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Title | Abstract | Tags | Topics | Regions / Country | |
France: Liste des mesures pour les entreprises | mmarquez | (19.03.2020) Des mesures immédiates de soutien aux entreprises Face à l’épidémie du Coronavirus Covid-19, le Gouvernement met en place des mesures immédiates de soutien aux entreprises:
contribution collection, covid19 | Contribution collection and compliance | france |
Deutschland: Auch im Home-Office unfallversichert | mmarquez | (19.03.2020) Aufgrund der aktuellen Corona-Krise ermöglichen viele Arbeitgeber ihren Beschäftigten, von zuhause aus zu arbeiten. Was ist, wenn im häuslichen Umfeld ein Unfall passiert? Wann ist es ein Arbeitsunfall und wann nicht? Grundsätzlich gilt: Ein Unfall infolge einer versicherten Tätigkeit ist ein Arbeitsunfall und steht damit unter dem Schutz der gesetzlichen Unfallversicherung. Maßgeblich ist dabei nicht unbedingt der Ort der Tätigkeit, sondern die Frage, ob die Tätigkeit in einem engen Zusammenhang mit den beruflichen Aufgaben steht – das Bundessozialgericht spricht hier von der Handlungstendenz. Das heißt zum Beispiel: Fällt eine Versicherte die Treppe hinunter und verletzt sich dabei, weil sie im Erdgeschoss die unterbrochene Internetverbindung überprüfen will, die sie für die dienstliche Kommunikation benötigt, wäre dieser Unfall versichert. |
covid19 | Occupational accidents and diseases, Safety and health at work | germany |
France: Un report du paiement des cotisations sociales | mmarquez | (19.03.2020) Selon les informations communiquées sur le site de l’Urssaf, la prochaine échéance mensuelle de paiement des cotisations sociales personnelles (le 20 mars) des artisans, commerçants et professionnels libéraux ne sera pas prélevée. Le montant des cotisations dues sera ainsi lissé sur les échéances de paiement à venir, à savoir d’avril à décembre. Par ailleurs, ces travailleurs non salariés peuvent solliciter auprès de l’Urssaf :
covid19 | Contribution collection and compliance | france |
France: Chômage partiel, report des cotisations: tout ce que les chefs d'entreprise doivent savoir par temps de coronavirus | mmarquez | (13.03.2020) Pour les cotisations, la demande se fait par e-mails Les délais sont serrés : les employeurs ont une échéance Urssaf fixée au 15 du mois. Pour éviter le prélèvement, les entreprises doivent faire une demande de report. Si besoin, ils pourront la réitérer pour la prochaine échéance, le 15 avril. Cette démarche sera «sans justification, sans formalité, sans pénalité» et concernera «le paiement des cotisations et impôts dus en mars», a déclaré Emmanuel Macron lors de son allocution de jeudi soir. Report des échéances fiscales L'employeur doit s'adresser au service des impôts des entreprises (SIE) s'il souhaite un report des crédits de TVA et de CICE. Un formulaire simplifié a été rendu public à cet effet. Doivent y être inscrits les impôts sur lesquels portent la demande, et la baisse de chiffre d'affaires qui justifie la démarche. Celle-ci doit être réalisée par e-mail: une liste des différents SIE et de leurs coordonnées est disponible en ligne à cet effet. Report des échéances sociales En ce qui concerne l'Urssaf, l'employeur peut demander un report du paiement de la cotisation personnelle d'allocations familiales, de la Contribution sociale généralisée (CSG), de la Contribution pour le remboursement de la dette sociale (CRDS) et de la Contribution à la formation professionnelle (CFP). Ces paiements pourront être reportés jusqu’à trois mois, indique l'Urssaf. Si l'employeur n'a pas encore transmis sa déclaration sociale nominative (DSN), il peut encore la déposer jusqu'au 16 mars inclus en modulant son paiement ; si la déclaration a déjà été transmise, il peut aussi l'amender. |
contribution collection, covid19 | Contribution collection and compliance | france |
India: Odisha government issues guidelines for worksites | mmarquez | (19.03.2020) The state government on Wednesday asked the management of various factories, plants as well as contractors to strictly follow its guidelines for workplaces and construction sites where work from home for the workers is not possible. The managements of several factories and contractors have been asked to encourage their workers to wash their hands with soap and alcohol-based hand rubs frequently and thoroughly. The guidelines were issued by N Thirumala Naik, the state director of factories and boilers and also the labour commissioner. He asked the management of factories to stay at home if they are unwell or down with flu-like symptoms. To minimize contact among the workers, the employers have been asked to explore flexible working hours and instructions have also been issued to sensitize them to not spit in public places and to cover their nose and mouth with a handkerchief or tissue paper while sneezing and coughing. |
