Policy review to make life better for senior citizens

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jamaicaobserver.com (12.03.2018) The Government is pushing ahead with the promulgation of a revised national policy for Jamaica's senior citizens that was tabled in the House of Representatives as far back as 1997 by former Prime Minister Portia Simpson.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Old-age pensions
Document Type

El cambio climático llevará a 17 millones de personas a la migración interna en América Latina hasta 2050

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El País (20.03.2018) Casi cuatro millones de mexicanos y centroamericanos se verían obligados a dejar sus hogares por la subida del nivel del mar y la menor producción agrícola, según el Banco Mundial

Regions / Country
latin america
Document Type

France: Assurance chômage - une nouvelle échelle de sanctions annoncée

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Le Monde (20.03.2018) L’équipe de la ministre du travail a présenté aux syndicats les changements des procédures d’accompagnement des personnes sans emploi.  Lors d’une réunion avec les huit organisations syndicales et patronales représentatives, le directeur de cabinet de la ministre du travail a présenté, lundi 19 mars, les principaux points de la réforme de l’assurance-chômage.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Error, evasion and fraud
Document Type

[Analyse] Dans 20 ans, les robots feront le sale boulot

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Le Temps (18.03.2018) Ces prochaines années, les robots vont prendre une place considérable dans un monde du travail bouleversé. «Le Temps» a sondé trois experts, qui imaginent chacun à leur façon un nouveau paradigme qui questionne notre relation à l’emploi

Global challenges
Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Economic impact
Labour market
Societal Impact
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
Document Type

ILO Decent Work Results 2016-2017: ILO launches new app to highlight its results

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ILO (12.03.2018) The ILO has launched a new web application  to highlight its achievements in promoting decent work in 2016-2017. The ILO has launched a new web application  to highlight its achievements in promoting decent work in 2016-2017. The app points to significant decent work results in 130 countries. With a few simple clicks, users can access detailed information on the results achieved and the ILO contribution by outcome, indicator, region and country.

Document Type

[Blog] Technology through the lens of occupational hazards and risks

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ILO Blog (13.03.2018) The premise of occupational safety and health – my field of specialization — is that work should do no harm to health and in the best of worlds, should support it. But discerning whether technology and new forms of work are doing harm or doing good can often be tricky.

Global challenges
Occupational accidents and diseases


Digital Economy Topical Cluster
New risks
Digital Economy Observatory : Only Tags
Document Type

IoT (Internet of Things) : The Solution To Improved Government Social Protection

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Part of the government’s role is to provide social protection for factors that make people vulnerable. For example, people face unemployment, health problems, and other factors that create physical, economic, and other problems in their lives. Government regulations work to reduce risks that make people vulnerable. When people face problems, public-sector social programs such as health insurance, social welfare, and others provide help. Here’s how the Internet of Things (IoT) could help government agencies manage social protection programs more easily and effectively.

Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Service delivery
Document Type

Government of Canada Supports World Congress on Return to Work / Disability Management IFDM 2018 to be Held October 14-17, 2018 in Vancouver, BC, Canada

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Business Wire (16.03.2018) The Pacific Coast University for Workplace Health Sciences (PCU-WHS) is pleased to announce that the 2018 International Forum on Disability Management (IFDM) conference will receive $75,000 through the Government of Canada’s Social Development Partnerships Program-Disability (SDPP-D) component, which helps improve the lives of children and families, people with disabilities, and other vulnerable Canadians.

Return to work


Document Type

The limits of using 'Big Data' for development - an economist writes

Submitted by massetti on

 Development Pathways (08.02.2018) Get your inner nerd out! The World Bank has launched a competition to help them better predict a households’ poverty status based on easy-to-collect information and machine learning algorithms. 

Global challenges
Information and communication technology
Extension of coverage
Social assistance


Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Big Data
Document Type

Expertos del gobierno chileno trabajan en una reforma al sistema de pensiones

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larepublica (15.03.2018) El eje central de la propuesta previsional de este gobierno es el aumento en cuatro puntos de la cotización con cargo al empleador. También se plantea abrir la competencia a las AFP, donde se está analizando la idea de que las cajas de compensación y las compañías de seguros entren a la industria de la administración de fondos de pensiones.

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