AI and Manager Selection: Will your future consultant be a machine? (19.04.2019) The world’s largest pension fund is exploring the use of AI to help it select asset managers and assets in which to invest (19.04.2019) The world’s largest pension fund is exploring the use of AI to help it select asset managers and assets in which to invest
ILO (18.04.2019) A new report on Occupational Safety and Health (OSH), published ahead of the World Day for Safety and Health at Work on 28 April, reviews the ILO’s 100 years of achievements, and reveals some of the emerging challenges and opportunities in creating better working environments.
steelguru (23.04.2019) On 18 April, a business breakfast titled 'Zero Accident Strategy: Benefits and Opportunities for Business' took place in the run-up to the World Day For Safety and Health at Work.
Social Europe (18.04.2019) The European Commission’s latest Employment and Social Developments in Europe report reveals record employment in the EU, with nearly 240 million Europeans in employment in 2018. Yet, there is little reason to celebrate this much-touted number: both high-paying and low-paying jobs are on the rise, while the availability of medium-earning jobs is shrinking rapidly.
Hospitals in Britain, several companies in Spain and 11 other countries have confirmed attacks to their systems. Patient information does not appear to have been stolen or compromised, according to the National Health Service of Britain.
By Russell Goldman May 12, 2017
Right Now: Security experts warned that the full impact of the audacious cyberattack that crippled 200,000 computers in more than 150 countries might be truly felt in the new workweek as workers return to their offices and turn back on their computers.
EurActiv (12.04.2019) Überforderung, andere Gehaltsvorstellungen und ungenügende Flexibilität – trotz gut laufender Wirtschaft sinkt die Zufriedenheit der Mitarbeiter in deutschen Unternehmen wie in keinem anderen europäischen Land.
Le Temps (17.04.2019) Les 28 n’ont pu avaliser la réforme controversée qui aurait changé les règles de l’indemnisation des chômeurs frontaliers. Le report du dossier à la prochaine législature est un gain de temps bienvenu pour Berne
socialprotection (03.04.2019) Every second elderly person in India is concerned about his or her social and financial security, a study conducted by Agewell Research and Advocacy Centre for the United Nations revealed.
theconversation. (16.04.2019) L’Union européenne dispose donc de moyens limités pour agir dans des domaines tels que la protection sociale. En revanche elle dispose de moyens importants qui ne sont pas en faveur d'une Europe sociale
washingtonexaminer (15.04.2019) he Medicare for All Act, the latest proposal to have the government become the only payer of healthcare services, is often billed by its supporters as a step toward realizing a similar system that other developed nations have in place.