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Climate change in the Sahel: How can cash transfers help protect the poor? pmassetti (04.12.2019) the countries of the Sahel are particularly vulnerable to climate change, undermining their long-term development prospects and the chances of the next generation.

Social protection expenditure and its financing in Europe pmassetti

Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion - European Commission (28.10.2019) This Synthesis Report produced by the European Social Policy Network (ESPN) examines the changes which occurred in expenditure on social protection and the sources of its financing over the period 2005-2016.

Social policies & programmes, Financing Europe
The ILO’s Global Social Protection Week needs to address austerity, the elephant in the room pmassetti

Equal Times (21.11.2019) During the week of 25 November, senior government officials, social partners, civil society organisations and representatives of the international community will gather in Geneva to take part in the International Labour Organization’s (ILO) Global Social Protection Week.

Chile's fiery anger fueled by fears of poverty in old age pmassetti

Reuters (01.11.2019) As over a million people streamed through Santiago’s streets in a series of protest marches last week, one elderly couple stood out from the largely youthful crowd.

UN Special Rapporteur and rights groups warn of risks from biometrics and AI in welfare systems pmassetti

Biometric Update (18.10.2019) The potential of biometric ID systems for abuse in some countries is a major threat to individuals, and current practices risk the world “stumbling zombie-like into a digital welfare dystopia,” according UN Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights, Professor Philip Alston.

Data management
How do digital labour platforms impact working conditions? pmassetti

World Economic Forum (23.09.2019) Debates about the gig economy tend to focus on transportation network companies (TNCs) and other locally provided services. Less discussed but of growing importance in the world of work are cross-border, web-based, digital labour platforms.

digital platforms
Finnish social minister: Europe needs ‘a paradigm shift’ towards the economy of well-being pmassetti (19.08.2019) Working towards a more inclusive economic growth in Europe is one of the Finnish presidency’s main priorities. Finnish minister Aino-Kaisa Pekonen lays out her vision for “the economy of well-being”.

Social policies & programmes Europe
Digital dystopia: how algorithms punish the poor pmassetti

The Guardian (14.10.2019) In an exclusive global series, the Guardian lays bare the tech revolution transforming the welfare system worldwide – while penalising the most vulnerable

Here's how Obamacare has changed America pmassetti

KMIZ (09.07.2019) In the nine years since the Affordable Care Act was signed into law, it has affected nearly every aspect of the nation's health care system.

United States
Why Informal Workers Are Opting Out of China’s Welfare System pmassetti (09.10.2019) As China’s population continues to age, the country must increase the number of people paying into the system. But many workers in the informal sector aren’t interested.

brics china
Malaysia: Socso scheme helps cut workers’ mishaps while commuting to work dfabbri

Daily Express Online  (10.10.2019) Socso scheme helps cut workers’ mishaps while commuting to work. Elopura Assemblyman, Calvin Chong, said awareness on road accidents involving workers heading to or from work is important. He said, according to a study by the Malaysian Institute of Road Safety Research (Miros), about 30 to 40 per cent of accidents occur due to road users’ attitude.

issa, OSH Prevention of occupational risks malaysia
Swedish authorities introduce robots to help social workers pmassetti (04.10.2019) Local authorities in Sweden are using process automation through software to help social workers make decisions on benefits for claimants.

Social assistance sweden
How digital can transform healthcare in Asia for millions of people dfabbri

World Economic Forum (04.10.2019) More than half of the people on Earth still don’t have full coverage of essential health services and almost 100 million people fall into extreme poverty from paying for healthcare. In South-East Asia, while some positive progress has been made in achieving universal health coverage (UHC), it isn’t happening fast enough.

Posted workers: Commission reports better enforcement dfabbri

Europa (25.09.2019) This directive entered into force in 2014 and provides key tools to fight circumvention and abuse of EU rules on posting of workers. The report shows that by now, all Member States have transposed the Enforcement directive into national law, leading to improved enforcement of the rules on posting of workers across the EU.

european union
Bhutan bets on digital payments to improve services pmassetti (12.08.2019) The new e-payment system supports seamless—and cashless—transactions between the government and banking systems, allowing salaries, pensions, payments, and benefits to be delivered without manual intervention. 

