ADB future programs for the Philippines to focus on social assistance, flood control

Submitted by dfabbri on

BusinessWorld (02.05.2019) THhe Asian Development Bank (ADB) said it operations in the Philippines between 2020 and 2022 will focus on social assistance, education and flood control among others. In a statement Tuesday, the bank said it is preparing its 2020-2022 Philippines Country Operations Business Plan, with initiatives including the Expanded Social Assistance project, the Facilitating Youth School-to-Work program and the Workplace Skills Funding pilot project.

Regions / Country
philippines, the
Global challenges
Social assistance
Conditional cash transfers
Document Type

[Opinión] El trabajo en Honduras

Submitted by dfabbri on

Diario El Heraldo (02.05.2019) El ingreso anual per cápita del hondureño es de $2,500. Por su PIB, Honduras es el tercer país más pobre de América Latina . Consecuentemente, las escalas salariales, exceptuando las percibidas por la alta jerarquía burocrática, están entre las más bajas de Centroamérica.

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Finland’s Basic Income Experiment Shows Recipients Are Happier and More Secure

Submitted by pmassetti on (04.04.2019) Unemployed people derive significant psychological benefits from receiving a fixed amount of financial support from the state, according to a landmark experiment into basic income in Finland that highlights the disadvantages of the country’s existing means-tested system.

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Social security reform postponed until next European Parliament

Submitted by dfabbri on

EurActiv (19.04.2019) Deep divisions among MEPs made it clear on Thursday (19 April) that the social security coordination directive, aimed at enforcing the rights of mobile workers, would be postponed for the next European Parliament, after May’s EU elections.

Regions / Country
european union
Document Type

Integrated models of care delivery for the frail elderly: International perspectives

Submitted by rruggia on

Background The OECD countries have recently promoted policies of deinstitutionalisation and community-based carefor the elderly. These policies respond to common cost pressures associated with population aging, and the challenge ofproviding improved care for the elderly. They aim to substitute less costly services for institutional ones, to improve patientsatisfaction and decrease expenses. However, views concerning their success are mixed.

Long-term care
Document Type

Long-Term Care in Latin America and the Caribbean?: Theory and Policy Considerations | Publications

Submitted by rruggia on

This paper discusses theoretical and practical issues related to long-term care (LTC) services in Latin America. Demand for these services will rise as the region undergoes a swift demographic transition from its currently young population to a rapidly aging one, especially since the region’s aging cohorts are more prone to experience a decline in their functional and physical abilities than elderly people elsewhere in the world.

Regions / Country
latin america
Global challenges
Long-term care
Document Type

Aging and demographic changes in Americas (long-term care) - PAHO/OPS

Submitted by rruggia on

Between 2000 and 2050, the proportion of the world’s population aged 60 years and older will double, from about 11% to 22%. The absolute number of people 60 years and older is projected to increase from 900 million in 2015 to 1.4 billion by 2030, to 2.1 billion by 2050, and to 3.2 billion in 2100 (1). Between 2025 and 2030, life expectancy in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) will increase to a projected 80.7 years for women and 74.9 years for men; in Canada and the United States of America, those numbers are projected to be even higher: 83.3 years for women and 79.3 years for men (2).

Regions / Country
Long-term care
Population ageing
Document Type