
Title Authored on Regions / Country Abstract measures summary Description/integral text (Internal-not for publishing) Topics Tags Status URL
US: Fraud overwhelms pandemic-related unemployment programs United States (01.03.2021) With the floodgates set to open on another round of unemployment aid, states are being hammered with a new wave of fraud as they scramble to update security systems and block scammers who already have siphoned billions of dollars from pandemic-related jobless programs.

Error, evasion and fraud covid19 Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_SS_Monitor… pmassetti
The Philippines to Suspend Social Security and Healthcare Premium Hikes for 2021 philippines, the (18.02.2021) The House of Representatives in the Philippines have passed House Bill No. 8461 (HB 8461) which seeks to authorize the President to suspend the premium contribution hike to the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth), in addition to House Bill No. 8512…

The House of Representatives in the Philippines have passed House Bill No. 8461 (HB 8461) which seeks to authorize the President to suspend the premium contribution hike to the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth), in addition to House Bill No. 8512 (HB 8512), which provides the…

Health, Contribution collection and compliance covid19 Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary… pmassetti
Laos: Income support to help 17,000 garment workers hit by COVID-19 laos (23.02.2021)

Up to 17,000 garment workers in Lao PDR affected by the COVID-19 pandemic are to each receive two months’ emergency income support worth 900,000 LAK (approximately US$100). Eligible beneficiaries, of whom 85 per cent are women, will receive the cash transfers by…

Up to 17,000 garment workers in Lao PDR affected by the COVID-19 pandemic are to each receive two months’ emergency income support worth 900,000 LAK (approximately US$100). Eligible beneficiaries, of whom 85 per cent are women, will receive the cash transfers by the end of March.

VIENTIANE, Lao PDR (ILO News) – Up to 17,000 garment workers in Lao PDR affected by the COVID-19 pandemic are to each receive two months’ emergency income support worth 900,000 LAK (approximately US$100).

The Lao Social Security Organization (LSSO) today announced that one-time cash tran

Unemployment, Cash transfers, Shocks & extreme events, COVID-19 covid19, Emergency grants Published_SS_Monitor_covid19 cambrosio
Médiateur numérique, en première ligne contre l’illectronisme - WE DEMAIN france

C’est une profession émergente, devenue essentielle à l’heure du confinement : les médiateurs numériques aident à comprendre les outils et les usages digitaux à tous ceux qui ne les maîtrisent pas. Personnes âgées, précaires, mais aussi jeunes, près de 20 % de la population est concernée.

digital inclusion… pmassetti
France: Volet inclusion numérique - CONUMM france

3 axes principaux sont identifiés :

  1. Des médiateurs numériques formés, proposant des ateliers d’initiation au numérique au plus proche des Français;
  2. Des outils simples et sécurisés pour permettre aux aidants (travailleurs sociaux, agents de…
digital inclusion pmassetti
Bolivia: One-time "Bond against Hunger" bolivia

Minesterioa de Economía y Finanzas (03.02.2021) As of February 1, 2021, the payment of the Bond Against Hunger reached more than 3.8 million Bolivians, covering 93% of the total universe of beneficiaries, with an outlay of Bs3,877 million, reported the Vice Minister of Pensions and…

Introduction of the one-time payment "Bond Against Hunger" (Bono Contra el Hambre) in December 2020. The payment has reached more than 3.8 million Bolivians, as is expected to cover a total of 4.1 million persons. Legal basis: Supreme Decree No. 4345 of September 16th, 2020.

Cash transfers, Food and nutrition covid19 Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary… mmarquez
Canada: Québec (Canada) Introduces Occupational Pension Plan canada

Social Security Agency (25.02.2021) On December 11, Québec's government approved a law introducing the Target Benefit Pension Plan (TBPP), an occupational pension plan that combines certain features of existing defined contribution (DC) and defined benefit (DB) plans. Like a DC plan, a TBPP…

Old-age pensions, Pensions adequacy Published_SS_Monitor mmarquez
Singapore: Introduction of Government Match for Provident Fund Catch-up Contributions singapore

Social Security Administration (25.02.2021) Singapore Introduces Government Match for Provident Fund Catch-up Contributions In January, Singapore's Central Provident Fund (CPF) Board introduced the Matched Retirement Savings Scheme, a program that provides a dollar-for-dollar government match of…

Old-age pensions contribution collection, managing reforms Published_SS_Monitor mmarquez
Mexico: Reforms to the Mandatory Account Individual Account Program mexico

Social Security Association (25.02.2021) On January 1, Mexico's government implemented reforms to the country's mandatory individual account pension program that include increasing employer contributions, adjusting government contributions, reducing the minimum contributions required for an…

