Title | Authored on | Regions / Country | Abstract | measures summary | Description/integral text (Internal-not for publishing) | Topics | Tags | Status | URL | |
UN Advocates for Social Protection and Security for Women | Prensa Latina (23.03.2019) United Nations, March 23 (Prensa Latina) The UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) is advocating this Saturday providing them with social protection guarantees, mobility, security and access to economic opportunities. |
United Nations, March 23 (Prensa Latina) The UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) is advocating this Saturday providing them with social protection guarantees, mobility, security and access to economic opportunities.
After negotiations that took longer than expected t |
extending coverage, gender_and_inequality | Published_SS_Monitor |… | dfabbri | ||||
How Mobile Money Continues To Boom In Africa | Africa | The tie-up of Kenya's mobile sensation M-Pesa with PayPal and Western Union, coupled with the joint venture between two of the largest cellular operators – MTN and Orange – for a mobile wallet that operates across networks have capped a year that has seen significant developments in Africa's… |
Information and communication technology, Extension of coverage | epayment, mobile technologies |… | rruggia | ||||
Report: Policy Responses to New Forms of Work | OECD (21.03.2019) This report provides a snapshot of the policy actions being taken by OECD, EU and G20 countries in response to growing diversity in forms of employment, with the aim of encouraging peer learning where countries are facing similar issues. These changes are driving policy makers… |
This report provides a snapshot of the policy actions being taken by OECD, EU and G20 countries in response to growing diversity in forms of employment, with the aim of encouraging peer learning where countries are facing similar issues. It shows that many countries are reflecting on whether exis |
digital platforms | Published_SS_Monitor, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR, Proposition_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_DOCUMENTS |… | pmassetti | ||||
[Report] OECD Reviews of Pension Systems: Portugal | portugal | OECD (20.03.2019) This review provides policy recommendations on how to improve the Portuguese pension system, building on the OECD’s best practices in pension design. It details the Portuguese pension system and identifies its strengths and weaknesses based on cross-country comparisons. |
This review provides policy recommendations on how to improve the Portuguese pension system, building on the OECD’s best practices in pension design. It details the Portuguese pension system and identifies its strengths and weaknesses based on cross-country comparisons. The Portuguese pension sys |
Pensions | Published_SS_Monitor |… | dfabbri | |||
How Google Plans To Use AI To Reinvent The $3 Trillion US Healthcare Industry | (01.03.2019) Google is betting that the future of healthcare is going to be structured data and AI. The company is applying AI to disease detection, new data infrastructure, and potentially insurance. In this report we explore Google's many healthcare… |
Published_SS_Monitor, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR | | pmassetti | ||||||
EU: Highest proportion of government expenditure goes to social protection and health | european union | finchannel (20.03.2019) In 2017, total government expenditure in the European Union (EU) amounted to 45.8% of gross domestic product (GDP). This share has steadily decreased since 2012, when it stood at 48.9% of GDP. |
In 2017, total government expenditure in the European Union (EU) amounted to 45.8% of gross domestic product (GDP). This share has steadily decreased since 2012, when it stood at 48.9% of GDP.
