France: Comment lutter contre le chômage ?

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France Inter (24.06.2019) La réforme de l'assurance chômage, présentées mardi dernier, devrait modifier les conditions d'accès à l'allocation et le calcul de son montant. 8,7 % de la population active est au chômage en France : cette réforme permettra-t-elle de faire baisser ce taux ? Comment lutter contre le chômage ? On en parle au 0145247000

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Government of Liberia, ESOKO Sign US$2M Social Data Collection Agreement

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FrontPageAfrica (25.06.2019) The Government of Liberia, through the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection, Monday signed a US$2 million contract with a Ghanaian company — “Esoko” — to collect social data in four counties Nimba, Bong, Bomi and Maryland Counties.

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Global challenges
Governance and administration
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Big Data
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
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La France consacre un tiers de son PIB à la protection sociale

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BFMTV (20.06.2019) Le montant total des prestations de protection sociale (santé, retraite, famille, chômage) a augmenté de 1,8% en 2017, selon le service de statistiques des ministères sociaux. En ajoutant les frais de gestion et les frais financiers, ces dépenses ont atteint 774,5 milliards d'euros.

Regions / Country

Azerbaijan raises minimum wage by $41, and minimum pension by $23

Submitted by dfabbri on (20.06.2019)  The minimum wage in Azerbaijan will increase from 180 to 250 manat [from $106 to $148]. Starting October 1, the size of the minimum pension will also increase, from 160 to 200 manat [from $95 to $118]

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Egypt to take greater social protection measures to help poor, middle income classes

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Ahram Online (23.06.2019) Egypt’s parliament – the House of Representatives – began discussing the country’s state budget (2019/20) and development plan on Saturday. Minister of Finance Mohamed Mait told MPs in a plenary session that the government will do everything possible to protect poor and limited income classes against the hardships of economic reform.

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Global challenges


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Universal Credit, gender and unpaid childcare: Mothers’ accounts of the new welfare conditionality regime

Submitted by pmassetti on

Critical Social Policy (15.006.2019) The introduction of Universal Credit, a new social assistance benefit for working age people in the UK, constitutes radical welfare reform and entails a significant intensification and expansion of welfare conditionality. Numerically, women are disproportionately affected by the conditionality regime for main carers of children within Universal Credit.

Regions / Country
united kingdom
Document Type

ILO: Social protection critical amid deep world of work changes

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ILO (14.06.2019) Participants at a forum  held at the International Labour Conference  (ILC) discussed how digitalization, demographic shifts, climate change and globalization will affect the way people manage transitions during the course of their lives. Speakers stressed the importance not only of decent job creation policies but also of social protection to help workers, and particularly the most vulnerable, manage those transitions.

Global challenges

ILO: World leaders call for action on the future of work

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ILO (19.06.2019) High-level visits to the International Labour Conference (ILC) continued this week, with several heads of State and government addressing delegates on issues relating to the future of work. This year’s ILC marks the 100th anniversary of the International Labour Organization (ILO).

Global challenges
Document Type