covid19, prevention | Occupational accidents and diseases, Prevention of occupational risks | india |
Russia: State Duma allows Cabinet to distribute money without amendments to the budget | mmarquez | (19.03.2020) “The fight against coronavirus in the country requires emergency funds, we could not foresee the development of these tools, including when working on the budget,” Andrei Makarov explained. The government of the Russian Federation supported the bill. These changes will contribute to the timely financial provision of necessary measures and the prompt provision of state guarantee support, the government recalls. Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov, speaking in the State Duma, said the government is asking the State Duma to quickly consider a number of legislative decisions in support of the economy in the context of the coronavirus pandemic. The government has developed a list of measures. In the near future, literally today and tomorrow, we are already starting its implementation” said Siluanov. According to him, the government’s operational action plan provides support for key sectors affected by the pandemic. This, in particular, air transportation, tourism, trade, small and medium enterprises. The set of operational measures includes a number of instruments - interest rate subsidies, tax deferral, direct budget investments, state guarantees and, accordingly, reduction of administrative impact on business, the Minister of Finance said. |
covid19 | Contribution collection and compliance | Russian Federation |
Russia: Cabinet introduced measures to reduce the effects of COVID-19 | mmarquez | (16.03.2020) The prime minister was instructed to provide a special procedure for the payment of sick leave for quarantined citizens, and for additional medical workers involved in disease prevention, additional incentive payments. The Ministry of Finance should create a special fund to reward doctors who, risking their lives and health, have distinguished themselves in the fight against coronavirus. In total, according to the deputy chairman of the government, six thousand infectious disease doctors, almost two thousand pulmonologists, and more than 18 thousand nurses are ready to provide medical assistance. If the need arises, then students of medical universities and colleges can be involved. Medical organizations will be given the right to issue disability certificates remotely without a full-time examination of the patient if there are documents confirming the person’s stay in one of the countries where coronavirus cases are registered. This applies to persons living with such people. The Ministry of Labor will review the payment of sick leave. “Payment will be made directly to the citizen in advance until the closure of the work capacity sheet,” Tatyana Golikova said. “We determined that it would be every fifth working day so that citizens who are under quarantine do not lose their income.” |
covid19 | Cash sickness benefits | Russian Federation |
Russia: Decree approving the Interim Rules for processing sick leave certificates, the appointment and payment of temporary disability benefits in case of quarantine | mmarquez | (19.03.2020) Citizens who are quarantined after a trip abroad can apply for an electronic sick leave through the Unified Portal of Public Services. The government approved temporary rules for processing sick leave certificates, appointments and sick leave payments during the quarantine period. The document applies to persons who arrived in Russia from countries where cases of new coronavirus infection were registered, as well as to persons living with them. Each region should appoint no more than 3 medical organizations that will provide remote issuance and registration of electronic disability certificates. An application for extradition of sick leave is submitted through the Unified portal of public services. If a citizen does not have access to this resource, another person with a personal account on the portal can do it for him. The procedure for compiling an application for the issuance of a certificate of incapacity for work was registered, the attached documents are listed. In particular, you need to confirm your stay in the territory of a foreign country (this can be a ticket or a mark in the passport). The resolution comes into force on March 20, 2020 and is applied until July 1, 2020. |
covid19, service delivery | Cash sickness benefits | Russian Federation |
