
Title Authored on Regions / Country Abstract measures summary Description/integral text (Internal-not for publishing) Topics Tags Status URL
India: Government Allows Provident Fund Withdrawals As Emergency Measure india (26.03.2020) The Indian government will make amendments to the Employees’ Provident Funds & Miscellaneous Provisions Act to allow members to withdraw up to 75 percent of their balance in the fund or three months’ wages, whichever is lower, as an emergency measure to tide…

The Indian government will make amendments to the Employees’ Provident Funds & Miscellaneous Provisions Act to allow members to withdraw up to 75 percent of their balance in the fund or three months’ wages, whichever is lower, as an emergency measure to tide over any difficulties arising…

The Indian government will make amendments to the Employees’ Provident Funds & Miscellaneous Provisions Act to allow members to withdraw up to 75 percent of their balance in the fund or three months’ wages, whichever is lower, as an emergency measure to tide over any difficulties arising from

Old-age pensions covid19 Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary… mmarquez
India: Government gives more time for social security (ESI) contributions india (17.03.2020) NEW DELHI: The government has given employees and employers more time to submit their monthly insurance contribution by relaxing provisions of the Employees’ State Insurance Act in view of the Covid-19 outbreak. It has given 45 days, instead of 15 days…

Provisions of the Employees’ State Insurance Act were relaxed to allow employers and employees more time for the payment of social security contributions in view of the coronavirus.

NEW DELHI: The government has given employees and employers more time to submit their monthly insurance contribution by relaxing provisions of the Employees’ State Insurance Act in view of the Covid-19 outbreak.

It has given 45 days, instead of 15 days as mandated under the Act, for subm

Contribution collection and compliance contribution collection, covid19 Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary… mmarquez
Algérie: Coronavirus : La CNAS prend des mesures de facilitations pour ses usagers algeria (23.03.2020) L’Agence d’Alger de la Caisse nationale des assurances sociales (CNAS) a annoncé dimanche des mesures de facilitations au profit de ses usagés, relatives notamment aux congés de maladie, aux contrôles et révisions médicaux, à l’usage de la carte CHIFA et aux…

- Extension of CHIFA chip card entitlements automatically until 30 April 2020 for those whose entitlements expire on 31 March 2020.
- Periodic medical revisions of disability pensions and pensions for accidents at work and occupational diseases, which normally take place in…

L’Agence d’Alger de la Caisse nationale des assurances sociales (CNAS) a annoncé dimanche des mesures de facilitations au profit de ses usagés, relatives notamment aux congés de maladie, aux contrôles et révisions médicaux, à l’usage de la carte CHIFA et aux paiements des cotisations, a rapporté

Disability, Pensions, Contribution collection and compliance contribution collection, covid19 Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary… cambrosio
Indonesia: Government to give cash aid to 4.1 million people affected by COVID-19 indonesia (08.04.2020) The government is preparing cash aid for 4.1 million people in Greater Jakarta whose livelihoods have been affected by the COVID-19 outbreak. "[The aid is to be given to] 3.7 million people in Jakarta. [Cash aid for] the other 1.1 million people is to be provided…

Cash-aid is being prepared for 4.1 million people in the Greater Jakarta area most affected by the coronavirus crisis. In addition, stable food aid is prepared for around 9 million people across the country.

The government is preparing cash aid for 4.1 million people in Greater Jakarta whose livelihoods have been affected by the COVID-19 outbreak.

"[The aid is to be given to] 3.7 million people in Jakarta. [Cash aid for] the other 1.1 million people is to be provided by the Jakarta administ

Social assistance covid19 Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary… mmarquez
Indonesia: Full coverage of health costs for COVID-19 patients indonesia (24.03.2020) The government has announced that it is providing full medical coverage for COVID-19 patients through the national health insurance provider, the Health Care and Social Security Agency (BPJS Kesehatan). Coordinating Human Development and Culture Minister…

The Indonesian government has announced that it is providing full medical coverage for COVID-19 patients through the national health insurance provider BPJS Kesehatan. This coverage is to be financed through a special fund, not through the normal social…

The government has announced that it is providing full medical coverage for COVID-19 patients through the national health insurance provider, the Health Care and Social Security Agency (BPJS Kesehatan).

