
Title Authored on Regions / Country Abstract measures summary Description/integral text (Internal-not for publishing) Topics Tags Status URL
Contribución solidaria de funcionarios y contratistas colombia

Contribution of public officials and contractors to support independent workers and the middle class, for 4 months. State officials and contractors with salaries over 10 million will make a contribution of 10% of their salary. Those earning a salary of more than 15 million will make a…

Employment covid19 Published Measures summary… socpro
Medidas lanzado por el presidente ecuador

Extension of health coverage at the Ecuadorian Social Security Institute (IESS) to those who are unemployed for 90 days or more. In short, it will be 120 days of total coverage.

Health, Extension of coverage covid19 Published Measures summary… socpro
COVID19: Distribución de kits de alimentos paraguay

Distribution of food package to 3,500 families benefiting from social programs for a total of $ 1.4 billion guaraníes ($211M). This is also provided to day laborers, self-employed and indigenous communities.

Food and nutrition, Social assistance covid19 Published Measures summary socpro
COVID-19: El Gobierno Nacional anuncia medidas económicas y sociales para afrontar el coronavirus paraguay

An advance payment is set for Senior Citizen Program (del Programa de Adultos Mayores) for 207,000 people.

Cash transfers, Social assistance, Old-age pensions covid19 Published Measures summary… socpro
Gobierno hará transferencias monetarias a 330.000 familias para compra de alimentos paraguay

The National Government, through the Food Security Policy, decided to implement the Ñangareko programme, which will consist of cash transfers for the purchase of food and hygiene products, to some 330,000 families, whose livelihoods are being affected by the quarantine measures imposed by the…

Food and nutrition, Social assistance covid19 Published Measures summary… socpro
Medidas lanzado por el presidente ecuador

Prevent evictions of those who rent their homes. No one can be evicted for delaying their rent payments, while the emergency lasts and for up to 60 days afterwards.

Housing covid19 Published Measures summary… socpro
Cuenta Nacional de Asistencia Humanitaria ecuador

A National Humanitarian Assistance Account will be created to ensure health care, food provision, employment protection, and to extend the Family Protection Bond. The account will not be administered by the regime, but by representatives of civil society who will be responsible for monitoring…

Social assistance, Financing covid19 Published Measures summary… socpro
Bono independente incremento peru

Increase of the Bono Independiente targeted to the self-employed from S/380 to S/760.

Employment, Social assistance covid19 Published Measures summary… socpro
Labour Minister: Guidelines coming soon on pandemic leave trinidad and tobago

Trinidad and Tobago’s Ministry of Labor has introduced a “pandemic leave” as a new classification of paid leave for public officers, including those not eligible for sick leave. People who have fallen ill and exhausted their sick leave will proceed on extended sick leave, followed by pandemic…

Cash sickness benefits covid19 Published Measures summary… socpro
Bono CONFIEP para vendedores ambulantes peru

CONFIEP, through the collaboration of various companies and individuals, the Municipality of Lima and Bim are joining forces to support with a solidarity bond of S/380 for small entrepreneurs and street traders who, due to the health emergency, are unable to bring their livelihoods home. The…

Employment, Social assistance covid19 Published Measures summary socpro
Media Conference on COVID-19 – Monday 23rd March 2020 trinidad and tobago

Suspension of the life certification requirements for elderly social pension recipients (normally required to visit their local board to sign a life certificate register).

Old-age pensions covid19 Published Measures summary socpro
Bolivia: Extended Family Bonus bolivia

Los Tiempos (08.04.2020) Extended Family Bonus. A financial aid to all families who have children in public schools --- from pre-kindergarten through high school. The "Family Bonus" consisting of Bs 500 per child.

Extended Family Bonus. A financial aid to all families who have children in public schools --- from pre-kindergarten through high school. The "Family Bonus" consisting of Bs 500 per child.

Family benefits covid19, Non-contributory Published Measures summary… socpro
Policy Responses to COVID-19 trinidad and tobago

Cash transfer of TT$510/month (US75) for 3 months to households with family member that was laid off or whose income reduced. This measure reaches a total of 2,050 households.

