
Title Authored on Regions / Country Abstract measures summary Description/integral text (Internal-not for publishing) Topics Tags Status URL
Benefit to registered independent workers or micro-employers uruguay

Monotributistas will receive two monthly transfers of 6.800 pesos.

Cash transfers covid19 Published Measures summary… socpro
Gobierno le dará alimentación a más de un millón de hogares con niños colombia

The Colombian government delivered food to more than 1,730,000 homes with children in the country. The aid is aimed at families in a state of vulnerability and whose income has been reduced by COVID-19. The work will be in charge of the Colombian Institute of Family Welfare (ICBF).

Food and nutrition, Family benefits, Social assistance covid19 Published Measures summary… socpro
Doubling of social benefits uruguay

Beneficiaries of the Plan Equidad will receive the benefit in one installment. Beneficiaries fo the Tarjeta Uruguay Social will receive the benefit in two installments.

Cash transfers, Cash transfers, Social assistance covid19 Published Measures summary… socpro
Más de 50.000 víctimas recibirán anticipadamente indemnizaciones colombia

Anticipation of cash payment to 1.7M beneficiaries of Colombia Adulto Mayor program to support consumption (This is the old-age subsidy program for the poor and extreme poor over 60+ years old population) This includes 3 monthly payments for March, April, and May (total of COP 70,000) advanced…

Old-age pensions, Contribution collection and compliance, Social assistance covid19 Published Measures summary… socpro
Plan de alimentación uruguay

Food voucher to vulnerable population groups not covered by other subsidies

Food and nutrition, Cash transfers, Social assistance covid19 Published Measures summary… socpro
Víctimas priorizadas recibirán dos ayudas humanitarias por adelantado colombia

Victims Unit will advance the humanitarian aid that was going to be paid in May and June and will pay it in April.The objective of this measure is to economically favor those who may be affected within the framework of compulsory preventive isolation. The Victims Unit will also advance the…

Cash transfers, Social assistance covid19 Published Measures summary… socpro
Decreto de Urgencia N° 026-2020-EF peru

Temporary disability benefit for patients diagnosed with COVID-19 (workers whose salary is up to 2,400 soles per month). It is granted for the first 20 days of the incapacity.

Cash sickness benefits covid19 Published Measures summary socpro
School feeding in Chile chile

Distribution of food packages out of special buses, at schools or from
alternative distribution sites. Some schools remain open only for the food
distribution. The government has designed a food delivery system to continue
to benefit 1,600,000 children and adolescents.…

Food and nutrition, Social assistance covid19 Published Measures summary socpro
"DECRETO DE URGENCIA Nº 033-2020" peru

The private sector employers will receive a subsidy for each worker who generates fifth-category income in the amount of a maximum of 1500 soles per worker.

Unemployment covid19 Published Measures summary… socpro
British virgin islands: Water Charges Suspended For One Month british Virgin Islands

Government of the Virgin Islands (24.03.2020) Water and Sewerage customers across the Territory have been given a month’s suspension in payment of their water charges.



Water and Sewerage customers across the Territory have been given a month’s suspension in payment of their water charges.

Water and Sewerage customers across the Territory have been given a month’s suspension in payment of their water charges.

Director of the Water and Sewerage Department Mrs. Perline Scatliffe-Leonard said charges have been suspended for the period of March 19 to April 19 and is urging resi

Housing, Social assistance covid19, housing Published Measures summary socpro
Argentina: Programa de Asistencia de Emergencia al Trabajo y la Producción- ATP argentina (01.04.2020) Sistema integral de prestaciones por desempleo: las y los trabajadores que reúnan los requisitos previstos en las Leyes Nros. 24.013 y 25.371 accederán a una prestación económica por desempleo conforme las consideraciones estipuladas en el artículo 11 del…

Comprehensive system of unemployment benefits: workers who meet the requirements set forth in Laws No. 24,013 and 25,371 will access an economic benefit for unemployment in accordance with the considerations stipulated in article 11 of this decree. The core components of the program are:

Unemployment Contributory, covid19 Published Measures summary socpro
Minister Faber confirms school closures on COVID-19 belize

Children on national school meal programs will receive take-home rations and high schools are encouraged to do same.

