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Receta Electrónica del Sistema Nacional de Salud rruggia

Receta Electrónica del Sistema Nacional de Salud Decálogo de protección de datos para el personal sanitario y administrativo La receta médica es el documento normalizado por el cual los profesionales legalmente facultados prescriben los medicamentos o productos sanitarios al paciente para su dispensación. La receta médica electrónica es una modalidad de servicio digital de apoyo a la asistencia sanitaria que permite al facultativo emitir y transmitir prescripciones por medios electrónicos, basados en las tecnologías de la información y comunicaciones, que posteriormente pueden ser objeto de dispensación. El proyecto de receta electrónica interoperable del Sistema Nacional de Salud (RESNS) tiene como objetivo principal permitir la dispensación desde cualquier farmacia, por medios electrónicos, de la medicación prescrita en otra comunidad autónoma sin necesidad de presentar una receta en papel.

eprescription Health, Information and communication technology spain
Organisations today stand committed to occupational safety dfabbri

 Business Standard News (28.04.2019) Every year more than 2.78 million people die as a result of occupational accidents or work-related diseases, a recent ILO report said. In addition, there are around 374 million non-fatal work-related injuries and illnesses each year, many of these resulting in extended absences from work. The human cost of this adversity is vast and the economic burden of poor occupational safety and health practices is estimated at 3.94 per cent of global Gross Domestic Product each year.

OSH Prevention of occupational risks
ILO: Youth employment: -Awarding innovative policies to empower youth dfabbri

ILO (18.04.2019) National, local and regional governments and non-governmental organizations are encouraged to showcase decent work policies that help youth reach their full potential.

Commission publishes report on reintegration of long-term unemployed dfabbri

Europa (11.04.2019) The Commission has published a report taking stock of progress made to help long-term unemployed people getting back to work since the Council adopted beginning of 2016 a Recommendation to speed up the return to work of the long-term unemployed, proposed by the Commission in 2015.

Unemployment european union
Universal Health Coverage - OECD pmassetti

Universal Health Coverage is about everyone having access to good quality health services without suffering financial hardship. Although most OECD countries offer all their citizens affordable access to a comprehensive package of health services, they face challenges in sustaining and enhancing such universal systems. These challenges are as relevant in low- and middle-income countries, so that expanding coverage also translates into better health outcomes for all.

The OECD’s contribution to helping countries achieve and sustain universal health coverage

The OECD, with its core mission to promote policies to improve the economic and social well-being of people around the world, brings much relevant experience supporting countries to achieve and sustain universal health coverage (UHC).

The OECD monitors and evaluates key aspects of universal health coverage, and assesses the future sustainability of universal health systems. OECD country experiences can also offer valuable lessons for other countries seeking to attain universal health coverage. 

universal health coverage
[Report] Can Social Protection Be an Engine for Inclusive Growth? pmassetti

oecd (24.04.2019) The potential role of social protection in the development process has received heightened recognition in recent years, yet making a strong investment case for social protection remains particularly challenging in many emerging and developing countries. This report challenges us to think deeply about the economic rationale for social protection investments through an inclusive development lens. It helps us understand the links between social protection, growth and inequality. 

[Report] OECD Employment Outlook 2019: The Future of Work pmassetti

OECD (25.04.2019) The 2019 edition of the OECD Employment Outlook presents new evidence on changes in job stability, underemployment and the share of well-paid jobs, and discusses the policy implications of these changes with respect to how technology, globalisation, population ageing, and other megatrends are transforming the labour market in OECD countries. The report also assesses challenges for social protection policies, presenting evidence on the support gaps affecting different types of worker, and discussing reform avenues for preserving and strengthening the key stabilising role of social protection systems.

Emploi : l'OCDE tire la sonnette d'alarme dfabbri

La Tribune (25.04.2019) Automatisation, transformation du travail, formation, vieillissement de la population active... dans son dernier rapport, l'OCDE dresse un portrait en demi-teinte du monde du travail, confronté actuellement à de nombreux risques, notamment en France. Face à ces défis colossaux, l'institution internationale explique que "l’avenir du travail dépendra en grande partie des choix de politiques publiques opérés par les pays".

France: Retraite - Macron réaffirme les 62 ans mais veut inciter les Français à partir plus tard dfabbri

Les Echos (26.04.2019) Pour financer les baisses d'impôts, le chef de l'Etat souhaite notamment que les Français travaillent davantage. Il a écarté tout assouplissement supplémentaire des 35 heures ou l'instauration d'un jour de solidarité. La solution passera par l'allongement de la durée de cotisation avec un système de décote pour inciter à « partir plus tard ».

managing reforms Pensions france
Reframing the European welfare state dfabbri

Social Europe (25.04.2019) The European welfare state does not have to be rebuilt from scratch. But it does have to focus on renewal rather than repair and on social solidarity rather than individual subjection.

managing reforms Social policies & programmes european union
Data protection is social protection pmassetti (17.04.2019) Rising pressure to apply biometric technology to verify beneficiaries’ identities, and to integrate information systems ranging from civil registries to law-enforcement databases, means that social programs could create new risks for those who depend on them.

biometric, data protection Information and communication technology
Les Marocains, deuxième communauté étrangère à être la plus affiliée à la sécurité sociale espagnole dfabbri

Al HuffPost Maghreb (23.04.2019)  Ce 23 avril, le ministère espagnol du Travail, des Migrations et de la Sécurité sociale a dévoilé le nombre total d’étrangers affiliés à la sécurité sociale dans le pays. Sur plus de 2 millions d’employés étrangers, les Marocains se positionnent en seconde place du classement. Ils étaient 259.893 à y être affiliés au mois de mars.

