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Les politiques publiques appelées à promouvoir la protection sociale en Afrique dfabbri (16.03.2019) Les politiques africaines sont appelées à encourager le développement durable inclusif et à promouvoir la protection sociale sur le continent, et partant renforcer ce droit humain fondamental par la conclusion d'accords de coopération et de partenariat intrafricains en la matière, ont recommandé les participants à la journée d'information et de formation sur « la protection sociale en Afrique », organisée, vendredi, à Rabat, par l'Union Africaine de la Mutualité (UAM), en partenariat avec la Mutuelle Générale du Personnel des Administrations Publiques (MGPAP- Maroc).

{Report} Why Nordic nations are the best places to have children dfabbri

World Economic Forum t15.03.2019) Other nations often look to Scandinavia for inspiration on family policies. The region’s childcare arrangements are among the most generous in the world, supporting parents from the early days of pregnancy to school and beyond.

family Family benefits, Children denmark, finland, norway, sweden
Brazil pension reform chief sticks to savings target and May vote dfabbri

Reuters (11.03.2019) Brazil’s government is sticking to its goal of having its pension reform bill, with promised public savings of more than 1 trillion reais ($262.5 billion) over the next decade, ready for a vote in the lower house of Congress by the end of May.

managing reforms Pensions brazil
Social protection: More than half the global population lacks health care and social security, ILO report finds dfabbri

ILO (11.03.2019) There has been widespread progress in the development of national social security systems, according to a new ILO report, which also identifies gaps that need to be promptly addressed.

(des)formalization, poverty Difficult-to-cover groups
France: La Cour des comptes s’invite dans le débat sur l’assurance-chômage dfabbri

Le Monde (14.03.2019) Dans une communication rendue publique mercredi, la haute juridiction préconise de revoir les règles d’indemnisation pour les personnes qui sont inscrites à Pôle emploi et exercent par ailleurs une activité.

managing reforms Unemployment france
Allemagne: Les lois Hartz ont réduit les salaires… et l’emploi dfabbri

Alternatives Economiques (12.03.2019) Souvent citées en exemple, les réformes du marché du travail allemand présentent pourtant un bilan très négatif pour les salariés, selon une récente étude.

labour markets Employment germany
Nigeria: Federal Government urged to improve social protection for women dfabbri

Daily Trust (11.03.2019) Experts have called on the federal government and other stakeholders to strengthen social protection programmes and policies for women and other vulnerable groups in the country.

gender_and_inequality nigeria
Suisse: Le projet AVS-fiscalité est aussi favorable aux collectivités dfabbri

Le Temps (13.03.2019) La loi relative à la réforme fiscale et au financement de l’AVS (RFFA), soumise au vote le 19 mai prochain, fait l’objet d’un consensus assez large dans le canton de Vaud, même si certaines communes peinent à adhérer au projet. Ce dernier est pourtant indispensable.

managing reforms Pensions, Financing switzerland
Graying Asia: How Pension Systems Fail to Respond to Dramatic Aging dfabbri

Tthenewslens (12.03.2019) he past few years have seen workers in Asia becoming increasingly restive and concerned over pensions. Demands for reform have erupted into street protests in China, French Polynesia, India, New Zealand, and everywhere in between. The Asia-Pacific has a relatively young population with a high ratio of workers to dependents – i.e., children and the elderly – and this has contributed substantially to the region’s sustained rapid economic growth in the past few decades. However, the number of retirees per worker has been increasing in recent years and economic security for the elderly looms on the horizon as one of the region’s most significant strategic challenges. 

Old-age pensions Africa, Asia
The Impact Of Population Ageing On Monetary Policy – Analysis dfabbri

eurasiareview (12.03.2019) Population ageing is likely to affect many areas of life, from pension system sustainability to housing markets.

France: Métiers du numérique : où sont les femmes? dfabbri

Franceinfo (11.03.2019) Dans les services informatiques comme dans le métier d’ingénieur, les femmes sont nettement sous-représentées. Pourquoi ne sont-elles pas davantage à travailler dans le numérique ?