Children, Social assistance, Food and nutrition covid19 Published Measures summary… socpro
Bolivia: Decreto Supremo N° 4200 artículo 10 bolivia

Gaceta Oficial (25.03.2020) The government will cover all home electricity bills that are equal to or less than 120 pesos bolivianos for the months of April, May, and June 2020--over 120 bolivianos, the consumer must pay it all. Furthermore, the government will also pay for 50% of all home…

The government will cover all home electricity bills that are equal to or less than 120 pesos bolivianos for the months of April, May, and June 2020--over 120 bolivianos, the consumer must pay it all. Furthermore, the government will also pay for 50% of all home water bills for the months of…

Housing, Social assistance covid19, Non-contributory Published Measures summary socpro
Policy Responses to COVID-19 austria

Temporary waiving of the conditionality to regularly meet the case worker at
the labor market service to receive unemployment benefits.

Unemployment covid19 Published Measures summary socpro
Bolivia: El Gobierno inyectará Bs 156 millones a la economía bolivia

PERIODICO BOLIVIA (05.04.2020) The Minister of Public Works, Services and Housing, Iván Arias, reported that the Government will inject Bs 156 million into the economy of the city of El Alto through the Family and Family Basket bonds, for the total quarantine stage. The municipality of El…

The Minister of Public Works, Services and Housing, Iván Arias, reported that the Government will inject Bs 156 million into the economy of the city of El Alto through the Family and Family Basket bonds, for the total quarantine stage.

The Minister of Public Works, Services and Housing, Iván Arias, reported that the Government will inject Bs 156 million into the economy of the city of El Alto through the Family and

Family benefits, Social assistance, Cash transfers, Financing covid19, Non-contributory Published Measures summary… socpro
Media Conference on COVID-19 – Monday 23rd March 2020 trinidad and tobago

Suspension of the life certification requirements for elderly social pension recipients (normally required to visit their local board to sign a life certificate register).

Old-age pensions covid19 Published Measures summary socpro
Bolivia: Extended Family Bonus bolivia

Los Tiempos (08.04.2020) Extended Family Bonus. A financial aid to all families who have children in public schools --- from pre-kindergarten through high school. The "Family Bonus" consisting of Bs 500 per child.

Extended Family Bonus. A financial aid to all families who have children in public schools --- from pre-kindergarten through high school. The "Family Bonus" consisting of Bs 500 per child.

Family benefits covid19, Non-contributory Published Measures summary… socpro
Policy Responses to COVID-19 trinidad and tobago

Cash transfer of TT$510/month (US75) for 3 months to households with family member that was laid off or whose income reduced. This measure reaches a total of 2,050 households.

Unemployment, Cash transfers, Social assistance covid19 Published Measures summary socpro
Transfers are planned to seniors and families with children guatemala

Transfer are planned to seniors and families with children for a total of Q350 million (or $46 million USD).

Cash transfers, Social assistance covid19 Published Measures summary… socpro
Real Decreto-ley 6/2020, de 10 de marzo, por el que se adoptan determinadas medidas urgentes en el ámbito económico y para la protección de la salud pública spain

The government has ruled that key utilities such as energy, gas and water - as well as telecommunication services cannot be suspended to vulnerable persons during the crisis. It has instigated a mortgage moratorium on primary residences for employees who lose their jobs, such as self-employed…

Housing, Social assistance covid19 Published Measures summary socpro
From masks to gender restrictions, Latin America and Caribbean tighten coronavirus measures el Salvador

The government has mandated private companies to ensure quarantine of
particular worker categories, including those older than 60, pregnant women
or those with preexisting conditions. These workers would receive a paid sick
leave for 30 days. Also, private companies (except…

Cash sickness benefits covid19 Published Measures summary… socpro
Real Decreto-ley 7/2020, de 12 de marzo, por el que se adoptan medidas urgentes para responder al impacto económico del COVID-19. spain

Among the measures to support families is to guarantee the basic right to food for vulnerable children who are affected by school closures. Specifically, a total of Euro 25M is established to provide income support (wallet cards, wire transfer, voucher in supermarkets). Part of the above funding…

Food and nutrition covid19 Published Measures summary socpro
Food packages will be distributed to homes dominican republic

Government switched to take-home rations for its school feeding program.

Food and nutrition, Service delivery, Social assistance covid19 Published Measures summary socpro
Real Decreto-ley 6/2020, de 10 de marzo, por el que se adoptan determinadas medidas urgentes en el ámbito económico y para la protección de la salud pública spain

300 million euros for an extraordinary contingency fund to support social services with special attention to older persons and dependents (transfers to be made to Autonomous communities and localities to this effect) (e.g. cover basic needs including through social assistance, people that need…

Social assistance, Financing covid19 Published Measures summary socpro
Distribution of food at specific centers dominican republic

Food support programs adapt their delivery modality to distribute packages at specified points.

Food and nutrition, Service delivery, Social assistance covid19 Published Measures summary socpro