The rise of African digital platforms – Cenfri

Submitted by rruggia on Tue, 07/23/2019 - 09:35

Early findings from our African digital platforms and the future of financial services research An increasingly digital and connected Africa is providing new ways for entrepreneurs and consumers to participate in the economy. To better understand the related opportunities and challenges, the i2i facility has embarked on a journey across eight African markets to explore:0 The landscape of digital platforms The individuals who economically benefit from these platforms The relationship of these platforms and platform participants to the financial sector Early findings from Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Rwanda, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia show more than 300 unique digital platforms match providers and consumers of goods and services (also known as multi-sided platforms [1]). These platforms operate in diverse economic sectors, including transportation, online shopping, asset sharing and professional services.

Regions / Country
Document Type
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags