Global Challenges search
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Impulsan medidas de protección social para el trabajo freelance | dfabbri | iproup (17.09.2019) A partir de la aceleración del cambio tecnológico, la globalización y los cambios culturales, la norma parece girar alrededor de trabajadores que mantienen más cantidad de trabajos por períodos más cortos, muchas veces con intermitencias y modalidades diferentes de contratación. |
IOM Tells UN High-Level Meeting that Universal Health Coverage Must Include Migrants | dfabbri | ReliefWeb (24.09.2019) IOM Monday (23 September) welcomed the landmark Political Declaration on Universal Health Coverage at the 74th UN General Assembly in New York. Speaking on behalf of IOM Director General António Vitorino, Jacqueline Weekers, director of IOM’s Migration Health Division, said that for Universal Health Coverage to be truly universal “it needs to progressively include migrants, especially those marginalized or in situations of vulnerability.” |
EU lawmakers give green light to strengthening parents and carers’ rights | pmassetti | (05.04.2019) The European Parliament backed on Thursday (4 April) the work-life balance directive, which introduces a set of minimum standards to help reconcile work and family responsibilities for parents and carers in Europe, and thus improve gender equality. |
Family benefits | Europe | |
China's social security platform goes online | dfabbri | ECNS /18.09.2019) China officially kicked off a national online platform for social insurance on Sunday after a month-long test, allowing residents to process data much more easily, sometimes with the aid of facial recognition technology. |
digital platforms | china | |
Building on Digital ID for Inclusive Services: Lessons from India | pmassetti | Center For Global Development (13.09.2019) India has emerged as a leader in building on its biometric digital ID (Aadhaar) to reform service and program delivery. It moved quickly to consolidate the rollout of Aadhaar, and then to embed the unique Aadhaar number into program databases. |
india | ||
Ireland: New clampdown launched on social welfare fraud | pmassetti | (16.09.2019) A new clampdown on social welfare fraud will include increased inspections and penalties for employers who falsely claim that workers are self-employed. |
Error, evasion and fraud | ireland | |
Social Security Agreement between China and Japan Comes in Effect | dfabbri | china-briefing (03.09.2019) The Social Security Agreement between China and Japan took effect September 1, 2019, according to China’s Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security (MHRSS). The agreement will allow Chinese and Japanese nationals working in the other country to avoid paying part of the social insurance. |
International agreements | china, japan | |
France: L'AME, aide médicale d'État, sur la sellette | dfabbri | Le Point (24.09.2019) C'est un serpent de mer des débats sur l'immigration. Créée en 2000 en parallèle de la couverture maladie universelle (la CMU), l'aide médicale d'État est exclusivement destinée aux étrangers en situation irrégulière, auxquels elle donne accès à un panel de soins réduit. |
france | ||
WHO welcomes landmark UN declaration on universal health coverage | dfabbri | WHO (23.09.2019) oTday world leaders adopted a high-level United Nations Political Declaration on universal health coverage (UHC), the most comprehensive set of health commitments ever adopted at this level. “This declaration represents a landmark for global health and development,” said Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General at WHO. “The world has 11 years left to make good on its sustainable development goals. Universal health coverage is key to ensuring that happens.” |
universal health care | ||
Egypt plans single cash transfer system for combating poverty | pmassetti | The Egyptian authorities plan to launch a new social protection system as of August to help the poor make ends meet as part of a new law for cash subsidies. The bill, which is expected to be passed by parliament later this month, will amalgamate all of the country’s cash-subsidy schemes into the Takaful and Karama program. |
poverty | egypt | |
Namibia’s new Social Protection Policy: A chance to close the gaps - New Era Live | dfabbri | New Era Live (20.09.2019) The new draft social protection policy of the Ministry of Poverty Eradication and Social Welfare provides a background to social protection in Namibia and an assessment of the current social protection programmes. |
namibia | ||
Suisse: Subsides aux primes maladie: le combat des cantons romands | dfabbri | Le Temps (23.09.2019) Alors qu’Alain Berset critique les cantons qui profitent des subsides fédéraux pour réduire les primes, les Romands souhaitent une répartition plus équitable de cette aide |
Financing | switzerland | |
