UNICEF investment in 6 blockchain startups extends mission

Submitted by pmassetti on

searchcio.techtarget.com (25.02.2019) UNICEF's investment in blockchain startups extends its mission and also underscores the particularity of scenarios where blockchain promises to be the optimal solution.

Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Business processes
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
Document Type

How Africa and Asia are joining forces on universal healthcare

Submitted by pmassetti on

World Economic Forum (04.03.2019) An estimated 400 million people in the world lack access to basic health services, while millions are pushed into extreme poverty each year because of out-of-pocket healthcare costs. The burden of this lack of universal health coverage (UHC) is largely placed on Africa and Asia, where 97% of the population are impoverished by out-of-pocket health spending.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Document Type

[Report] WHO: Countries are spending more on health, but people are still paying too much out of their own pockets

Submitted by dfabbri on

WHO (20.02.2019) Spending on health is growing faster than the rest of the global economy, accounting for 10% of global gross domestic product (GDP). A new report on global health expenditure from the World Health Organization (WHO) reveals a swift upward trajectory of global health spending, which is particularly noticeable in low- and middle-income countries where health spending is growing on average 6% annually compared with 4% in high-income countries.

Global challenges
Document Type

France: Dépendance, bientôt le cinquième risque ? Les pistes de réforme sur la table, une loi à l'automne

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lequotidiendumedecin (28.03.2019) Six mois après le lancement d'une grande concertation nationale pour répondre aux défis du vieillissement, Dominique Libault, conseiller d'État et président du Comité national du parcours des personnes âgées en risque de perte d'autonomie (PAERPA), a rendu ce jeudi à Agnès Buzyn son rapport. Il y compile... 175 propositions « pour une politique forte et nouvelle du grand âge en France » issues des 400 000 contributions récoltées en ligne, des 5 forums régionaux et des 10 ateliers nationaux.

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Global challenges
Old-age pensions
Document Type

China Cuts Social Insurance Costs for Employers

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China Briefing News (28.03.2019) China is lowering social insurance costs for employers after the State Council confirmed the decision at its meeting held on March 26. This follows Premier Li Keqiang’s pledge at the Two Sessions meetings, which were held earlier this month in Beijing, to lower costs for businesses by slashing tax and social insurance obligations.

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Family benefits: Austria in dispute with the EU

Submitted by pmassetti on

EURACTIV.com (29.03.2019) Since the start of the year, Austria has been working towards adapting family benefits to the costs of living of the employee’s home countries. The EU criticised the Vienna government of Vienna – but it has withstood.

Regions / Country
Family benefits
Document Type

Pakistan : PM launches ambitious poverty alleviation plan

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Pakistan Today (28.03.2019) Imran says Rs80bn ‘Ehsas’ programme will ensure provision of food, shelter, education and health to citizens as fundamental right –Database containing income details of citizens to be launched by December

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Basic income: the meaning of unpaid work

Submitted by pmassetti on

EURACTIV.com (29.03.2019) The German crowdfunding project “Mein Grundeinkommen” (my basic income) has already funded 300 people who have benefitted from a monthly income of €1,000 for a year and 13 Departments in France are eager to introduce such a financial subsidy.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Social assistance