Old-age pensions, Pensions adequacy, managing reforms Published_SS_Monitor mmarquez
Integrar a 100.000 adultos mayores al mundo digital argentina

La participación de los adultos mayores en actividades sociales, culturales, educativas y recreativas a través de las nuevas tecnologías contribuye a su integración plena en la vida de nuestra…

Information and communication technology, Population ageing… rruggia
The generational digital divide climbs to age 80 switzerland

December 2, 2020 - 14:00

Older people are more and more at home in the digital world. At the height of the coronavirus pandemic, many seniors relied on WhatsApp messaging or video calls to overcome loneliness. A recent study shows that internet use among pensioners in Switzerland has…

Information and communication technology, Population ageing digital inclusion… rruggia
Étude Digital Seniors france

Comment les personnes âgées utilisent-elles Internet? Depuis 2010, l’étude Digital Seniors, mandatée par Pro Senectute, examine l’utilisation des technologies de l’information et de la communication par les personnes de 65 ans et plus en Suisse. Les trois enquêtes réalisées ces 10 dernières…

Information and communication technology, Population ageing digital inclusion… rruggia
Narrowing 'digital divide': China steps up efforts to better serve the elderly in digital age china

A video of a 94-year-old grandma being carried to a bank for face recognition to activate her social security card in Guangshui, Central China's Hubei Province, has sparked heated debate on the internet, once again drawing attention to the difficulties elderly people face in using smart…

Information and communication technology, Population ageing digital inclusion rruggia
Plan Ibirapitá - BPS uruguay

Este programa, que inicia en 2015, promueve la inclusión digital de personas jubiladas de todo el país. Para ello, ha entregado de forma gratuita una tablet con una interfaz especialmente desarrollada que busca ser intuitiva y amigable para la población destinataria. En este contexto se…

Information and communication technology, Population ageing digital inclusion rruggia
Austria: Labor ministers and tourism ministers give employees in tourism the prospect of returning to work austria

With the renewal of the commitment to re-employment, we are giving employees and companies more planning security and prospects for returning to work as soon as tourism can take off again, ”emphasize Tourism Minister Elisabeth Köstinger and Labor Minister Martin Kocher. Numerous employers -…

With the renewal of the commitment to re-employment, we are giving employees and companies more planning security and prospects for returning to work as soon as tourism can take off again, ”emphasize Tourism Minister Elisabeth Köstinger and Labor Minister Martin Kocher. Numerous employers -…

Employment covid19 Published Measures summary… pmassetti
Argentina: Expansion of virtual offer by the social security institution ANSES argentina

ANSES (03.02.2021) Through Resolution 37/2021 published today in the Official Gazette, ANSES expanded its virtual procedures. Now you can manage online the request for the payment of fees, a one-time payment, the accrual of a pension benefit due to death and assistance for the start of the…

Through Resolution 37/2021 published today in the Official Gazette, Argentina's social security insitution - ANSES - expanded its virtual procedures. Now you can manage online the request for the payment of fees, a one-time payment, the accrual of a pension benefit due to death and assistance…

Through Resolution 37/2021 published today in the Official Gazette, ANSES expanded its virtual procedures. Now you can manage at

Innovation capacity, Information and communication technology, E-services covid19 Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary… mmarquez
Barbados: Change of Payment Deadline for Contributions from February 15, 2021 barbados

National Insurance Service (15.02.2021) The National Insurance Office wishes to advise the public that the February 15, 2021 payment deadline for January 2021 contributions, has been extended until March 2, 2021. Payments made after this date will attract interest. The public is reminded that…

Extension in deadline for the payment of social security contributions for January 2021. They are payable now until March 2nd, instead of until February 15th.

Contribution collection and compliance contribution collection, covid19 Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary… mmarquez
France: L’EN3S lance sa plateforme en ligne « une saison avec la sécu » france

Education et solidarité (15.02.2021) L’Ecole nationale supérieure de Sécurité sociale (EN3S), vient de lancer un tout nouveau programme intitulé : « une saison avec la Sécu ». Créé dans le sillage des rencontres « une journée avec la sécu », ce nouveau dispositif pédagogique est entièrement…

Social policies & programmes Published_SS_Monitor… pmassetti
Canada: One-year tax exemption on COVID-19 assistance benefits canada

Newswire Quebec (12.02.2021) Individuals who have received COVID-19 assistance benefits will be exempt from paying interest on their 2020 tax balance for a one-year period. This measure is intended to provide relief to those who have been impacted by the pandemic. Specifically, individuals who…

