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How can we protect contract and informal workers in Pakistan? dfabbri

dawn/news (23.05.2019) Social protection has to move away from schemes for formal workers towards accommodating more dynamic work patterns.

labour markets Difficult-to-cover groups pakistan
Pushing the Frontiers of Medicine pmassetti (20.05.2019) New technologies give many hope for the prevention and better treatment of diseases that may currently be difficult to diagnose and treat. There are great expectations for how the combination of improved data collection through wearables, mobile apps, AI and big data and new diagnostics and treatments including precision medicine could lead to better treatments and higher quality of life.

France: Protection sociale des indépendants - l’ambition du premier pas dfabbri

Efederation-auto-entrepreneur (20.05.2019) Examinée par les députés depuis le début de la semaine, la loi d’orientation des mobilités entre dans la dernière ligne droite. En tant qu’acteurs désormais majeurs de la mobilité, les plateformes figurent au cœur du projet : l’article 20 – introduit dans le projet de loi initial – se saisit du sujet crucial de la responsabilité sociale des plateformes, y compris celles opérant hors du secteur des transports.

OECD adopts new Principles on Artificial Intelligence pmassetti (23.05.2019) OECD, plus partner countries, has formally adopted a new set of OECD 'Principles on Artificial Intelligence'. This took place at the Organisation’s 2019 Ministerial Council Meeting on May 22 in Paris.

[Report] WHO: Global Strategy on Digital Health 2020-2024 dfabbri

WHO (March 2019) The purpose for a Global Strategy on Digital Health is to promote healthy lives and wellbeing for everyone, everywhere, at all ages. The potential of Digital Health to advance the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and to support health systems in all countries, in health promotion and disease prevention has been widely recognized1. To deliver its potential, national or regional Digital Health initiatives must be guided by a robust Strategy that integrates financial, organizational, human and technological resources2.
In May 2018, the Seventy-First World Health Assembly (WHA) passed Resolution WHA71.7 on Digital Health. Amongst other topics, the Resolution requested the Director-General “to develop in close consultation with Member States and with inputs from stakeholders, a global strategy on digital health, identifying priority areas including where the World Health Organization (WHO) should focus its efforts”. In addition, it urged Member States:
“…[T]o assess their use of digital technologies for health, including in health information systems at the national and subnational levels, in order to identify areas of improvement, and to prioritize, as appropriate, the development, evaluation, implementation, scale-up and greater utilization of digital technologies, as a means of promoting equitable, affordable and universal access to health for all, including the special needs of groups that are vulnerable in the context of digital health”.
The field of digital health is dynamic and progressing rapidly. eHealth, medical informatics, health informatics, telemedicine, telehealth and mHealth are some of the terms that have been used over the last five decades, depending on the available technologies and accessibility of the baseline infrastructure. These terms have been used to describe the application of information and communication technologies (ICTs) to areas of health, health care and wellbeing. More recently, the term digital health has been selected to embody integration of concepts yet be flexible enough to foster diversity of purposes, technologies and other specificities.
Moving from eHealth to Digital Health puts

World Economic Forum: How technology can help us achieve universal healthcare dfabbri

weforum (21.05.2019) This week, the World Health Assembly (WHA) is convening in Geneva to address the implementation of the health-related goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, with a particular focus on how to make universal health coverage (UHC) a reality.

Compulsory Social Insurance for expats working in Vietnam - who’s in and who’s out? dfabbri

lexology. (06.05.2019) Ever since the Law on Social Insurance[1] was issued in late 2014, employees and employers have been on notice that “expat employees working in Vietnam” will be required to participate in the State’s compulsory social insurance (SI) regime “from 2018”. 2018 came however with no further clarity around the details.

75-Year-Old Job Hunters Could Become New Normal in Aging Japan dfabbri

 Bloomberg (17.05.2019) Japan’s ballooning debt fueled by social security obligations. Government seeks to persuade more elderly to stay in work

Old-age pensions, Employment japan
Pension burden: More Japanese opt to retire late, extend employment period pmassetti

Business Standard News (10.04.2019) Some economists expect the average pension-to-wage ratio to keep deteriorating and worries are growing that Japan's 'pay-as-you-go' pension scheme may be unsustainable

Pensions japan
Suisse: Les jeunes s’écharpent autour des retraites dfabbri

Le Temps (21.05.2019) Au lendemain du oui au financement de 2 milliards pour l’AVS, les Jeunes PLR défendent la retraite à 66 ans, voire davantage. Cela leur vaut les foudres des jeunes du centre et de gauche

Pensions, Financing switzerland
What can be learned from Denmark's parental leave and childcare policies? dfabbri

 Personnel Today (20.05.2019) Denmark has some of the most generous parental leave and childcare support schemes in the world. But have these had an impact on closing its gender pay gap? Jason Downes looks at what the UK can learn from its policies.

