France: La Cour des comptes s’invite dans le débat sur l’assurance-chômage

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Le Monde (14.03.2019) Dans une communication rendue publique mercredi, la haute juridiction préconise de revoir les règles d’indemnisation pour les personnes qui sont inscrites à Pôle emploi et exercent par ailleurs une activité.

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Allemagne: Les lois Hartz ont réduit les salaires… et l’emploi

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Alternatives Economiques (12.03.2019) Souvent citées en exemple, les réformes du marché du travail allemand présentent pourtant un bilan très négatif pour les salariés, selon une récente étude.

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Nigeria: Federal Government urged to improve social protection for women

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Daily Trust (11.03.2019) Experts have called on the federal government and other stakeholders to strengthen social protection programmes and policies for women and other vulnerable groups in the country.

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Global challenges
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Suisse: Le projet AVS-fiscalité est aussi favorable aux collectivités

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Le Temps (13.03.2019) La loi relative à la réforme fiscale et au financement de l’AVS (RFFA), soumise au vote le 19 mai prochain, fait l’objet d’un consensus assez large dans le canton de Vaud, même si certaines communes peinent à adhérer au projet. Ce dernier est pourtant indispensable.

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Graying Asia: How Pension Systems Fail to Respond to Dramatic Aging

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Tthenewslens (12.03.2019) he past few years have seen workers in Asia becoming increasingly restive and concerned over pensions. Demands for reform have erupted into street protests in China, French Polynesia, India, New Zealand, and everywhere in between. The Asia-Pacific has a relatively young population with a high ratio of workers to dependents – i.e., children and the elderly – and this has contributed substantially to the region’s sustained rapid economic growth in the past few decades.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Old-age pensions

France: Métiers du numérique : où sont les femmes?

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Franceinfo (11.03.2019) Dans les services informatiques comme dans le métier d’ingénieur, les femmes sont nettement sous-représentées. Pourquoi ne sont-elles pas davantage à travailler dans le numérique ?

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Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Labour market
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
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Jamaica: Equity, social protection and growth

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jamaicaobserver (11.93.2019) For FY 2019/20, $20 billion has been allocated across the Government's portfolio of major social protection programmes — a 25 per cent increase from the previous financial year. PATH Conditional Cash Grants will be increased by 16 per cent, while allocations to PATH Transportation, Examination Fees, and School Feeding will increase by 90 per cent, 50 per cent and seven per cent respectively.

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Conditional cash transfers
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ISSA: New App for Workplace Safety

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SUN News Report (01.03.2019) The app promotes ISSA’s “7 golden rules — for zero accidents and healthy work.” It shows the workplace safety and health status of an organization, according to the agency. The app offers interactive checklists, analyses the results, and gives an overview of the cu

Prevention of occupational risks
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Digital Platforms
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
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[Report] OECD: Seize the opportunities of digital technology to improve well-being but also address the risks

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OECD (28.02.2019) Digital technology can improve our lives but it also poses a major risk of widening social inequality and blocking opportunities for people without the skills to navigate the online world safely, according to a new OECD report.

Global challenges
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Societal Impact
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
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