Coordinating Human Development and Culture Minister Muhadjir Effendy

Health, Health insurance, Social assistance covid19 Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary… mmarquez
Maldives: Providing services via online platforms maldives (11.03.2020) As a precautionary measure to COVID-19, Pension Office has decided to opt for utilising online platforms effective today.  For information, assistance, and submission of documents, clients are encouraged to use online services rather than visiting our…

As a precautionary measure to COVID-19, the Maldives Pension Administration Office has decided to opt for utilising online platforms for service delivery. Clients are encouraged to use online services for all information, assistance and submission of documents rather than visiting…

As a precautionary measure to COVID-19, Pension Office has decided to opt for utilising online platforms effective today. 

For information, assistance, and submission of documents, clients are encouraged to use online services rather than visiting our reception. 

For inf

E-services, Service delivery customer_services Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary mmarquez
Maroc: Communiqué de la CNSS pour inciter ses clients à ne pas se déplacer aux agences en vue de lutter contre la propagation du Coronavirus morocco (19.03.2020)

Dans le cadre des mesures préventives annoncées par les autorités compétentes la Caisse nationale de sécurité sociale (CNSS) a mis en place une série de mesures exceptionnelles destinées à réduire les déplacements des affiliés et à garantir leur sécurité et celle du…

- The follow-up of the state of progress of the treatment of the files is possible via the insured portal, the mobile application MA CNSS and the call center Allo Damane;
- Orientation of the customers towards the call center, the vocal server, a new version of the CNSS Site, the portals of…

Dans le cadre des mesures préventives annoncées par les autorités compétentes visant à faire face à la pandémie du Coronavirus COVID-19, soucieuse de la sécurité sanitaire de ses clients et compte tenu de l’importance que revêtent les prestations servies par la Caisse Nationale de Sécurité Social

E-services covid19, mobile technologies Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary… cambrosio
Maroc: Mesures entreprises par le Comité de Veille Economique pour soutenir les Salariés morocco (28.03.2020)

Le fonds spécial pour la gestion de la pandémie du Coronavirus « La Covid19 » a été créé à l’effet de prendre en charge les dépenses de mise à niveau du dispositif médical, et de soutenir l’économie marocaine et ses acteurs face aux retombées négatives de…

The Economic Watch Committee (set up to deal with the pandemic), has taken, among other measures aimed at preserving the buying power of employees, the following measures:
- granting a net monthly lump-sum allowance from March 15 to June 30, 2020, of MAD 1,000 for the month of March 2020 and…

Dans ce cadre, et après des concertations et des réunions permanentes, le Comité de Veille Economique a décidé l’octroi d’une indemnité forfaitaire mensuelle nette de 2.000 DH en plus du bé

Social assistance, Cash transfers covid19 Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary cambrosio
Fiji: The Fiji National Provident Fund announces COVID-19 Assistance fiji (30.03.2020) Following the announcement of the Supplementary Budget for COVID-19 and in collaboration with Government, the Fiji National Provident Fund will be working closely with Employers when it rolls out the assistance program for members through existing digital…

Following the announcement of the Supplementary Budget for COVID-19 and in collaboration with Government, the Fiji National Provident Fund will be working closely with Employers when it rolls out the assistance program for members through existing digital platforms and electronic…

Following the announcement of the Supplementary Budget for COVID-19 and in collaboration with Government, the Fiji National Provident Fund will be working closely with Employers when it rolls out the assistance program for members through existing digital platforms.