Jamaica: Equity, social protection and growth dfabbri

jamaicaobserver (11.93.2019) For FY 2019/20, $20 billion has been allocated across the Government's portfolio of major social protection programmes — a 25 per cent increase from the previous financial year. PATH Conditional Cash Grants will be increased by 16 per cent, while allocations to PATH Transportation, Examination Fees, and School Feeding will increase by 90 per cent, 50 per cent and seven per cent respectively.

Conditional cash transfers, Financing jamaica
ISSA: New App for Workplace Safety dfabbri

SUN News Report (01.03.2019) The app promotes ISSA’s “7 golden rules — for zero accidents and healthy work.” It shows the workplace safety and health status of an organization, according to the agency. The app offers interactive checklists, analyses the results, and gives an overview of the cu

digital platforms Prevention of occupational risks
[Report] OECD: Seize the opportunities of digital technology to improve well-being but also address the risks dfabbri

OECD (28.02.2019) Digital technology can improve our lives but it also poses a major risk of widening social inequality and blocking opportunities for people without the skills to navigate the online world safely, according to a new OECD report.

How Africa is creating welfare states pmassetti (21.02.2019) Africa is stitching together social safety-nets even though it is still poor

Canadian groups launch website on preventing occupational diseases dfabbri

Safety+Health Magazine (28.02.2019) The Canadian Center for Occupational Health and Safety has partnered with the Occupational Health Clinics for Ontario Workers to develop a new website intended to raise awareness of work-related diseases.

OSH Prevention of occupational risks
India: Unorganised workers left to fend for themselves dfabbri

dailypioneer (09.03.2019) Universal social security must be ensured for all citizens without discrimination but unfortunately a vast majority of people in unorganised sector are still not covered under social security provisions. The National Commission on Enterprise in Unorganised Sector has calculated that 95 per cent of the work force is engaged in unorganised sector contributing almost 50 per cent to the national GDP but in return, they get nothing out of the national public fund.

poverty Difficult-to-cover groups india
Au Soudan du Sud, l’emploi est le nerf de l’après-guerre dfabbri

Le Monde (08.03.2019) Sortir du chaos (3/3). Alors que le chômage est l’une des raisons qui poussent les jeunes à rejoindre les groupes armés, des initiatives les aident à trouver un travail pour reconstruire leur vie.

economic crisis Unemployment south sudan
International Women’s Day: Work-related gender gaps persist but solutions are clear – new ILO report dfabbri

ILO (07.03.2019) A future of work in which women will no longer lag behind men is within reach, but it will take a quantum leap, not just hesitant incremental steps, to get there, according to a new International Labour Organization (ILO) report published for International Women’s Day on 8 March.

India: Cabinet nod for pact with Germany on occupational safety and health dfabbri

The Economic Times (07.03.2019) The Union Cabinet Thursday approved a pact with Germany for cooperation in the field of occupation safety and health. The cabinet chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi has approved the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between India and Germany on cooperation in the field of Occupational Safety and Health (OSH), an official statement said.

OSH International agreements india, germany
Filipino women open greater empowerment nexus dfabbri

Business Mirror (07.03.2919) After 11 decades of celebrating the day for those holding the other half of the world, the glass neither remains half full nor half empty, especially when it comes to women’s economic might in the Philippines.

family_gender_society philippines, the
Social Protection: Hot Topic but Contested Agenda pmassetti

Social protection has surfaced to the top of multiple agendas, from human rights to the promotion of economic growth, from decent work to economic, social and gender equality. Its champions, particularly at the global level, include a host of different players, with different priorities, institutions and policy streams, all competing to define the concept and own the discourse.

Social policies & programmes
Let's Rethink Open Government to Deliver Public Services pmassetti

Open Government Partnership (05.02.2019) Service delivery is a critical frontier for an open government strategy. Public services are not only a key interface of people’s interaction with government, they also serve as a thermometer that can indicate a citizen’s satisfaction and trust in government.

Service delivery
Human + machine : reimagining work in the age of AI - 41ILO pmassetti

Human + machine : reimagining work in the age of AI

Stories from older women on social protection and economic empowerment dfabbri

HelpAge International (07.03.2019) Women around the world regularly face discrimination and disadvantages due to their gender. They will recieve less formal education and training than men, and work in informal and low-paid jobs, having to shoulder most unpaid care responsibilities. These factors have a damaging effect on the financial security of women and their overall quality of life as they age.

gender_and_inequality Old-age pensions