Global Challenges search
Title | Abstract | Tags | Topics | Regions / Country | |
Europe: Activation Into In-Work Poverty? | monitor | Social Europe (01.09.2017) A job is the best way out of poverty. This is a widely held belief among European policy-makers. Therefore, labour market reforms in European countries during recent decades focused on creating jobs. Yet, job growth was not supposed to be achieved by demand-stimulating economic policies but by supply-sided labour market reforms. ‘Activation policy’, at European level often labelled as a ‘social investment’ approach, became the guiding principle of European labour market policy and many national reform paths. |
poverty | Employment | |
Corée du Sud: Hausse de l’allocation pour les trois premiers mois du congé parental | monitor | Agence de presse Yonhap (21.08.2017) A partir du mois prochain, l’allocation liée au congé parental pourra atteindre 1,5 million de wons (1.318 dollars) par mois durant les trois premiers mois, a fait savoir ce lundi le ministère de l’Emploi et du Travail. |
Family benefits | korea, Republic of | |
Côte d'Ivoire: Santé au travail - La prévention des maladies cardio-vasculaires | monitor | Frat-mat (27.08.2017) La prévention des maladies cardio-vasculaires liées aux risques professionnels pourrait être considérée comme une priorité |
Occupational accidents and diseases | côte d'ivoire | |
Immer mehr Menschen in Deutschland mit Haupt- und Nebenjob | monitor | Cash (29.08.2017) Immer mehr Menschen in Deutschland gehen zusätzlich zu ihrem Hauptberuf einem Nebenjob nach. Laut Beschäftigungsstatistik der Bundesagentur für Arbeit gingen im Dezember 2016 insgesamt fast 2,7 Millionen Menschen im Nebenjob einer geringfügigen Beschäftigung nach. Darin enthalten sind auch Selbstständige. Der Forscher Enzo Weber vom Institut für Arbeitsmarkt und Berufsforschung (IAB) schätzt, dass mittlerweile fast zwei Millionen angestellte Arbeitnehmer neben ihrem Hauptjob einem Minijob nachgehen. |
published | germany | |
Vision Zero even in space | monitor | The Straits Times (30.08.2017) A single safety pin has the potential to jeopardise an entire space shuttle mission.That is why occupational safety and health is non-negotiable in space, says retired Spanish-American astronaut Michael Lopez-Alegria. |
published | Occupational accidents and diseases | |
[Video] Sénégal: CMU : entre satisfaction des résultats et démobilisation des membres | monitor | Dakaractu TV (16.07.2017) CMU : entre satisfaction des resultats et démobilisation des membres |
universal health coverage, published | Health, Health insurance | senegal |
ILO and China discuss reform measures of health insurance payment system | monitor | (23.08.2017) China is strengthening primary health care. Reform of the provider payment mechanism is central to deepening health care reform. |
Health | china | |
The Future Of Work And The Social Welfare State’s Survival | monitor | Social Europe (28.08.2017) Europe, like the United States, has seen dramatic changes in how people work. Compared to 15 years ago, many more people have part-time, temp or mini-jobs, or are self-employed. While the number of full-time jobs has increased recently as the unemployment rate has slowly declined, far more of Europe‘s employment growth has come from part-time and temp jobs. Even Germany, whose economy has fared better than most in recent years, has seen employment growth driven by part-time jobs, which have doubled since 2000 and now comprise about 27% of all jobs. |
digital economy | Governance and administration, Extension of coverage, Social policies & programmes | Europe |
[Opinión] Estado del bienestar en el mundo | monitor | Informacion (27.08.2017) El propósito de la ONU es establecer un mínimo Estado del Bienestar y garantizar programas de protección social absolutamente necesarios para erradicar la pobreza y reducir la vulnerabilidad |
[Interview] Top Swiss economist: ‘We have to pull together’ on pension reform | monitor | swissinfo (25.08.2017) Rudolf Strahm is one of Switzerland’s most reputed economists. Here, he shares his opinion of Pension Reform 2020, which will come to vote on September 24 |
managing reforms | Pensions | switzerland |
Singapore to host world’s largest congress on workplace health and safety | monitor | HRDMag (29.08.2017) Next week, Singapore will be host to the 21st World Congress on Safety and Health at Work, the world’s largest event for occupational safety and health experts. |
published | Occupational accidents and diseases | |
Millennials see robots as job creators rather than a threat | monitor | EurActiv (28.08.2017) Young people remain optimistic about the impact of robots and artificial intelligence in the work place, as a large majority of them believe that more jobs will be created than will disappear, according to a global poll published on Monday (28 August). |
digital economy, published, robotization | Employment, Employment of young workers | european union |
