

Technology for managing distributed transactions without a global coordinator.

Exponential Disruption in the Digital Economy

Submitted by ruggia on

This paper addresses five disruptive technologies that are driving massive economic transformation and that will be critical areas for public policy formulation and implementation in the region in the years ahead: cloud computing, blockchain, big data, artificial intelligence and the internet of things.

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Global challenges
Information and communication technology
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Large-scale automation
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
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UNICEF investment in 6 blockchain startups extends mission

Submitted by pmassetti on (25.02.2019) UNICEF's investment in blockchain startups extends its mission and also underscores the particularity of scenarios where blockchain promises to be the optimal solution.

Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Business processes
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
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Types of Blockchains & DLTs (Distributed Ledger Technologies)

Submitted by rruggia on

The Bitcoin White Paper was published by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008; the first Bitcoin block got mined in 2009. Since the Bitcoin protocol is open source, anyone could take the protocol, fork it (modify the code), and start their own version of P2P money. Many so-called altcoins emerged and tried to be a better, faster or more anonymous than Bitcoin. Soon the code was not only altered to create better cryptocurrencies, but some projects also tried to alter the idea of blockchain beyond the use case of P2P money.  

Global challenges
Information and communication technology


Document Type

Build Blockchain Into Your Data and Analytics Program | Gartner Webinars

Submitted by rruggia on

Blockchain's distributed trust model promises to remake existing business processes. Data and analytics leaders must recast existing data management and analytics capabilities and add new competencies to manage risk and exploit new opportunities. This webinar will guide you on how to build on your data and analytics expertise to support your enterprise's blockchain efforts. 

• What is blockchain and distributed ledger technology
• How blockchain can disrupt your data and analytics infrastructure
• The maturity level of blockchain and where should you begin

Global challenges


Blockchains and social protection: Snake-oil or panacea?

Submitted by massetti on (10.09.2018) Blockchain technology has also started to slowly materialise into the fields of humanitarian aid, development and even social protection. The intricacies behind the exact technological nature of how blockchains work would probably require an entire blog or maybe a series of blogs to fully explain.

Global challenges
Information and communication technology
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Business processes
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
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Does Blockchain Have A Place In Healthcare?

Submitted by ruggia on (08.05.2017) Blockchain technology is making headlines everywhere. If you have recently attended any tech events it is highly likely that you came out of them having heard just that bit more about it. Everybody is talking about blockchain--from the President of the United States to the Nigerian government.

Global challenges
Information and communication technology
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Digital Platforms
Large-scale automation
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
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SimplyVital Health Is Using Blockchain To Revolutionize Healthcare

Submitted by ruggia on

It’s no secret that America has a complicated relationship with healthcare. And with all the uncertainty of 2017 looming large over 2018, it can feel like a subject you just want to avoid reading about altogether.

But one startup is out to change all that. SimplyVital Health is using blockchain technology to give the healthcare industry a facelift.

The company has developed two products, both of which address different aspects and targets within the industry: ConnectingCare and Health Nexus.

Regions / Country
United States
Global challenges
Information and communication technology


Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
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Les enjeux des blockchains

Submitted by massetti on

France Stratégie (22.06.2018) La technologie blockchain promet des transactions programmables sans intervention d’un tiers de confiance. Le potentiel disrupteur d’une telle innovation appelle une stratégie publique alliant régulation et soutien à l’innovation… sans attendre.

Regions / Country
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Digital Platforms
Large-scale automation
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
Document Type