Global Challenges search
Title | Abstract | Tags | Topics | Regions / Country | |
UK: Fewer than third of new fathers take paternity leave, research suggests | dfabbri | independent. (08.07.2019) Less than one in three new fathers take paternity leave, a study has found. Research suggests roughly a third (31 per cent) of eligible new fathers used paternity leave in the last year compared to 32 per cent the previous year. |
Family benefits, Parental leave | united kingdom | |
Ireland; New social welfare scheme promises 'breathing space' for unemployed artists | dfabbri | thejournal (08.07.2019)Unemployed artists will be able to receive jobseekers allowance while also focusing on their own work for 12 months. |
Unemployment, Difficult-to-cover groups | ireland | |
Maroc: La CNSS cherche ses assurés «dormants» | dfabbri | Aujourd'hui le Maroc (06.07.2019) Très souvent c’est par manque d’information ou parce qu’ils sont décédés que ces dossiers de demande n’ont pas été constitués. Il faut toutefois signaler que cette population doit remplir plusieurs conditions pour bénéficier d’une pension de retraite. |
Governance and administration | morocco | |
Is Latin America Ready for the Robot Revolution? | pmassetti | Americas Quarterly (17.06.2019) Automation is coming to the Americas - sooner than we think. |
latin america | ||
T20 Japan 2019: Deliberate Next Steps toward a New Globalism for Universal Health Coverage (UHC) | pmassetti | T20 Japan 2019 . Much effort has been expended on promoting universal health coverage (UHC). We focus on four areas that, on current trajectories, are unlikely to achieve sufficient progress to meet Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 3.8. These are also issues for which G20 can provide significant traction. |
universal health care | ||
India: Nitish’s Universal Pension Scheme: An Act of Political Braggadocio | pmassetti | NewsClick (02.07.2019) The Bihar Government on June 14 launched the Mukhyamantri Vridhajan Pension Yojna (MVPY), an old-age pension scheme that targets people above 60 years of age. The scheme brought under the Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) programme has two slabs for pension disbursement — Rs. 400 per month for those in the 60 to 79 years age group and Rs 500 per month for the elderly above 80 years. The scheme has been termed ‘universal’ because under this, the pension is no longer limited to the elderly that are identified under the BPL (Below Poverty Line) section. |
Universal Social Protection | Pensions | india |
Public Financial Management and the Digitalization of Payments · Better Than Cash Alliance | pmassetti | Better Than Cash Alliance (2019) The ability of digital payments to deliver better outcomes for governments, businesses, and individuals—including driving financial inclusion—has been one of the success stories of the digital age. Payments are central to how governments transfer and receive financial resources. Many of the benefits from effective digitalization of payments are very similar to those traditionally expected from strong Public Financial Management (PFM) systems. However, the way such payments are made—and how they could be made more effectively—is often not mainstreamed in PFM. This is a missed opportunity. The digitalization of payments does not provide a silver bullet for solving PFM problems. Therefore, it needs to be approached in an integrated way, with strong leadership from central agencies, including the Ministry of Finance, to exploit the synergies between the many different types of payments facilitated by digital technology. The paper explores the linkages between the digitalization of payments and PFM, including through the following four case studies: India, Mexico, Estonia and Ghana. |
epayment, identity management | E-services | |
Non au retour du tâcheronnage ! | Alternatives Economiques | gfilhon | Le constat est alarmant dans le monde du travail. La pénurie de travail et la stigmatisation à l’embauche offrent un boulevard aux plates-formes américaines pour recruter. Ce modèle, si on peut le qualifier ainsi, fragilise ces nouveaux embauchés et produit encore plus de précarité avec l’absence de protection sociale. Dénoncer ces méthodes est bien là l’essentiel, car il s’agit en effet d’une vraie cause, d’un combat pour la préservation de notre modèle social unique au monde. Pour accompagner ces changements – besoin de flexibilité des entreprises, liberté des salariés, maintien de ce système social pour les plus fragiles notamment – , le contrat d’intérim répond à ces attentes et donne une véritable alternative à la transformation de la société. C’est avec cette feuille de route que chaque jour, l’agence d’intérim que j’ai créée s’applique à mettre en relation les entreprises et les meilleurs profils, sans discrimination, et en garantissant la meilleure protection sociale et un salaire égal au Smic + 20%. |
digital platforms | Employment of young workers, Safety and health at work, Social policies & programmes | Africa, Americas, Asia, Europe |
Rwanda: Social protection allocated Rwf174bn to reduce poverty | dfabbri | The New Times (01.07.2019) Parliamentarians have called for reinforced monitoring and evaluation of the Rwf174.3 billion budget allocated to social protection in the fiscal year 2019/2020 for it to achieve its objective of lifting people out of poverty. |
poverty | Financing | rwanda |
Venezuela: La mitad de la población activa trabaja por cuenta propia | dfabbri | noticierodigital (01.07.2019) En Venezuela hay actualmente unos 7 millones de trabajadores por cuenta propia. Es aproximadamente la mitad de la población económicamente activa. Desempeñan sus actividades individualmente, en microempresas familiares o entre personas cercanas “unidades económicas” informales (comillas solicitadas) [Una unidad económica informal no se encuentra registrada ante los organismos del Estado que regulan la actividad económica]. |
economic crisis | Employment, Difficult-to-cover groups | venezuela |
UK: Gig economy doubles in three years | pmassetti | Personnel Today (28.06.2019) One in 10 working-age adults in the UK work on gig economy platforms, double the number who did so in 2016, according to a study by the University of Hertfordshire and the TUC. |
digital platforms | united kingdom | |