Russia: Law on drug price regulation passed | mmarquez | (19.03.2020) Thanks to innovations, the government will be able to set maximum allowable prices if the emergency is already in full swing or so far only an epidemic threat has arisen. And the third option is if for 30 calendar days in the regions the price increase for certain medicines and medical devices will be more than 30%. Freezing can last up to 90 days. In the course of work on the project, deputies with the support of the Cabinet significantly expanded measures. As the head of the State Duma Committee on Health Protection Dmitry Morozov explained, in the final version the document concerns not only retail prices, but also producer and wholesaler prices, including taking into account value added tax. Thus, the Cabinet will have a serious tool to contain prices in a rush. After the entry into force of the document, it will not be possible to sell medicines or the same masks at a price higher than that established by the state. And innovations should begin to act immediately after official publication. |
covid19 | Medical care | Russian Federation |
Global: Corona Advice for Vision Zero Companies and Partners | mmarquez | (20.03.2020) The Corona outbreak makes us face a new challenge at the workplace. The seven Golden Rules provide useful guidance to address occupational risks at work, which should not be neglected. Vision Zero, promotes a participatory approach amongst employers and workers at the workplace. The Corona crisis shows again how important it is to work together and act responsibly. Below you will find some information for employers and workers on protective measures regarding the coronavirus. |
covid19, prevention | Occupational accidents and diseases, Safety and health at work, Prevention of occupational risks | |
Russia: The government introduces deferral in insurance premiums for small businesses | mmarquez | (19.03.2020) A moratorium is being introduced in Russia on inspections of enterprises from the register of small and medium-sized businesses, including tax and customs. This was stated by Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin at a government meeting. Mishustin on coronavirus: We will cope with this threat According to the head of the Cabinet, millions of people are employed in the sector of small and medium-sized businesses. Starting in March, a three-month delay is introduced for the payment of insurance premiums, as well as a temporary delay for the payment of rental payments for state and municipal property. |
covid19 | Contribution collection and compliance | Russian Federation |
Russia: Kazan city will deliver shopping of the elderly home | mmarquez | (20.03.2020) A hotline has been opened in Kazan for single elderly citizens in connection with the threat of the spread of coronavirus. Pensioners will be able to order food and medicine delivery by phone to their homes so that they do not go out into public places once again. According to the Rospotrebnadzor, people over the age of 60 are especially exposed to COVID-19. With the disease, the risk of complications, including viral pneumonia, is high. To provide the elderly with everything necessary will be specially formed units from social workers and volunteers. The city hall of Kazan emphasizes that the purchase of food and medicine, payment of utility bills will be made for senior citizens. |
covid19 | Service delivery, Social assistance | Russian Federation |
Russia: Cabinet will provide tax deferral to companies in the field of culture and sports - Russian newspaper | mmarquez | (20.03.2020) Tax breaks due to coronavirus will provide taxpayers in the fields of sports, culture and cinematography. Government introduces deferral of insurance premiums for small businesses Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin instructed the Federal Tax Service to grant them a deferral of taxes and insurance premiums, the due date of which is due until May 1, 2020. Previously, this support measure was used for the tourism industry and passenger air travel. |
covid19 | Contribution collection and compliance | Russian Federation |
Colombia: Reducción de horas de trabajo y teletrabajo | mmarquez | funcionpublica (10.03.2020)Medidas temporales y excepcionales de carácter preventivo: Teniendo en cuenta que la tos, fiebre y dificultad para respirar son los principales síntomas del COVID-19, los organismos y entidades públicas y privadas deben evaluar la adopción de las siguientes medidas temporales. |
covid19 | Employment | colombia |