The Fund is taking its

Unemployment covid19, self-employed Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary… mmarquez
France : situation des travailleurs frontaliers france

Les travailleurs frontaliers bénéficient des mêmes droits que les ressortissants nationaux de leur lieu de travail (chômoage partiel, allocations pour garde d'enfants), même en cas de télétravail. Dans un tel cas, l'augmentation du temps de travail au lieu de domicile n'influera pas sur la…

Alors que des mesures de contrôle renforcées ont été mises en place de façon coordonnée aux frontières avec nos pays voisins, la ministre du Travail et la secrétaire d’État auprès du ministre de l’Europe et des affaires étrangères chargée des affaires européennes ont reçu l’assurance de leurs hom

Extension of coverage, Migration covid19 Published Measures summary… pgirard
Gabon : Ali Bongo dégage 250 milliards de FCFA pour faire face aux conséquences du Coronavirus gabon (04.04.2020)

Le président gabonais dégage 250 milliards de FCFA pour faire face aux conséquences du Coronavirus. Pour les personnes les plus fragiles et économiquement faibles, l’État injectera quatre milliards de FCFA par mois, pour le règlement des factures…

For the most fragile and economically weak, the State will inject CFAF 4 billion per month for the payment of electricity bills and CFAF 2 billion for all water bills. Any landlord will suspend, for the duration of the partial confinement, the collection of rents from people with no income, the…

Le chef de l’Etat gabonais, Ali Bongo Ondimba vient d’annoncer une série de mesures d’accompagnement dans le cadre de la lutte contre la pandémie du Coronavirus. Elles ont été déclinées dans son adresse à la nation, ce 04 avril 2020.

A travers cette sortie, Ali Bongo a ré

Social assistance, Cash transfers covid19, family Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary… cambrosio
European Union: Frontier workers and posted workers european union

- Frontier workers should remain insured in the country of their employment, even in case of telework or partial unemployment. Some countries have also concluded special agreements in this sense, even in the event that work in the home country exceeds 25%.

- Posted workers, whose posted…

30 March 2020 #coronavirus

Are you a frontier worker? You are a frontier worker if you work in a Member State different than your Member State of residence (meaning that you go to work in one country, and return regularly to the country where you reside). In case of unemployment, dif

Extension of coverage, Migration covid19 Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary pgirard
Iran: $305 million to Support Those Who Have Lost Jobs Amid Coronavirus Outbreak iran (06.04.2020) The government will allocate 50,000 billion rials ($305 million) to Unemployment Insurance Fund to support those who have lost their jobs amid the outbreak of coronavirus, an official with the Ministry of Cooperatives, Labor and Social Welfare said. “To prevent…

Allocation of 50,000 billion rials (USD $305 million) to the Unemployment Insurance Fund to support dismissed workers.

Use of electronic forms to request the unemployment benefit instead of going to the minitry's bureaus.

The government will allocate 50,000 billion rials ($305 million) to Unemployment Insurance Fund to support those who have lost their jobs amid the outbreak of coronavirus, an official with the Ministry of Cooperatives, Labor and Social Welfare said.

“To prevent the spread of the virus, ap

Unemployment, Service delivery covid19 Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary… mmarquez
Corona-Fall im Betrieb – Was ist zu tun? germany

Diese Frage kann sich aktuell in jedem Betrieb stellen: Was ist zu tun, wenn ein Mitarbeiter oder eine Mitarbeiterin sich mit dem Corona-Virus infiziert hat oder der begründete Verdacht auf eine Infektion besteht. Eine neue…

  • in Pandemieplan hilft: Auch Unternehmen, die noch keinen Pandemieplan erstellt haben, können dies jetzt noch tun. Er legt zum Beispiel f
Occupational accidents and diseases covid19, prevention Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_SS_Monitor_covid19_ Prevention… btreichel
Germany-BGHW: Aushänge für Kassen und Bedientheken auf Englisch und Türkisch turkey, germany

Die Berufsgenossenschaft für Handel und Warenlogistik hat ihre  speziellen Sicherheitshinweise für die Handels- und Warenlogistikbranche nun auch in…

Occupational accidents and diseases, Prevention of occupational risks covid19, prevention Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_SS_Monitor_covid19_ Prevention… btreichel
COVID actions for the workplace from ILO, IOE and ITUC

The international occupational safety and health comunity has developped a set of guides, actions and sources of information to formulate COVID-19 responses for the workplace. Here are the links to their websites:

Occupational accidents and diseases, Prevention of occupational risks covid19, prevention Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_SS_Monitor_covid19_ Prevention btreichel
Colombia: Subsidio de emergencia para cesantes colombia (27.03.2020) El Subsidio de emergencia es un beneficio que se otorga a partir del decreto 488 de 27 de marzo de 2020. Como una medida de orden laboral, dentro del Estado de Emergencia, Económica, Social y Ecológica.

