Global Challenges search
Title | Abstract | Tags | Topics | Regions / Country | |
UK: Govt urged to give new mothers £2k pension top-up | dfabbri | pensionsage (03.06.2019) The government is being urged to give new mothers a £2,000 pension top-up to address the pension gender gap. The call from Which? follows analysis by itself and the Pensions Policy Institute, which found that women who take time out of work to care for a while, are hit with a ‘motherhood pension penalty’, potentially saving £15,000 less towards retirement compared to the average full-time working woman. |
gender_and_inequality | Pensions, Financing | united kingdom |
World Health Assembly Adopts Resolutions on Universal Health Coverage | dfabbri | IISD (28.05.2019) Governments gathered at the World Health Assembly (WHA) agreed on four resolutions related to universal health care (UHC), addressing primary healthcare, the role of community health workers, emergency care systems and the UN General Assembly (UNGA) High-Level Meeting on UHC. The Assembly also agreed on a global strategy on health, environment and climate change, as well as a global action plan to promote the health of refugees and migrants. Other Resolutions addressed antimicrobial resistance, WASH and NCDs. |
universal health coverage | ||
La fraude aux faux numéros de Sécu serait de 200 à... 802 millions d’euros | gfilhon | De l'importance d'une bonne méthode de suivi dans la lutte contre la fraude. |
data analytics, data quality, database, identity management, universal health coverage | Health, Governance and administration, Data management, Error, evasion and fraud | france |
España: El empleo creció en 211.752 afiliados en mayo y acaricia su máximo histórico | dfabbri | El País (04.06.2019) Después de más de cinco años creando empleo, la afiliación a la Seguridad Social ya acaricia su máximo histórico. En mayo aumentó en 211.752 el número de cotizantes con empleo, según el Ministerio de Trabajo. Ya son 19,44 millones, apenas unos miles por debajo del récord que se alcanzó en julio de 2007, un mes antes de que empezaran verse claros síntomas de la crisis que se avecinaba, primero en Estados Unidos y después en Europa. |
labour markets | Employment | spain |
In Indonesia, social protection can underpin democracy | pmassetti | OECD Observer (May 2019) Indonesia’s social protection system generates fewer headlines but is no less impressive. It now reaches almost the entire population, helping people escape from poverty, access health facilities, go to school and feed themselves. Whatever the result of the presidential vote, there is no doubting the growing contribution of social protection to Indonesia’s democracy. |
Family benefits | indonesia | |
Social grants second-most important source of income in South Africa | dfabbri | EWN (28.05.2019) Social grants remain the second-most important source of income for households in the country after salaries. Statistics South Africa released the results of its General Household Survey earlier on Tuesday. The survey was conducted in more than 20,000 households. |
brics | Social assistance, Financing | south africa |
China to showcase primary health care at World Health Assembly | dfabbri | CGTN (25.05.2019) With a population of more than 1.3 billion, China successfully achieved universal health insurance coverage in 2011. The achievement, termed “unparalleled” by the World Bank, has become an example for many developing nations. |
brics, universal health coverage | Extension of coverage | china |
Namibia - a social welfare haven? | pmassetti | The Southern Times (02.04.2019) Over the past five years, half of the Namibian budget was allocated for social expenditure, which includes education, health and welfare services, indicating that Namibia could be considered a welfare nation with high public spending. |
namibia | ||
Brazil’s Congress confident pension reform will pass | dfabbri | Financial Times (02.06.2019) The presidents of both houses of Brazil’s Congress have voiced confidence that legislators will approve a flagship pension reform supported by President Jair Bolsonaro in the next few months. |
brics, managing reforms | Pensions | brazil |
Pakistan: Funds for social protection to be doubled in next budget: Sania Nishtar | dfabbri | Business Recorder (03.06.2019) Special Assistant to Prime Minister on social protection and poverty alleviation Dr. Sania Nishtar Sunday said the amount for social protection would be doubled in the upcoming budget which portrayed the vision of Prime Minister Imran Khan to bring the marginalized sector into mainstream. |
Financing | pakistan | |
Suisse: Thierry Weber: «La pratique de la médecine va vivre une révolution» | dfabbri | Le Temps (03.06.2019) Médecin-entrepreneur et spécialiste de la santé numérique, Thierry Weber considère le dossier électronique du patient comme une solution pour réduire les coûts de la santé. Les hôpitaux le proposeront dès 2020 |
digital platforms | switzerland | |
Jordan launches new financial safety net for tens of thousands of families | pmassetti | The National (29.05.2019) They will receive financial aid and full health insurance under the National Strategy for Social Protection |
Family benefits, Extension of coverage, Social assistance | jordan | |
MEPs approve the creation of the European Labour Authority | pmassetti | (19.04.2019) MEPs approved the creation of a European Labour Authority, as well as several positions that favour the rights of European workers and combat social dumping. But major changes still need to be made. |