Australian workers who lose jobs because of COVID-19 will be handed increased Centrelink payments | pmassetti | Daily Mail Online (18.03.2020) Australian workers who lose their jobs because of the coronavirus pandemic will reportedly receive welfare benefits which pay more than the dole. The enhanced Centrelink payments will reportedly be a part of a second government package to keep the economy alive following last week's $17.6billion stimulus - which promised a cheque of $750 for six million Australians. Small and medium businesses given tax breaks and subsidies under the original plan are also expected to be given a boost in the upcoming support package. |
covid19 | Unemployment, Contribution collection and compliance | australia |
New Zealand launches massive spending package to combat Covid-19 | pmassetti | The Guardian (17.03.2020) New Zealand’s government has announced a spending package equivalent to 4% of GDP in an attempt to fight the effects of Covid-19 on the economy, in what ministers called the most significant peace-time economic plan in the country’s modern history. It includes covering wages for people who are required to self-isolate but cannot work from home, or those caring for relatives who are sick with the virus, even if they are not sick or do not test positive for Covid-19. |
covid19 | Unemployment, Social assistance | new zealand |
Confined by coronavirus, Spain's self-employed fear worst is yet to come | pmassetti | Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide (19.03.2020) Homebound for at least the next two weeks under a state of emergency, Spain’s self-employed workers fear the economic damage coming from coronavirus will deprive them of work and customers for much longer, plunging them into debt. |
covid19 | Contribution collection and compliance | spain |
Thailand: Social security levy cut to ease virus jolt | pmassetti | (11.03.2020) To cushion the economic impact of Covid-19, the Social Security Office on Tuesday agreed to reduce financial contributions by both employees and employers into the Social Security Fund from 5% to 4% for six months. |
covid19 | Contribution collection and compliance | thailand |
Deutschland: Mit Kurzarbeit gemeinsam Beschäftigung sichern | mmarquez | (16.03.2020) Unternehmen bekommen in dieser besonderen Situation Unterstützung, damit sie Entlassungen vermeiden und sie zusammen mit ihren Beschäftigten nach der Krise unmittelbar wieder durchstarten können. So sichern wir gemeinsam Arbeitsplätze. Dazu werden die Voraussetzungen für den Bezug von Kurzarbeitergeld erleichtert:
Diese Erleichterungen werden rückwirkend zum 1. März in Kraft treten und auch rückwirkend ausgezahlt. Ansprechpartnerin ist die Agentur für Arbeit vor Ort. |
Unemployment, Contribution collection and compliance | germany | |
UK: Emergency bill to strengthen coronavirus (COVID-19) response plans | pmassetti | GOV.UK (17.03.2020) New laws will be introduced to protect public health, increase NHS capacity, strengthen social care and support the public to take the right action at the right time. |
covid19 | Health insurance | united kingdom |
France: Les réseaux des Urssaf et des services des impôts des entreprises prennent des mesures exceptionnelles pour accompagner les entreprises | mmarquez | (13.03.2020) Afin de tenir compte de l’impact de l’épidémie de coronavirus sur l’activité économique, et conformément aux annonces du Président de la République le 12 mars 2020, les réseaux des Urssaf et des services des impôts des entreprises (SIE) déclenchent des mesures exceptionnelles pour accompagner les entreprises.
contribution collection, covid19 | Contribution collection and compliance | france |
France: Sans-abri et épidémie : que faire? | mmarquez | (18.03.2020) La question SDF a toujours été et demeure, à bien des égards, une question de santé publique[1]. S’il n’existe pas de pathologies spécifiques aux sans-abri, l’épidémiologie diffère de celle de la population générale. Nombre de maladies sont plus répandues et plus alarmantes pour les personnes mal-logées, en habitat insalubre ou qui n’ont même pas de toit. Pour ces dernières, l’efficacité de la prévention sanitaire et du traitement médical est intimement liée à l’amélioration de leur situation sociale[2]. Pour les personnes qui les côtoient (personnels soignants, travailleurs sociaux, gardiens de foyers, bénévoles), c’est également un enjeu de santé personnelle, tout particulièrement en période d’épidémie très contagieuse. Dans leurs actes et comportements, les intervenants doivent redoubler de précaution sanitaire mais aussi d’attention humaine. Les personnes totalement à la rue présentent des fragilités de santé liées à des conditions d’existence dégradées. Dans la mesure où les lieux publics sont des