Unemployment, Cash transfers, Social assistance covid19 Published Measures summary socpro
Transfers are planned to seniors and families with children guatemala

Transfer are planned to seniors and families with children for a total of Q350 million (or $46 million USD).

Cash transfers, Social assistance covid19 Published Measures summary… socpro
Launching of the Economic Stimulus and Relief Package to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 namibia

The total Stimulus and Relief Package amounts to N$8.1 billion, comprising of N$5.9 billion in direct support to businesses, households and cash flow acceleration payments for services rendered to Government and N$2.3 billion off-balance sheet Government liabilities. The Package is directed at…

Employment covid19 Published Measures summary socpro
Maricá terá pacote social e econômico contra efeitos do coronavírus de R$ 80 milhões brazil

The city of Maricá in Brazil will increase the existing cash transfers amount from R$130 ($25) to R$300 per month ($60) at least through June. Total beneficiaries of this scheme will 42,000 of the city’s lowest-income residents. Moreover, End-of-year bonuses will be advanced to make April’s…

Cash transfers, Social assistance covid19, Non-contributory Published Measures summary… socpro
Details of Crisis Shield Act for Employers and Employees in Poland poland

Employers meeting specific criteria concerning turnover decline could lower
employee's working time to 80% (and get 40% of average wage covered by
the state, with firms covering the remaining 40%). In case of significant
problems, companies can use economic stoppage…

Employment covid19 Published Measures summary… socpro
Acúltese a la IAFAS SIS a afiliar a las personas peruanas y extranjeras, residentes o no peru

The IAFAS SIS will affiliate exceptionally and temporarily, Peruvian and foreigners to the subsidized regime to Peruvian and foreign people, regardless whether they are residents or not, who are in the national territory and do not have a health insurance, and if they are diagnosed or suspected…

Health, Extension of coverage covid19, Non-contributory Published Measures summary socpro
Coronavirus: Govt Prepares €1bn Economic Stimulus to Provide Liquidity, Protect Jobs slovenia

Pensioners with the lowest pensions will receive a solidarity bonus due to the impact of the coronavirus.

Cash transfers covid19 Published Measures summary… socpro
Bono Semana Santa Venezuela: ¿cómo saber si todavía puedo cobrar los 350.000 bolívares con mi Carnet de la Patria? venezuela

Benefit of 350,000 bolivares for Venezuelans enrolled in the Carnet de la Patria. This grant is part of the "Bonos especiales del mes de abril" (special for the comprehensive protection of the people who remain in social, collective and voluntary quarantine in the face of the global…

Cash transfers, Social assistance covid19, Non-contributory Published Measures summary… socpro

A 2.5 billion TND emergency plan ($0.8 billion or 2 percent of GDP) was announced on March 21. The plan also includes a support for those who will be on temporary unemployment because of the COVID19 shock (300 TND million).

Unemployment covid19 Published Measures summary socpro
Inicia entrega Bono Especial para Médicos de la Patria por 1 Petro venezuela

Special grant for doctors fighting covid-19 (amount of 1 Petro).

Health covid19, Non-contributory Published Measures summary socpro

NEW benefit: child benefit (under 10 years old) at the level of subsistence minimum for the parents who lost their jobs and do not have the right to receive unemployment benefit (self employed or informal sector).

Family benefits covid19, Non-contributory Published Measures summary… socpro
Servicios de telecomunicaciones estarán exceptuados de corte durante próximos seis meses venezuela

Ban on service disconnection for lack of payment by telecommunications companies (cable TV, telephone, mobile phones, internet).

Housing covid19, Non-contributory Published Measures summary… socpro
Про внесення змін до деяких законодавчих актів України, спрямованих на запобігання виникненню і поширенню коронавірусної хвороби (COVID-19)(Amending Some Legislative Acts of Ukraine to Prevent the Occurrence and Spread of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)) ukraine

Extending the housing subsidies to larger number of households + simplify admin requirements.

Housing covid19, Non-contributory Published Measures summary socpro