How Ireland's spending on welfare compares to the rest of Europe dfabbri

RTE (17.04.2019) Is Ireland a generous welfare state? In the main, state spending on things like welfare and health are measured by calculating their percentage contribution to gross domestic product or GDP. GDP in its modern usage was developed by Nobel prize winning economist, Simon Kuznets, who did, in fact, warn against its use as a measure of a country’s overall welfare or progress.

Social assistance, Financing
Recent social policy developments in Luxembourg, Portugal and Turkey dfabbri

Europa (17.04.2019) Three new Flash Reports prepared by the European Social Policy Network (ESPN) are now available and provide information on the increase in the minimum wage by the new government in Luxembourg, the effort to lower the cost of public transport for users in Portugal, and social assistance programmes recently introduced in Turkey.

managing reforms Social assistance turkey, luxembourg, portugal
AI and Manager Selection: Will your future consultant be a machine? pmassetti (19.04.2019) The world’s largest pension fund is exploring the use of AI to help it select asset managers and assets in which to invest

artificial intelligence
[Report] ILO: Occupational safety and health: New safety and health issues emerge as work changes dfabbri

ILO (18.04.2019) A new report on Occupational Safety and Health (OSH), published ahead of the World Day for Safety and Health at Work on 28 April, reviews the ILO’s 100 years of achievements, and reveals some of the emerging challenges and opportunities in creating better working environments.

OSH, prevention
Metinvest group is Ukraine's first organisation to receive Vision Zero certificate dfabbri

steelguru (23.04.2019)  On 18 April, a business breakfast titled 'Zero Accident Strategy: Benefits and Opportunities for Business' took place in the run-up to the World Day For Safety and Health at Work.

issa Prevention of occupational risks ukraine
Putting Europe’s invisible precariat in the spotlight dfabbri

Social Europe (18.04.2019) The European Commission’s latest Employment and Social Developments in Europe report reveals record employment in the EU, with nearly 240 million Europeans in employment in 2018. Yet, there is little reason to celebrate this much-touted number: both high-paying and low-paying jobs are on the rise, while the availability of medium-earning jobs is shrinking rapidly.

Unemployment, Difficult-to-cover groups european union
What We Know and Don’t Know About the International Cyberattack - The New York Times rruggia

Hospitals in Britain, several companies in Spain and 11 other countries have confirmed attacks to their systems. Patient information does not appear to have been stolen or compromised, according to the National Health Service of Britain.

By Russell Goldman May 12, 2017

Right Now: Security experts warned that the full impact of the audacious cyberattack that crippled 200,000 computers in more than 150 countries might be truly felt in the new workweek as workers return to their offices and turn back on their computers.

  • The spread of a “ransomware” attack against computer systems around the world affected the United States much less than other nations because a British cybersecurity researcher accidentally stopped the attack from spreading more widely, according to cybersecurity experts.
  • Hackers appeared to have exploited a flaw in Microsoft’s Windows operating system that was first discovered by the United States National Security Agency. The flaw and a tool to exploit it with malicious software were made public in April by a hacker collective known as Shadow Brokers.


cybersecurity Information and communication technology, Security united kingdom
Deutsche Arbeitnehmer sind besonders unzufrieden dfabbri

EurActiv (12.04.2019) Überforderung, andere Gehaltsvorstellungen und ungenügende Flexibilität – trotz gut laufender Wirtschaft sinkt die Zufriedenheit der Mitarbeiter in deutschen Unternehmen wie in keinem anderen europäischen Land.

Employment germany
L’UE cale sur ses nouvelles règles du chômage des frontaliers dfabbri

Le Temps (17.04.2019) Les 28 n’ont pu avaliser la réforme controversée qui aurait changé les règles de l’indemnisation des chômeurs frontaliers. Le report du dossier à la prochaine législature est un gain de temps bienvenu pour Berne

Unemployment european union, switzerland
Social security for elderly inadequate in India: UN report dfabbri

socialprotection (03.04.2019)  Every second elderly person in India is concerned about his or her social and financial security, a study conducted by Agewell Research and Advocacy Centre for the United Nations revealed.

poverty Old-age pensions, Difficult-to-cover groups india
Le long chemin européen vers l’harmonisation sociale et fiscale gfilhon

theconversation. (16.04.2019) L’Union européenne dispose donc de moyens limités pour agir dans des domaines tels que la protection sociale. En revanche elle dispose de moyens importants qui ne sont pas en faveur d'une Europe sociale

contribution collection, coverage, data protection, egovernment, family_gender_society, international_agreement, interoperability, migration Governance and administration, Financing european union
US: Daily on Healthcare: Medicare for All goes way beyond other countries’ universal healthcare plans dfabbri

washingtonexaminer (15.04.2019) he Medicare for All Act, the latest proposal to have the government become the only payer of healthcare services, is often billed by its supporters as a step toward realizing a similar system that other developed nations have in place.

universal health care Health insurance United States
UN rights chief calls for adequate social protection for older persons dfabbri

Xinhua (15.04.2019) UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet said Monday that older persons have the potential to continue contributing to the society, calling for adequate social protection for them.

Old-age pensions