Jordan: PM launches social protection strategy to alleviate, fortify against poverty

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jordantimes (29.05.2019) "opportunities, dignity and empowerment”, Prime Minister Omar Razzaz on Wednesday launched the Social Protection and Poverty Alleviation Strategy for 2019-2025 that aims at supporting the country’s underprivileged population. In addition to supporting impoverished Jordanians, the strategy seeks to protect other social classes from sliding into poverty, according to government officials.

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Extension of coverage


[Report] In-work poverty in Europe: a study of national policies

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Europa (24.05.2019) A new Synthesis Report produced by the European Social Policy Network (ESPN) puts forward several recommendations and calls for more effective policy action at European and national levels to tackle in-work poverty.

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Difficult-to-cover groups
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Suisse: En assurant ses chauffeurs, Uber prend ses responsabilités

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Le Temps (29.05.2019) La multinationale californienne du transport met en place un système d'assurance accident pour ses chauffeurs et coursiers suisses, mais craint d'être reconnue comme leur employeur. Interview de son directeur pour la Suisse, Steve Salom

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Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Digital Platforms
Labour market
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags

German minister presents draft law to supplement basic pension from 2021

Submitted by pmassetti on (23.05.2019) The German Minister of Labor and Social Affairs, Hubertus Heil, presented his reform to supplement the German basic pension on Wednesday. According to the draft law, a pension supplement is planned from 2021 onwards for long-term, low-income earners in Germany and will be financed primarily from tax revenues.

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Global challenges
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Cyprus: Etek calls for adoption of ‘Vision Zero” strategy for no labour accidents

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InCyprus (27.05.2019) In view of a recent spike in work related accidents the Technical Chamber (Etek) has expressed concern at the lack of a ‘safety culture’ on the island.  The Technical Chamber has placed health and safety high up on its list of priorities and intensified its efforts in this direction. As part of its participation in the Pancyprian Health and Safety Council, it recently submitted specific proposals to reduce the number of labour accidents and work related illnesses

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Prevention of occupational risks


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Deutschland: Pflegeversicherung ist erstmals drittgrößte Sozialversicherung

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dasinvestment (14.05.2019) Am 1. Januar 2019 löste die Pflegeversicherung die Arbeitslosenversicherung als drittgrößte Sozialversicherung ab. Die Beiträge dürften weiter steigen, ebenso der Bedarf an Zusatzvorsorge, meint Rolf Tilmes, Vorstandschef des Financial Plannung Standards Board Deutschland (FPSB).

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Global challenges

Au Cambodge, la longue marche vers la « sécu »

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Le Monde (23.05.2019) Tout touriste ayant visité les temples d’Angkor connaît le personnage : le chauffeur de tuk-tuk, triporteur motorisé faisant fonction de taxi, est partie intégrante de la carte postale cambodgienne. Ce que les visiteurs étrangers savent moins, c’est à quel point ce métier peut être éloigné des normes internationales du « travail décent ».

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Global challenges

[Analysis] The costs of an ageing population keep growing, but who's going to pay?

Submitted by dfabbri on (20,05.2019) Australians born after 1946 began to retire in huge numbers in 2011. Demand for the aged pension, aged care and health services have been rising commensurately. The working age population is a net contributor to the federal budget. Older people, on the other hand, are the largest recipients of welfare, aged care and health care services.

Regions / Country
Global challenges

Next steps towards universal health coverage call for global leadership

Submitted by dfabbri on

The BMJ (24.05.2019 Universal health coverage (UHC) has been identified as a priority for international development by the G20, the World Health Organization, and the United Nations General Assembly. Since it was explicitly incorporated into the sustainable development goals (SDGs) as target 3.8, much effort has been expended on promoting UHC. Here we focus on four areas that, on current trajectories, are unlikely to achieve sufficient progress to meet the target.

Global challenges
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