Global Challenges search
Title | Abstract | Tags | Topics | Regions / Country | |
Le champignon microscopique “Candida auris”, une menace grandissante pour la santé publique | gfilhon | Une mystérieuse infection due à un champignon résistant aux traitements se développe dans le monde, et ce dans un climat de secret |
Health promotion, Medical care, Health insurance, Shocks & extreme events, Natural disasters | Africa, Americas, Asia, Europe | |
Myanmar: Analysis of the relationship between social protection and national cohesion and reconciliation | dfabbri | Helpage (13.04.2019) HelpAge International has supported Myanmar since 2004 and has been an implementing partner of the Livelihoods and Food Security Fund (LIFT) donor consortium since January 2010. Building on its field experience, HelpAge began a policy oriented project funded by LIFT in 2014, called Strengthening the Ministry of Social Welfare To Fulfil Its Role in Expanding Social Protection. The project aims to help build the capacity of the Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement (MSWRR) to clarify its mandate on social protection as a whole and make informed decisions in relation to specific programmes, particularly its new universal National Social Pension. |
Old-age pensions | myanmar | |
Brazil pension reform on track to pass by June | dfabbri | Reuters (11.04.2019) Brazil’s pension reform process will pick up momentum after the Easter holidays, staying on track for approval in the lower house in May or June, the lower house speaker Rodrigo Maia said on Thursday. |
managing reforms | Pensions | brazil |
Bridging the gap in social protection and socio-economic policies in Asean | dfabbri | BusinessMirror (11.04.2019) On paper, the Philippines and other Member States of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) are all committed to the protection of their citizens against social and economic risks. However, the adequacy of the social protection extended to the ordinary people is still limited, as reflected in the social spending made by Asean countries on social protection, roughly 4-6 percent of the GDP versus the 20-24 percent in the developed countries. |
Asia | ||
EU: High-level conference - The Future of Work: Today. Tomorrow. For All | pmassetti | Europa (09.04.2019) Hosted by the European Commission, the conference 'The Future of Work: Today. Tomorrow. For All.' has steered an open discussion on the main changes taking place in the world of work. |
Europe | ||
[Opinion] Europe’s future of work requires new safety nets | dfabbri | EurActiv (April 2019) How, where and when we work is changing rapidly. There are now many diverse forms of work. In addition to the challenges that this new world of work brings to our existing systems of labour legislation, lifelong learning, taxation and collective bargaining, its impact on our social protection systems is of particular concern, writes Michael Freytag. |
megatrends | Employment | european union |
México: Piden que ley secundaria de reforma laboral refuerce la seguridad social | dfabbri | 20minutos (09.04.2019) Las leyes secundarias de la reforma laboral que se que se distirán en la Cámara de Diputados deben reforzar la seguridad social, con el fin de proteger los derechos de los trabajadores y que exista... |
managing reforms | mexico | |
El empleo de éxito que crea la economía digital | Expansión | dfabbri | Expansión (18.12.2018) Quizá el camino más directo y eficaz para tener éxito en la búsqueda de empleo sea rastrear los nuevos puestos que impulsa la economía digital. Se trata de perfiles adaptados a los negocios y capacidades del futuro. También la FP genera profesiones muy reales y necesarias. |
Brexit preparedness: EU preparations help safeguard citizens’ social security entitlements | dfabbri | Europa (09.04.2019) As part of its Brexit preparedness and contingency work, the European Commission has taken several measures to protect EU citizens and UK nationals who are or have been living or working in another Member State. |
european union | ||
Malaysia: NIOSH can give practical solutions to occupational health problems, says its chairman | dfabbri | New Straits Times (09.04.2019) Organisations and companies could reduce occupational diseases by implementing engineering control through specific methods built into plant design, equipment and processes. National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) chairman Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye said engineering control was more effective than administrative control (or work practice control) and the use of personal protective equipment. |
OSH | Prevention of occupational risks | malaysia |
Are Switzerland’s pensions too high? | dfabbri | (08.04.2019) The Swiss pension system is in danger of collapse. At the same time, Swiss retirees get higher pensions than almost anywhere else in the world. Is the country due for a reality check? |
managing reforms | Pensions | switzerland |
France: Retraites - que deviendront les pensions de réversion et les droits familiaux? | dfabbri | Libération (08.04.2019) Sans cacher son agacement après les déclarations contradictoires des membres du gouvernement, Jean-Paul Delevoye, grand architecte de la réforme, poursuit ses travaux. Objectif affiché : rendre le système plus équitable, y compris entre les hommes et les femmes. |
managing reforms | Old-age pensions, Survivors | france |