Financing | Published_SS_Monitor |… | dfabbri | |||
Mèxico: Protección social - una cuestión de derechos | latin america, mexico | El Economista (20.03.2019) En la última década, los derechos económicos de las mujeres, como el derecho al trabajo y a la protección social, han atraído la atención internacional |
En la última década, los derechos económicos de las mujeres, como el derecho al trabajo y a la protección social, han atraído la atención internacional Es indispensable que el Estado garantice los derechos económicos de las mujeres como estrategia para fomentar el empoderamiento |
Employment | gender_and_inequality | Published_SS_Monitor |… | dfabbri | ||
UK: I'm taking Friday off—permanently | united kingdom | socialeurope (20.03.2019) It’s time to share evenly the benefits of automation. That’s why trade unions are calling for a four-day week. |
When in September 2018, Frances O’Grady, general secretary of the British Trades Union Congress (TUC), called for a four-day week as a 21st century trade union ambition, we didn’t know how quickly the idea would take off. But it seems that this is an idea whose time may have come. Just a |
Employment policies | Published_SS_Monitor, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR | | dfabbri | |||
L’Italie lance un revenu de citoyenneté pour les plus démunis | italy | EurActiv (07.03.2019) Les Italiens peuvent demander depuis le 6 mars le revenu de citoyenneté, mesure phare du Mouvement 5 étoile pour les chômeurs et contre l’exclusion sociale |
Le revenu de citoyenneté consiste en une aide économique d’un maximum de 780 euros par mois. Le parti antisystème, au pouvoir aux côtés de la Ligue d’extrême droite le définit comme « une mesure de politique du travail active, de lutte contre la pauvreté, l’inégalité et l’exclusion soci |
Social assistance | basic income | Published_SS_Monitor |… | dfabbri | ||
France: Les seniors durement touchés par le chômage de longue durée | france | EurActiv (19.03.2019) En dépit d’un taux d’activité record, les personnes âgées sont en proportion bien plus souvent en situation de chômage de longue durée que le reste de la population (60,2% contre 41,8%). |
Les difficultés des seniors sur le marché du travail restent bien ancrées. Selon la dernière étude du ministère du Travail publiée ce lundi 18 mars, la proportion de chômeurs de longue durée reste nettement supérieure chez les plus âgés par rapport au reste de la population active. |
Old-age pensions, Employment | labour markets | Published_SS_Monitor |… | dfabbri | ||
IBM Developer – IBM Developer | Information and communication technology | | rruggia | |||||||
Les riches doivent payer plus pour la protection sociale-Enquête OCDE | Reuters | Americas, Asia, Europe | compte rendu de Reuter sur le rapport de l'OCDE en question |
Social policies & programmes | | gfilhon | |||||
Enquête OCDE: Les riches doivent payer plus pour la protection sociale | Dans les pays de l'OCDE, une plus grande progressivité des prélèvements et une plus grande redistribution est très attendue par l'opinion. |
Une très large majorité de ressortissants des pays les plus riches de la planète souhaitent que les plus hauts revenus soient plus taxés pour financer les aides aux plus pauvres, leur confiance dans les systèmes de protection sociale étant très limitée, selon une enquête publiée mardi par l'OCDE. |
Programme & evaluation | economic crisis |… | gfilhon | ||||
Long-Term Care: An Actuarial Perspective on Societal and Personal Challenges | As populations age over the next several decades, the demand for long-term care (LTC) services (assisting individuals with their activities of daily life) will increase dramatically and is likely to reach crisis levels in many countries. Societies will have to confront this emerging need because… |
Health insurance, Actuarial, Long-term care | delziniy | |||||||
US: Health insurance - Fewer workers go part-time as ACA coverage worsens | United States | USA Today (18.03.2019) Many Americans who would like to dial back and work part time have been discouraged from doing so because of sharp premium increases in the individual health insurance market the past few years, experts say. |
Maurice Wysocki, an information technology worker, was looking to branch out on his own as a contractor last year, allowing him a more flexible schedule and sharply reduced hours some months of the year. But then the Poughquag, New York, resident hopped on the federal health care exchange |
Health, Financing | Published_SS_Monitor |… | dfabbri | |||
L’assurance autonomie: Une innovation essentielle pour répondre aux défi s du vieillissement | The aging population and the epidemic of chronic diseases requires an accompanying fi nance reform of long-term care |
Health, Health promotion, Medical care, Health insurance, Long-term care | delziniy | |||||||
GRANDEURS ET MISÈRES DE L'ALLOCATION PERSONNALISÉE D'AUTONOMIE EN FRANCE | Europe , france | Le vieillissement de la population et la pandémie de maladies chroniques |
Health promotion, Medical care, Health insurance, Disability, Long-term care, Population ageing | | delziniy | |||||