¿Quiénes pueden acceder a este subsidio…

Emergency subsidy for dismissed workers who do not have any other income, including from social assistance. Workers- including the self-employed- must have contributed at least for a year to Colsubsidio (the Family Compensation Fund). The subsidy consists of:

  • an economic transfer…


  • Image removed.Tr
Unemployment covid19 Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_SS_Monitor_covid19_ Prevention mmarquez
Spanish Government Aims to Roll Out Basic Income ‘Soon’ spain

Bloomberg (05.04.2020) The Spanish government is working to roll out a universal basic income as soon as possible, as part of a battery of actions aimed at countering the impact of the coronavirus pandemic, according to Economy Minister Nadia Calvino. Social Security Minister Jose Luis Escriva…

The Spanish government is working to roll out a universal basic income as soon as possible, as part of a battery of actions aimed at countering the impact of the coronavirus pandemic, according to Economy Minister Nadia Calvino. Social Security Minister Jose Luis Escriva is coordinating the…

Social assistance covid19, universal-basic-income Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary, Published_SS_Monitor… pmassetti
Kenya: Cash transfer to the elderly, orphans and other vulnerable groups kenya (25.03.2020) Some of the measures announced by the government are: Appropriation of an additional Ksh. 10 Billion to the elderly, orphans and other vulnerable members of our society through cash-transfers by the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection, to cushion them from the…

Appropriation of an additional Ksh. 10 Billion to the elderly, orphans and other vulnerable members of our society through cash-transfers by the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection, to cushion them from the adverse economic effects of the Covid-19 pandemic and tax relief for persons earning…

Here is the full speech delivered by the President Kenyatta Wednesday afternoon:

Social assistance covid19 Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary… mmarquez
Argentina: La ANSES informará a partir del lunes quienes podrán continuar su trámite para cobrar el IFE argentina (05.04.2020) La ANSES comunica que los solicitantes del Ingreso Familiar de Emergencia (IFE) podrán conocer, a partir de las 00 horas del lunes 6 de abril, si reúnen los requisitos para poder acceder a esta prestación extraordinaria de 10.000 pesos que se cobrará en el…

La ANSES comunica que los solicitantes del Ingreso Familiar de Emergencia (IFE) podrán conocer, a partir de las 00 horas del lunes 6 de abril, si reúnen los requisitos para poder acceder a esta prestación extraordinaria de 10.000 pesos que se cobrará en el curso de este mes.

Quienes hayan

Family benefits, Social assistance covid19, family Published_SS_Monitor_covid19… mmarquez
Singapore: Nominated MP proposes temporary universal basic income scheme to help S'poreans get through Covid-19 crisis singapore

The Straits Times (07.04.2020) Give all Singaporeans a universal basic income for the duration of the coronavirus crisis, to assure them that their basic needs will be met even if they lose their jobs, said Nominated MP Walter Theseira. Under his proposal, dubbed the Majulah Universal Basic…

Proposal: Give all Singaporeans a universal basic income for the duration of the coronavirus crisis, to assure them that their basic needs will be met even if they lose their jobs, said Nominated MP Walter Theseira. Under his proposal, dubbed the Majulah Universal Basic Income Scheme (MUBI), all…

Cash transfers covid19, universal-basic-income Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary… pmassetti
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Coronavirus COVID-19 Cases in Latin American and Caribbean Countries Americas covid19… pmassetti
CVA and COVID-19 - Google Docs covid19… pmassetti