Le Soleil - Couverture maladie universelle : Un projet de loi bientôt sur la table de la nouvelle législature | monitor | Le Soleil (18.08.2017) Les 165 députés issus des élections législatives du 30 juillet dernier pourraient examiner en priorité le projet de loi sur la Couverture maladie universelle (Cmu). Une volonté du gouvernement sénégalais de donner un encadrement législatif au droit à une santé pour tous. L’assurance a été donnée, vendredi dernier, par des acteurs des mutuelles de santé réunis dans la capitale du Saloum. |
extending coverage | Health, Health insurance, Extension of coverage | senegal |
France: Baisse des cotisations salariales en deux temps en 2018 | monitor | Reuters )22.08.2017) La suppression des cotisations salariales maladie et chômage prévue par l'exécutif pour 2018, qui sera compensée par une hausse de la CSG, s'effectuera en deux temps, annonce le ministère de l'Action et des Comptes publics dans un communiqué, confirmant une information des Echos. |
published | Financing | france |
España: Enfermedades profesionales se dispararon | monitor | Segundo Enfoque (22.08.2018) Las enfermedades profesionales se dispararon un 30% desde la reforma laboral del presidente Mariano Rajoy. |
published | Occupational accidents and diseases | spain |
Philippines’ New Approach Provides Quick Financing after Natural Disasters | monitor | (16.08.2017) Developing countries vulnerable to natural disasters are increasingly looking to build their resilience and find ways to mitigate the financial cost of disasters. |
published | philippines, the | |
Suisse: La prévoyance vieillesse 2020, une réforme qui se lit comme un polar | monitor | Le Temps (23.08.2017) A Berne, la réforme de la prévoyance vieillesse a viré au polar et tenu le monde politique en haleine dans sa phase finale. Récit des moments forts alors que l’ultime obstacle se profile: la votation populaire du 24 septembre 2017 |
managing reforms, published | Pensions | switzerland |
The Livelihood Impacts of Cash Transfers in Sub-Saharan Africa: Beneficiary Perspectives from Six Countries | monitor | World Development (nov 2017) Cash transfers (CTs) are a social protection mechanism to reduce the poorest households’ vulnerability to shocks and build human capital by smoothing consumption and sustaining expenditure on education and social welfare. Our study examines whether and how CTs go beyond welfare objectives to promote livelihoods. |
extending coverage, cct, published | Extension of coverage, Conditional cash transfers | Africa |
Suisse: Santé - Les primes maladies asphyxient le budget d'une famille sur deux | monitor | 24heures (15.08.2017) Chaque assuré s'attend à payer 270 francs de plus par an en 2018, selon |
Health, Financing | switzerland | |
Canada: Injury and wellness: what are employers spending on prevention? | monitor | Plant (23.08.2017) The Institute for Work and Health is conducting a comprehensive study that aims to find benchmarks across sectors. What workplace injuries and illnesses cost in Ontario is evident, but what do Ontario employers spend on prevention? That’s a question the Institute for Work and Health (IWH) is attempting to answer with a pilot study that’s underway. |
published | Occupational accidents and diseases | canada |
España: El sistema tiene un millón de cotizantes menos para pagar 1,2 millones de pensiones más | monitor | El País (25.08.2017) El número de pensiones crece a un ritmo sostenido del 1,1% y el gasto, un 3% anual. La ratio entre cotizantes y pensionistas cae al mínimo de los últimos 18 años |
published | Pensions, Financing | spain |
Que contient la directive européenne sur les travailleurs détachés? | monitor | Le Monde (24.08.2017) En déplacement en Europe centrale, Emmanuel Macron a critiqué le mécanisme, accusé de favoriser le « dumping social . |
migration | Migration | european union |
Qatar: New Law Gives Domestic Workers Labor Rights | monitor | Human Rights Watch (24.08.2017) Qatar’s adoption of a new law on domestic workers provides labor rights for domestic workers for the first time, Human Rights Watch said today. Qatari authorities should enact strong enforcement policies and close loopholes that place domestic workers at risk of exploitation. |
extending coverage, migration, published | Extension of coverage | qatar |
Canada: CPP changes will disqualify 243,000 from Guaranteed Income Supplement: report | monitor | The Globe and Mail (23.08.2017) The federal government’s plans to enhance the Canada Pension Plan will ultimately bump 243,000 low-income Canadians from qualifying for the Guaranteed Income Supplement, according to the latest report from Canada’s chief actuary. |
managing reforms, published | Pensions | canada |
[Interview] Tackling youth employment in Sub-Saharan Africa: Creating decent jobs for a rapidly expanding young African labour force | monitor | ILO (24.08.2017) Within the next 15 years, some 375 million young people will become of working age in Africa, equivalent to the current population of Canada and the United States combined. By 2050, nearly one in three young people will be living in sub-Saharan Africa, and most of them simply cannot afford not to work. |
youth employment | Employment of young workers | Africa |