize work-related deaths and accidents.

Regions / Country
philippines, the


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