With a changing nature of work, a robust set of protections is needed to build and safeguard human capital | pmassetti | (September 2019) Without risk, there’s little reward. This is the gist of dozens of quotes attributable to such notable figures as John F. Kennedy and Yo-Yo Ma, Paulo Coelho and Rihanna. Their maxims on life hold true for markets. How can policy help people – particularly people living in poverty or vulnerable to impoverishment who arguably have the most to lose – take risks and reap greater rewards? |
Pension extension: Bringing informal workers into the retirement social safety net | pmassetti | (August 2019) Millions of Asia’s informal workers – such as vendors, day laborers, and others – are left out of national pension systems. Here’s what we can do to help them in their later years. |
Pensions, Extension of coverage | Asia | |
Paid parental leave – what’s next for Australia? | dfabbri | Policy Forum (19.09.2019) Ten years on from the historic announcement of Australia’s paid parental leave scheme, it is time for policymakers, experts, industry, and government to reflect on further improvements to support Australian families, Belinda Townsend writes. |
Parental leave | australia | |
Kenya: Carte - le revenu universel et ses expérimentations dans le monde | pmassetti | (02.06.2019) Le Kenya va tester cette année la plus large expérience de revenu universel jamais menée, une idée qui a été expérimentée sous de nombreuses formes depuis trente ans. |
universal-basic-income | ||
Ireland: New clampdown launched on social welfare fraud | dfabbri | RTE (19.09.2019) A new clampdown on social welfare fraud will include increased inspections and penalties for employers who falsely claim that workers are self-employed. The practice estimated to cost the exchequer up to up to a quarter of a billion euro per year. |
Error, evasion and fraud | ireland | |
Suisse: Les conditions de vie des retraités suisses ne sont plus les meilleures au monde | dfabbri | Le Temps (19.09.2019) La Suisse est dépassée par l’Islande à l’indice global des retraites calculé par Natixis et CoreData. Elle perd des points notamment en raison de la détérioration des «conditions matérielles» des personnes âgées, même si elle est en tête à l’aune des critères environnementaux |
Financing | switzerland | |
Maybe We’re Not All Going to Be Gig Economy Workers After All | pmassetti | The New York Times (15.09.2019) Companies like Uber are hitting the turbulence of government regulation, worker resistance and labor market reality. |
digital platforms | ||
WOS2019 Conference on "The Future of Safety in a Digitalised World" Organized by AUVA in Vienna | dfabbri | (16.09.2019) The "10th International Conference on the Prevention of Accidents at Work" will take place in Vienna, Austria, from 23 to 26 September 2019. It is organised by the Austrian Workers' Compensation Board (AUVA). |
OSH | Prevention of occupational risks | |
Philippines : ID system to improve targeting for cash transfer program | pmassetti | Philippine News Agency (09.09.2019) The country’s chief economist expects the implementation of the national identification (ID) system to improve the targeting of beneficiaries of social protection program meant to uplift the lives of the poor. |
biometric, cct, identity management | philippines, the | |
Deux millions de travailleurs vivent en dessous du seuil de pauvreté en France | dfabbri | La Tribune (12.09.2019) Le nombre de travailleurs pauvres a bondi de 181.000 entre 2016 et 2017 selon les derniers chiffres de l'Insee. Au total, ils seraient 2,1 millions contre 1,9 million un an auparavant. |
poverty | france | |
US: In California, Gig Workers Are About to Become Employees | dfabbri | WIRED (11.09.2019) A bill passed by California lawmakers Wednesday could put guardrails on the gig economy and its reliance on “independent contractors.” The legislation, Assembly Bill 5, may reshape the way some of the state’s marquee companies—including Uber, Lyft, and DoorDash—as well as many janitorial services, truckers, and musicians do business. |
United States | ||
[Report] Opening Access to Social Protection for Forcibly Displaced Populations | dfabbri | ReliefWeb (11.09.2019) In recent years, forcibly displaced populations have attracted enormous media attention as an increasing number of disasters and political conflicts push more and more people to move away from their homes and seek refuge and opportunities in other places. At the same time, political nervousness about the financial and institutional capability of ‘receiving’ locations to adequately respond to the needs of these large-scale population movements contributes to the shrinking space for thinking about the rights and needs of people on the move. |
How ‘family-friendly’ are European countries? | dfabbri | Social Europe (11.09.2019) The Nordic countries, with their strong public spheres, are more supportive than those which elevate the family as a private institution. |
family | Family benefits | Europe |