The State of Paternity Leave in Southeast Asia | pmassetti | The Diplomat (15.06.2019) The subject is fast becoming a hot topic in the region. |
Family benefits, Parental leave | Asia | |
UN: 80M jobs could be lost by 2030 due to climate change | dfabbri | (01.07.2019) Rising heat due to climate change could lead to the loss of 80 million jobs by 2030, with poor countries worst hit, the United Nations said as Europe sweltered in record temperatures. A temperature rise of 1.5C by the end of century could lead to a 2.2 per cent drop in working hours – equal to 80 million full-time jobs – costing the global economy US$2.4 trillion, according to projections by the U.N. International Labour Organization (ILO). |
climate change | ||
Four lessons from India in digital disruption | pmassetti | World Economic Forum (19.06.2019) Digital technology can rapidly transform how countries provide services such as education and health to their citizens. The public services of the future should be effective, efficient, fair, data-driven, and responsive to individual needs. And the groundwork to turn this vision into reality needs to be laid now. |
india | ||
Mali just took a huge step towards universal healthcare | pmassetti | World Economic Forum (13.03.2019) When the World Health Organization reports that half the global population does not have access to essential healthcare, it's easy to be pessimistic about the chances of giving all of Africa’s children a healthy start in life. But as we approach World Health Day on April 7, health experts are optimistic that an initiative announced in Mali to provide basic healthcare to all under fives and pregnant women may help provide a solution to an intractable problem. |
universal health coverage | mali | |
G-20 Put Global Aging On The Agenda, But Did They Define Longevity As A Problem, Or An Opportunity? | pmassetti | (16.07.2019) The G-20, the world’s finance ministers and central bankers, are meeting in Japan. In keeping with the backdrop of Japan, the nation with the world’s fastest-aging population, global aging has made its way to the front of G-20’s agenda. |
G20: Aging Population and its Economic Impact + Immigration – T20 Japan 2019 | pmassetti | (2019) The rising trend of aging societies, a result of decreased fertility rates and longer life expectancies, signals drastic changes in the world’s demographic structure, as Asia clearly demonstrates. |
Bulgaria: More than 2,130,000 Pensioners Will Receive an Increase of 5.7% on Their Pensions From Today | dfabbri | (01.07.3029) More than 2,130,000 pensioners will receive an increase of 5.7 percent on their pensions from today - 1 July. The change is in compliance with the Social Insurance Code provided for by all pension payments granted starting with 31 December 2018. This was announced by the National Social Security Institute |
managing reforms | Pensions, Financing | bulgaria |
Jamaica: Social Protection Programmes Help the Vulnerable to Build Resilience | dfabbri | Jamaica Information (28.06.2019) Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, Colette Roberts Risden, says the country’s social protection programmes are moving towards increasing the standard of living and income of the vulnerable, as a means of building disaster resilience. |
Difficult-to-cover groups | jamaica | |
India: Bihar first state to launch universal old-age pension scheme | pmassetti | Times of India (14.06.2019) Bihar on Friday became the first state to launch a universal old-age pension scheme in which each person at the age of 60 years and above, irrespective of their financial, family or caste status, will get a sum of Rs 400 per month directly in his/her bank account. |
Universal Social Protection | Pensions | india |
Building healthy, safe, sustainable success on solid foundations | dfabbri | (26.06.2019) Firms seeking global growth can achieve long-term prosperity by maintaining high safety and health standards throughout their supply chains, writes Richard Orton, director of strategy and business development at the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (Iosh) |
issa, OSH | Prevention of occupational risks | |
Caribbean States explore the use of social protection programmes to provide relief during emergencies | dfabbri | ReliefWeb (25.06.2019) The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP), the Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency (CDEMA), and the Government of the Turks and Caicos Islands, are holding a high-level symposium on 27 June to discuss how national social protection programmes and systems can play a greater role in disaster risk management and in emergency response. This month marks the start of this year’s Atlantic hurricane season which brings with it six months of uncertainty for Caribbean countries and overseas territories. Meanwhile, Caribbean governments and non-governmental organisations continue to work on preparedness and to help build resilience, and safeguard lives and livelihoods. |
economic crisis, poverty | latin america | |
Etude: Travailler trop longtemps expose au risque d'AVC | dfabbri | TDG (25.06.2019) Les actifs travaillant plus de 10 heures par jour au moins 50 jours par an présentent un risque plus important de faire un accident vasculaire cérébral, selon une étude. |
Occupational accidents and diseases | ||
Ecuador: El Sistema de Protección Social lo integran bonos, pensiones y una contingencia | dfabbri | El Universo (25.06.2019) Ocho transferencias monetarias componen el Sistema de Protección Social Integral. Según el decreto ejecutivo 804, estos son: Bono de Desarrollo Humano, Bono de Desarrollo Humano con Componente Variable, Pensión Mis Mejores Años, Pensión para Adultos Mayores, Bono Joaquín Gallegos Lara, Pensión Toda Una Vida, Pensión para Personas con Discapacidad, Cobertura de Contingencias. |
Conditional cash transfers | ecuador | |
Bachelet's Visit to Venezuela Shows Gov't Social Protection Efforts | dfabbri | Prensa Latina (25.06.2019) United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet''s agenda in Venezuela allowed her to show the Executive''s efforts for social protection, MP Gladys Requena said Tuesday. According to the Vice President of the National Constituent Assembly, the visit strengthened the Venezuelan government and its efforts to protect the people while confirming the impact of the economic, financial and commercial blockade. |
economic crisis, poverty | venezuela |