Family benefits, Parental leave denmark
New papers highlight potential of social protection in managing climate risk dfabbri

climatecentre (01.05.2019) The IFRC together with the United Nations children’s agency Unicef and the UK Department for International Development last month jointly hosted its first workshop on links between humanitarian cash-transfers and social protection.

Suisse: Gérer son diabète avec une application mobile: comment s’y retrouver? dfabbri

Le Temps (17.05.2019) A l’ère de l’e-santé, de nombreuses applications mobiles se développent pour aider les malades à gérer leurs pathologies chroniques, notamment le diabète. Quelques précautions sont à observer, rappellent des experts

digital platforms switzerland
Azerbaijan to create 31 social security centers until 2025 dfabbri

azernews (17.05.2019) The delegations from various countries are in Azerbaijan to participate in the Regional Social Security Forum for Europe held by International Social Security Association (ISSA), Trend reports referring to the Azerbaijani Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Population on May 17. The representatives of the delegations visited the Center for Sustainable and Operational Social Security (DOST), established under the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Population, and the first center of DOST.

Governance and administration azerbaijan
La Belgique récompensée pour sa sécurité sociale - dfabbri

LeVif (16.05.2019) L'Association internationale de la sécurité sociale (AISS) a remis son prix des bonnes pratiques en Europe aux institutions belges, pour la numérisation et l'automatisation de leurs services, indique-t-elle dans un communiqué mercredi soir

digital platforms belgium
Guatemala: uscan que sector informal pueda optar al Seguro Social dfabbri

canalantigua (10.05.2019) El sector informal podría optar a varios servicios del Seguro Social, siempre y cuando se apruebe una iniciativa de ley propuesta por la diputada Alejandra Carrillo. Estos son los detalles

Difficult-to-cover groups guatemala
Malaysia: Revitalising injured workers via certification dfabbri

New Straits Times (15.05.2019) The International Labour Organisation estimated that globally, 2.3 million workers succumbed to occupational accidents and work-related diseases every year. In developing countries including Malaysia, this has emerged as a growing concern arising from the increasing number of work-related accidents which could result in deaths, injuries and major disabilities, sick leave, inability to work, temporary or permanent loss of jobs.

OSH Prevention of occupational risks malaysia
Baku hosts Regional Social Security Forum for Europe dfabbri

azernews (14.05.2019) Baku hosts the Regional Social Security Forum for Europe held by International Social Security Association (ISSA), Trend reports on May 14. Representatives of ISSA, other international organizations and 35 countries are participating in the three-day forum.

issa Europe
ISSA RSSF: Ministry of Labor of Azerbaijan talks wage increases dfabbri

menafn. (14.05.2019) Key reforms have been carried out in recent years aimed at improving the welfare of the population in Azerbaijan, the Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of Azerbaijan Sahil Babayev said at the ISSA Regional Social Security Forum for Europe held in Baku, Trend reports.

issa, managing reforms azerbaijan
Ghana’s pensions regulator is working to ensure about 11m informal sector workers have pension schemes pmassetti

 Pulse Nigeria (07.05.2019) The National Pensions Regulatory Authority (NPRA) has said that it is putting measures in place to ensure that Ghanaians working in the informal sector are able to access a pension scheme.

Pensions ghana
L’accès aux soins des étrangers en France reste toujours « difficile », selon le Défenseur des droits dfabbri

Le Monde (13.05.2019) M. Toubon met en cause les « préjugés » entourant les étrangers malades, et notamment celui d’un « appel d’air » censément créé par le système de soins français.

Difficult-to-cover groups france
How a basic income can battle the 8 giants of a faltering economy pmassetti

World Economic Forum (20.01.2019)  The post-1945 income distribution system is irretrievably broken, threatening the market economy. And traditional redistributive tools such as direct taxes, collective bargaining, and labor regulations cannot put things right.

Exploring social protection systems in Zimbabwe dfabbri

The Sunday Mail (05.05.2019) There are so many ways to deepen the understanding of social protection systems in Zimbabwe be it by academics, researchers, policy makers and the social protection polity in general.

Europe: New data show more than 14 million young people benefitted from Youth Guarantee dfabbri

Europa (30.04.2019) Latest data on the Youth Guarantee show that youth unemployment and rate of NEETs have reached record lows since the Youth Guarantee started, but also indicate more work is still needed.

european union
Bolivia: El desempleo golpea a los más jóvenes del país dfabbri

El Deber (05.05.2019)  Según el INE la desocupación general es de un 4,27%, mientras que en los segmentos de menor edad llega al 8,5%. El Gobierno ofrece programas laborales

economic crisis Unemployment bolivia