Error, evasion and fraud | Europe | |
WHO recognizes workplace 'burnout' as an occupational phenomenon | dfabbri | CNBC (28.05.2019) For the first time, the WHO has officially classified workplace burnout as an occupational phenomenon in its latest revision of the International Classification of Diseases. The agency previously defined burnout as a “state of vital exhaustion,” but this is the first time it’s being directly linked in its classification of diseases as a work hazard. |
OSH | Prevention of occupational risks | |
New law institutionalizes Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program | pmassetti | (22.05.2019) President Rodrigo Duterte has signed into law a measure that institutionalizes a cash transfer program that aims to address poverty and to improve the health and education of poor children. |
cct, poverty | Family benefits, Conditional cash transfers | philippines, the |
Swiss federal government against tax funded paternity leave | dfabbri | lenews (27.05.2019) Recently, Switzerland’s Federal Council voiced its opposition to an initiative to create universal paid leave for the fathers of newborns, according to the newspaper Le Matin. |
Family benefits, Parental leave | switzerland | |
Jordan: PM launches social protection strategy to alleviate, fortify against poverty | dfabbri | jordantimes (29.05.2019) "opportunities, dignity and empowerment”, Prime Minister Omar Razzaz on Wednesday launched the Social Protection and Poverty Alleviation Strategy for 2019-2025 that aims at supporting the country’s underprivileged population. In addition to supporting impoverished Jordanians, the strategy seeks to protect other social classes from sliding into poverty, according to government officials. |
poverty | Extension of coverage | jordan |
[Report] In-work poverty in Europe: a study of national policies | dfabbri | Europa (24.05.2019) A new Synthesis Report produced by the European Social Policy Network (ESPN) puts forward several recommendations and calls for more effective policy action at European and national levels to tackle in-work poverty. |
labour markets, poverty | Difficult-to-cover groups | Europe |
Suisse: En assurant ses chauffeurs, Uber prend ses responsabilités | dfabbri | Le Temps (29.05.2019) La multinationale californienne du transport met en place un système d'assurance accident pour ses chauffeurs et coursiers suisses, mais craint d'être reconnue comme leur employeur. Interview de son directeur pour la Suisse, Steve Salom |
digital platforms | switzerland | |
German minister presents draft law to supplement basic pension from 2021 | pmassetti | (23.05.2019) The German Minister of Labor and Social Affairs, Hubertus Heil, presented his reform to supplement the German basic pension on Wednesday. According to the draft law, a pension supplement is planned from 2021 onwards for long-term, low-income earners in Germany and will be financed primarily from tax revenues. |
Pensions | germany | |
Cyprus: Etek calls for adoption of ‘Vision Zero” strategy for no labour accidents | dfabbri | InCyprus (27.05.2019) In view of a recent spike in work related accidents the Technical Chamber (Etek) has expressed concern at the lack of a ‘safety culture’ on the island. The Technical Chamber has placed health and safety high up on its list of priorities and intensified its efforts in this direction. As part of its participation in the Pancyprian Health and Safety Council, it recently submitted specific proposals to reduce the number of labour accidents and work related illnesses |
OSH | Prevention of occupational risks | cyprus |
Deutschland: Pflegeversicherung ist erstmals drittgrößte Sozialversicherung | dfabbri | dasinvestment (14.05.2019) Am 1. Januar 2019 löste die Pflegeversicherung die Arbeitslosenversicherung als drittgrößte Sozialversicherung ab. Die Beiträge dürften weiter steigen, ebenso der Bedarf an Zusatzvorsorge, meint Rolf Tilmes, Vorstandschef des Financial Plannung Standards Board Deutschland (FPSB). |
Financing | germany | |
Au Cambodge, la longue marche vers la « sécu » | dfabbri | Le Monde (23.05.2019) Tout touriste ayant visité les temples d’Angkor connaît le personnage : le chauffeur de tuk-tuk, triporteur motorisé faisant fonction de taxi, est partie intégrante de la carte postale cambodgienne. Ce que les visiteurs étrangers savent moins, c’est à quel point ce métier peut être éloigné des normes internationales du « travail décent ». |
cambodia | ||
[Analysis] The costs of an ageing population keep growing, but who's going to pay? | dfabbri | (20,05.2019) Australians born after 1946 began to retire in huge numbers in 2011. Demand for the aged pension, aged care and health services have been rising commensurately. The working age population is a net contributor to the federal budget. Older people, on the other hand, are the largest recipients of welfare, aged care and health care services. |
australia | ||
Next steps towards universal health coverage call for global leadership | dfabbri | The BMJ (24.05.2019 Universal health coverage (UHC) has been identified as a priority for international development by the G20, the World Health Organization, and the United Nations General Assembly. Since it was explicitly incorporated into the sustainable development goals (SDGs) as target 3.8, much effort has been expended on promoting UHC. Here we focus on four areas that, on current trajectories, are unlikely to achieve sufficient progress to meet the target. |
universal health coverage |