terreaux fertiles pour les virus, toutes les personnes qui les fréquentent plus que les autres sont, de fait, plus exposées. Les SDF sont, par rapport au Covid-19 comme par rapport à toute maladie transmissible, particulièrement vulnérables. S’ils s’appliquent les gestes barrières et toutes les mesures de prévention sanitaire, ils n’ont aucune raison d’être plus affectés. Mais ces gestes barrières (ne serait-ce que pouvoir se laver souvent les mains au savon) et ces mesures de prévention (rester à domicile quand on n’a pas de domicile) sont irréalistes ou inatteignables pour eux. En un mot, les SDF, plus exposés, sont potentiellement plus affectés par une épidémie. En tant que victimes possibles, mais aussi en tant qu’agents propagateurs du virus, pour d’autres sans-abri comme pour la population générale. Ce ne sont pas des spécificités de l’épidémie mais des particularités de leurs conditions de vie qui posent problème. Ce simple constat, établi non pas pour le Covid-19 ni seulement depuis des décennies mais depuis des siècles, nourrit des pratiques et des politiques publiques. Celles-ci ont d’abord été, pendant longtemps, très coercitives, afin de se protéger collectivement des sans-abri. Elles sont, depuis peu de temps, plus sociales, afin de protéger individuellement les SDF. |
covid19, policy reponse, poverty | Difficult-to-cover groups, Policy analysis, Shocks & extreme events | france |
US: President signs a relief package to provide sick leave, unemployment benefits and others | mmarquez | (18.03.2020) A relief package to provide sick leave, unemployment benefits, free coronavirus testing, and food and medical aid to people affected by the pandemic was signed into law by President Trump on Wednesday evening after the Senate passed it by a wide margin. It was approved by the House last week. “This is a time for urgent bipartisan action, and in this case, I do not believe we should let perfection be the enemy of something that will help even a subset of workers,” Mr. McConnell said on the Senate floor Wednesday morning. Lawmakers and the White House are already drafting another economic stabilization package that would send direct payments to taxpayers and provide loans to businesses. An outline of the new package, a copy of which was obtained by The New York Times, calls for a total of $1 trillion in spending, which would also include $50 billion for secured loans for the airline industry, and another $150 billion for secured loans or loan guarantees for other parts of the economy. |
covid19 | Medical care, Unemployment | United States |
Argentina: Se exime el pago de contribuciones patronales para ciertos sectores | mmarquez | (17.03.2020) Los ministros de Economía, Martín Guzmán, y de Desarrollo Productivo, Matías Kulfas, anunciaron esta tarde un paquete de medidas para proteger la producción y el empleo, garantizar el abastecimiento en sectores esenciales y controlar abusos de precios, ante el impacto económico de la pandemia del COVID-19. En una conferencia de prensa que ofrecieron en forma conjunta en la Casa de Gobierno, el Ministro de Economía sostuvo que la batería de anuncios tiene por objetivo “garantizar la producción, el trabajo y el abastecimiento en un momento difícil para el mundo”. Las medidas anunciadas: 1) Medidas para cuidar el trabajo y asegurar el ingreso de las familias: Se eximirá el pago de contribuciones patronales a los sectores afectados de forma crítica por la pandemia del coronavirus. Esto abarca por ejemplo a empresas que se dedican a actividades de esparcimiento (cines, teatros, restaurantes, etc.), turismo, transporte de pasajeros y hoteles. Pero también podrá alcanzar a empresas que afronten dificultades logísticas o de provisión de insumos que afecten sus procesos productivos. Se ampliará el Programa de Recuperación Productiva (REPRO) para garantizar el empleo de aquellos que trabajan en empresas afectadas por la emergencia sanitaria. Se reforzó el seguro de desempleo. |
contribution collection, covid19 | Unemployment, Contribution collection and compliance | argentina |
Japan: Temporary exemptions for contributions to the National Pension Insurance | mmarquez | (12.03.2020) Due to the effects of the new coronavirus infectious diseases, it is difficult to temporarily pay National Pension Insurance premiums, such as those who have reported unemployment, abolition of business (closed business) or suspension. Those who meet the requirements of the above may be exempt from the National Pension Insurance premium based on the application from the person in question. |
contribution collection, covid19 | Old-age pensions, Contribution collection and compliance | japan |