Philippines: SSS taps partners to expand self-employed workers’ coverage » dfabbri

Manila Bulletin Business (05.10.2019) More than 50 cooperatives and associations nationwide joined the Social Security System (SSS) on its fourth multi-sectoral forum aiming to promote the pension fund’s programs for self-employed workers in the informal sector.

self-employed philippines, the
France: La dématérialisation des services publics se heurte à l'« illettrisme numérique » dfabbri

Les Echos (22.08.2019) Les services publics doivent être entièrement dématérialisés en 2022, mais 13 millions de Français rencontrent des difficultés avec les outils numériques. Le gouvernement et les collectivités territoriales ont annoncé la création de dix nouveaux lieux de formation.

Budget de la Sécurité sociale: ce qui va changer pour les Français en 2020 dfabbri

Les Echos (04.10.2019) Prélèvement à la source pour les particuliers employeurs, congé de proche aidant, lutte contre les impayés alimentaires, accroissement du rôle des Urssaf : le point sur les innovations du projet de loi de financement de la Sécurité sociale pour 2020 qui a été présenté ce lundi.

managing reforms france
Brazil senate approves pension reform in first-round vote after savings hit dfabbri

Reuters (02.10.2019) Brazil’s Senate on Wednesday approved a landmark pension reform bill in a first round of voting, in a relief for far-right President Jair Bolsonaro, although senators voted down an amendment in a move that dilutes the reform’s projected savings.

brics, managing reforms Pensions brazil
Philippines: Effective Pension Scheme For Phl Senior Citizens Sought pmassetti (19.09.2019) “Empowering our elderly through universal social pension will also contribute to the reduction of poverty and inequality, provide transformative support to ordinary families, and further stimulate the economy,” Sen. Risa Hontiveros said.

Universal Social Protection Pensions philippines, the
Social protection schemes expanding to encompass climate hazards, says new research dfabbri

climatecentre (01.10.2019) The latest in a series of series of background papers commissioned by the Global Commission on Adaptation to inform its 2019 flagship report argues that better integration of social protection and climate adaptation is “critically important for addressing climate risks”.

climate change Social assistance, Conditional cash transfers
Objectives and challenges in the implementation of a universal pension system in France pmassetti

Oecd working paper (2019) The mission of the French High Commission for Pension Reform is to prepare the reform introducing a universal pension points system in France. This paper explains why implementing a universal points system in France would increase transparency, reduce inequality and generate efficiency gains for the whole economy. It documents the experience of OECD countries which have opted for a points or a notional defined contribution (NDC) schemes, and provides a technical framework to compare defined benefit, points and NDC pension systems.

Universal Social Protection Pensions france
WHO launches digital app to improve care for older people dfabbri

WHO (01.10.2019) On the International Day of Older Persons – 1 October – the World Health Organization (WHO) is launching  a package of tools, including a digital application to help health and social workers provide better care for older people.The innovative interactive digital application known as WHO ICOPE Handbook App provides practical guidance to address priority conditions including mobility limitations, malnutrition, vision and hearing loss, cognitive decline, depressive symptoms and social care and support. Used in conjunction with a package of tools including a new handbook, the app will accelerate training of health and social workers to better address the diverse needs of older people.  

digital platforms Old-age pensions
Bangladesh: Reimagining social protection for older people dfabbri

The Daily Star (01.10.2019) Every year October 1 is observed worldwide as the International Day of Older Persons. The theme for this year’s day is “The Journey to Age Equality”, which calls attention to increasing old-age inequalities and seeks societal and structural changes in social protection and universal health coverage schemes for older persons around the world.

Old-age pensions bangladesh
América Latina: Maternidad e informalidad laboral dfabbri

El Liberal (30.09.2019)  A partir del nacimiento del primer hijo, las mujeres reducen su participación laboral, sus horas trabajadas y por ende caen sus ingresos respecto del momento previo al embarazo.

labour markets Family benefits, Maternity latin america