Du rapport Laroque à la loi relative à l’adaptation de la société au vieillissement : cinquante-cinq ans de politique vieillesse en France | Europe , france | La misE En oeuvrE des politiques sociales destinées explicitement à « traiter » la problématique du vieillissement remonte, en Europe, à la fin du xixe siècle et au début du xxe siècle. directement liée à la naissance et à l’affirmation des états-nations, elle répondait à deux grandes… |
Ces dispositifs de protection sociale se sont très fortement renforcés, dans la seconde moitié du xxe siècle, avec une volonté de généralisation |
Health promotion, Medical care, Health insurance, Demographic change, Long-term care, Population ageing | delziniy | |||||
Why AI will make healthcare personal | World Economic Forum (14.03.2019) For generations healthcare has been episodic – someone gets sick or breaks a bone, they see a doctor, and then they might not see another one until the next time they get sick or injured. Now, as emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence open up new… |
Published_SS_Monitor, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR | | pmassetti | ||||||
Hit and Miss: An assessment of targeting effectiveness in social protection | Development Pathways (March 2019) This paper is the result of a global review of the effectiveness of different methods of selecting social protection recipients, both targeted and universal schemes. The work considered the effectiveness of 38 programmes across 23 low- and middle-income… |
Programme evaluation, Conditional cash transfers, Programme & evaluation | Proposition_SS_Monitor |… | pmassetti | |||||
Medical tourism and national health care systems: an institutionalist research agenda | (July 2018) Although a growing body of literature has emerged to study medical tourism and address the policy challenges it creates for national health care systems, the comparative scholarship on the topic remains too limited in scope. |
Although a growing body of literature has emerged to study medical tourism and address the policy challenges it creates for national health care systems, the comparative scholarship on the topic remains too limited in scope. In this article, we draw on the existing literature to discuss a compara |
international_agreement | Published_SS_Monitor |… | pmassetti | ||||
Kazakh national social insurance fund accumulates $3.7 billion, envisions changes | kazakhstan | The Astana Times (18.03.2019) As of January, the National Social Insurance Fund has accumulated 1.4 trillion tenge (US$3.7 billion) and is reaching 6.126 million citizens, or 70.3 percent of the country’s working population, said Vice Minister of Labour and Social Protection Svetlana… |
The conversation gathered representatives of non-governmental organisations, the Atamеken National Chamber of Entrepreneurs, National Bank and government. “The goal of the bill is to strengthen the legal, economic and organisational foundation of mandatory social insurance in Kazakhstan i |
Financing | Published_SS_Monitor |… | dfabbri | |||
France: Retraites - Agnès Buzyn évoque un "allongement de la durée de travail" | france | Nouvel Obs (18.03.2019) "Je pense qu'un jour, nous serons obligés de travailler plus longtemps sinon notre système de retraite ne pourra pas tenir", a déclaré la ministre de la Santé. |
La ministre des Solidarités et de la Santé Agnès Buzyn a envisagé dimanche de "proposer un allongement de la durée de travail" lors des discussions avec les partenaires sociaux, "dans le cadre de la réforme générale" des retraites. "La question de |
Pensions, Financing | Published_SS_Monitor |… | dfabbri | |||
Suisse: Age de la retraite - les femmes jouent à pile ou face | switzerland | Le Temps (18.03.2019) La droite pousse depuis des années pour un relèvement de l’âge de la retraite des femmes. Le compromis qui lie réforme fiscale et AVS, en vote le 19 mai, promet d’atténuer la pression. Mais la question reviendra sur la table |
La droite pousse depuis des années pour un relèvement de l’âge de la retraite des femmes. Le compromis qui lie réforme fiscale et AVS, en vote le 19 mai, promet d’atténuer la pression. Mais la question reviendra sur la table La majorité des partis bourgeois, tout comme les milieux éc |
Pensions | managing reforms | Published_SS_Monitor | | dfabbri | ||
Les politiques publiques appelées à promouvoir la protection sociale en Afrique | Africa | (16.03.2019) Les politiques africaines sont appelées à encourager le développement durable inclusif et à promouvoir la protection sociale sur le continent, et partant renforcer ce droit humain fondamental par la conclusion d'accords de coopération et de partenariat intrafricains en… |
Lors de cette journée, initiée en marge des réunions des instances dirigeantes de l’UAM, les participants ont plaidé pour l'engagement de toutes les parties concernées en vue de lutter contre la pauvreté et la vulnérabilité, de faciliter l'accès des citoyens aux soins médicaux et de mettre en pla |
Published_SS_Monitor |… | dfabbri |