Pushing the Frontiers of Medicine

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oecd-forum.org (20.05.2019) New technologies give many hope for the prevention and better treatment of diseases that may currently be difficult to diagnose and treat. There are great expectations for how the combination of improved data collection through wearables, mobile apps, AI and big data and new diagnostics and treatments including precision medicine could lead to better treatments and higher quality of life.

Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Societal Impact
Document Type

France: Protection sociale des indépendants - l’ambition du premier pas

Submitted by dfabbri on

Efederation-auto-entrepreneur (20.05.2019) Examinée par les députés depuis le début de la semaine, la loi d’orientation des mobilités entre dans la dernière ligne droite. En tant qu’acteurs désormais majeurs de la mobilité, les plateformes figurent au cœur du projet : l’article 20 – introduit dans le projet de loi initial – se saisit du sujet crucial de la responsabilité sociale des plateformes, y compris celles opérant hors du secteur des transports.

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Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Labour market
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags

OECD adopts new Principles on Artificial Intelligence

Submitted by pmassetti on

digitaljournal.com (23.05.2019) OECD, plus partner countries, has formally adopted a new set of OECD 'Principles on Artificial Intelligence'. This took place at the Organisation’s 2019 Ministerial Council Meeting on May 22 in Paris.

Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Large-scale automation
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
Document Type

[Report] WHO: Global Strategy on Digital Health 2020-2024

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WHO (March 2019) The purpose for a Global Strategy on Digital Health is to promote healthy lives and wellbeing for everyone, everywhere, at all ages. The potential of Digital Health to advance the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and to support health systems in all countries, in health promotion and disease prevention has been widely recognized1. To deliver its potential, national or regional Digital Health initiatives must be guided by a robust Strategy that integrates financial, organizational, human and technological resources2.

Global challenges
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Economic impact
Societal Impact
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags

World Economic Forum: How technology can help us achieve universal healthcare

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weforum (21.05.2019) This week, the World Health Assembly (WHA) is convening in Geneva to address the implementation of the health-related goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, with a particular focus on how to make universal health coverage (UHC) a reality.

Global challenges
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Economic impact
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags

Compulsory Social Insurance for expats working in Vietnam - who’s in and who’s out?

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lexology. (06.05.2019) Ever since the Law on Social Insurance[1] was issued in late 2014, employees and employers have been on notice that “expat employees working in Vietnam” will be required to participate in the State’s compulsory social insurance (SI) regime “from 2018”. 2018 came however with no further clarity around the details.

Regions / Country
Global challenges

Pension burden: More Japanese opt to retire late, extend employment period

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Business Standard News (10.04.2019) Some economists expect the average pension-to-wage ratio to keep deteriorating and worries are growing that Japan's 'pay-as-you-go' pension scheme may be unsustainable

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Global challenges
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What can be learned from Denmark's parental leave and childcare policies?

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 Personnel Today (20.05.2019) Denmark has some of the most generous parental leave and childcare support schemes in the world. But have these had an impact on closing its gender pay gap? Jason Downes looks at what the UK can learn from its policies.

Regions / Country
Family benefits
Parental leave