(Quebec). Individuals who have received COVID-19 assistance benefits will be exempt from paying interest on their 2020 tax balance for a one-year period. This applies to individuals who received the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB), the Canada Emergency Student Benefit (CESB), the…

Social assistance Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary… mmarquez
Colombia: Financial assistance to the unemployed for three months colombia

SuperSubsidio Colombia (25.11.2020) The family compensation funds offered a financial compensation of 160,000 Colombian pesos to unemployed persons approved by decree 801 of 2020. This is a…

The family compensation funds offered a financial compensation of 160,000 Colombian pesos to unemployed persons approved by decree 801 of 2020. This is a different benefit from the one the…

Bogotá, noviembre 25 de 2020. AUXILIO ECONÓMICO A CESANTE DE $160.000 DEL FONDO DE MITIGACIÓN ECONÓMICA – FOME Decreto 801 de 2020. Se informa a la ciudadanía que el Gobierno Nacional a través de las Cajas de Compensación Familiar adjudicarán, hasta el 30 de noviembre, el auxilio económico del Fo

Unemployment covid19 Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary… mmarquez
Uruguay: Cash benefit for companies in the tourism sector that reincorporate workers on furlough uruguay

Banco de Previsión Social (08.01.2021) In order to promote the conservation and creation of employment in the tourism sector, the Social Security Bank (BPS) is implementing the granting of a contribution determined by the Executive Power for companies in the sector that, between December 1, 2020…

In order to promote the conservation and creation of employment in the tourism sector, the Social Security Bank (BPS) is implementing the granting of a contribution for companies in the tourism sector that, between December 1, 2020 and on March 31, 2021, reinstate those workers covered by…

Incentivos económicos para empresas del sector turístico

El beneficio alcanza a las empresas con actividad hotelera y restaurantes que reincorporen trabajadores amparados al subsidio por desempleo o que contraten nuevos empleados.


Con el objetivo de

Employment, Unemployment covid19 Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary… mmarquez
Uruguay: Second installment of the extraordinary payment for vulnerable families and continuation of school meal plan uruguay

Banco de Previsión Social (12.02.2021) As of Friday, February 12, the payment of the second extraordinary installment will be available for beneficiaries of family allowances for the Equity Plan and the special item for the boys and girls included in the CEIP School Meal Plan. This is an…

Payment of second installment of the extraordinary cash benefit for vulnerable families covered under the Equity Plan. As of February, and as part of the CEIP School Food Plan, a cash benefit will be paid to recipients of family allowances whose children eat lunch in public schools in the…


Partidas extraordinarias de Asignaciones Familiares y del Plan de Alimentación Escolar

A partir del viernes 12 de febrero, estará disponible el pago de la segunda cuota extraordinaria para beneficiarios de asignaciones familiares por el Plan de Equidad y la parti

Cash transfers, Food and nutrition covid19 Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary… mmarquez
Aide exceptionnelle au titre des congés payés france

Une aide exceptionnelle est accordée aux entreprises accueillant du public au titre des congés payés pris par leurs salariés entre le 1er janvier et le 7 mars 2021. Cette aide est limitée à 10 jours de congés payés.

Exceptional aid is granted to companies welcoming the public for paid leave taken by their employees between January 1 and March 7, 2021. This aid is limited to 10 days of paid leave.

Employment covid19 Published Measures summary… pmassetti
Uruguay: Extension of sickness benefit for workers over 65 uruguay

Banco de Previsión Social (14.01.2021). Due to the continuing health emergency situation, the sickness benefit for workers aged 65 and over will be extended until February 28. Workers aged 65 or over who cannot perform their usual tasks at home and are covered by sickness allowance from December…

Due to the continuing health emergency situation, the sickness benefit for workers aged 65 and over will be extended until February 28. Workers aged 65 or over who cannot perform their usual tasks at home and are covered by sickness allowance from December 20, 2020, may remain in isolation with…


Cash sickness benefits Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary… mmarquez
Covid-19 :l'aide de 900 euros pour 400 000 travailleurs précaires prolongée de trois mois, annonce Elisabeth Borne france

La ministre du Travail Elisabeth Borne a annoncé lundi 15 février que l'aide exceptionnelle de 900 euros mise en place en novembre, pour lutter contre la crise liée au Covid-19, serait prolongée de trois mois, jusque fin mai, comme l'a révélé RTL. Cette aide, qui a déjà…

Labor Minister Elisabeth Borne announced Monday February 15 that the exceptional aid of 900 euros set up in November, to fight the crisis linked to Covid-19, would be extended by three months, until the end of May, as revealed RTL. This aid, which has already benefited 400,000 people, allows all…

Employment, COVID-19 covid19 Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary… pmassetti