France: Ce que propose le rapport Libault pour le grand âge | gfilhon | agefi (05.04.2019) Le rapport Grand âge demandé par le Premier ministre à Dominique Libault a été remis à la ministre des Solidarités et de la santé, Agnès Buzyn, jeudi 28 mars. Ce haut fonctionnaire avait pour mission de conduire une concertation et de faire des propositions de réforme, notamment dans la perspective d’un projet de loi. |
family_gender_society, housing, megatrends, policy reponse, poverty, service intermediaries , services quality | france | |
Concertation Grand âge et autonomie - Rapports publics - La Documentation française | gfilhon | Rapport In Extenso de Dominique Libault, directeur de l'EN3S, sur la perte d'autonomie et la prise en charge du grand âge et de la dépendance |
housing, managing reforms, prevention, robotization, service delivery, service intermediaries , services quality | Health, Disability, Old-age pensions, Demographic change, Long-term care, Population ageing, Social policies & programmes, Policy analysis | Europe , france |
Français du monde. Une meilleure protection sociale pour les expatriés | dfabbri | francetvinfo (08.04.2019) Le texte de la réforme de la Caisse des Français de l’Étranger qui vient d'être définitivement adopté, vise à rendre le fonctionnement de la “sécurité sociale des expatriés” plus lisible, alors que la taille de la communauté française à l’étranger ne cesse de croître, +3% par an environ, et que la santé se hisse en tête de ses préoccupations. |
france | ||
[Opinion] Doctor’s Tip: Health care in Cuba — maybe we can learn something | dfabbri | (07.04.2019) Understandably, a growing number of Americans are dissatisfied with our expensive, dysfunctional health care system. We spend far more money on health care than any other country, yet rank far down the list of most measures of health outcomes. Complications of our health care system (errors, missed diagnoses, hospital-acquired infections, etc.) are the third cause of death, following heart disease and cancer. |
Health promotion | cuba | |
EU countries reject proposal on social security coordination | pmassetti | POLITICO (29.03.2019) Bitter feud centered on who pays unemployment benefits to workers who commute between EU countries. |
Unemployment | Europe | |
UK: Government approves phased implementation of pensions dashboard | pmassetti | The government has approved a phased introduction of the pensions dashboard, advising that pension schemes need to start preparing now in order to hit a three to four year delivery timeline. |
Pensions, Service quality | united kingdom | |
Canada launches parental sharing benefit to encourage equal childcare | pmassetti | (27.03.2019) --The Canadian government has introduced a new parental sharing benefit this month (March 2019), to enable birth, adoptive and same-sex parents to share childcare responsibilities more equally. |
Parental leave | canada | |
UNICEF investment in 6 blockchain startups extends mission | pmassetti | (25.02.2019) UNICEF's investment in blockchain startups extends its mission and also underscores the particularity of scenarios where blockchain promises to be the optimal solution. |
How Africa and Asia are joining forces on universal healthcare | pmassetti | World Economic Forum (04.03.2019) An estimated 400 million people in the world lack access to basic health services, while millions are pushed into extreme poverty each year because of out-of-pocket healthcare costs. The burden of this lack of universal health coverage (UHC) is largely placed on Africa and Asia, where 97% of the population are impoverished by out-of-pocket health spending. |
universal health care | Africa, Asia | |
[Report] WHO: Countries are spending more on health, but people are still paying too much out of their own pockets | dfabbri | WHO (20.02.2019) Spending on health is growing faster than the rest of the global economy, accounting for 10% of global gross domestic product (GDP). A new report on global health expenditure from the World Health Organization (WHO) reveals a swift upward trajectory of global health spending, which is particularly noticeable in low- and middle-income countries where health spending is growing on average 6% annually compared with 4% in high-income countries. |
Financing | ||
France: Dépendance, bientôt le cinquième risque ? Les pistes de réforme sur la table, une loi à l'automne | dfabbri | lequotidiendumedecin (28.03.2019) Six mois après le lancement d'une grande concertation nationale pour répondre aux défis du vieillissement, Dominique Libault, conseiller d'État et président du Comité national du parcours des personnes âgées en risque de perte d'autonomie (PAERPA), a rendu ce jeudi à Agnès Buzyn son rapport. Il y compile... 175 propositions « pour une politique forte et nouvelle du grand âge en France » issues des 400 000 contributions récoltées en ligne, des 5 forums régionaux et des 10 ateliers nationaux. |
Old-age pensions | france | |
What Is the Future of Paid Parental Leave in America? | dfabbri | Pacific Standard (02.04.2019) The U.S. has a rough track record with how it treats new parents, but there are reasons to believe that this could soon be a thing of the past. |
Parental leave | United States | |
China Cuts Social Insurance Costs for Employers | dfabbri | China Briefing News (28.03.2019) China is lowering social insurance costs for employers after the State Council confirmed the decision at its meeting held on March 26. This follows Premier Li Keqiang’s pledge at the Two Sessions meetings, which were held earlier this month in Beijing, to lower costs for businesses by slashing tax and social insurance obligations. |
brics, managing reforms | Financing | china |