
Title Authored on Regions / Country Abstract measures summary Description/integral text (Internal-not for publishing) Topics Tags Status URL
Burkina Faso: Fight against Covid-19: the Coronathon offers supplies to the community burkina faso  (28.02.2021)

On Thursday 28 January 2021, the Coronathon offered medical consumables worth nearly 45 million CFA francs to the Centre for Operations of Response to Health Emergencies (CORUS). This donation is part of the fight against Covid-19 in view of the…

The Coronathon offered medical consumables worth nearly 45 million CFA francs to the Centre for Operations of Response to Health Emergencies (CORUS). This donation is part of the fight against Covid-19 in view of the resurgence of the disease in Burkina Faso.

Après la pose de la première pierre du centre de prise en charges des malades du COVID-19 et des maladies infectieuses à Banfora, dans le cadre des festivités du 11 décembre, le président de l’Assemblée nationale, Alassane Bala Sakandé, a procédé ce jeudi 28 janvier à ia remise de consommables mé

Safety and health at work, Financing, Shocks & extreme events, COVID-19 covid19, prevention Published Measures summary cambrosio
Mexico: Social program "Bienestar" advances payments for 9 million vulnerable people mexico

Government of Mexico (27.02.2021) The advance payment as part of the "Bienestar" (Well-being in English) of the March-April and May-June two-month periods will be delivered to more than nine million elderly people,…

The advance payment as part of the "Bienestar" welfare program (Well-being in English) of the March-April and May-June two-month periods will be delivered to more than nine million elderly people, people with permanent…

Más de 154 mil mdp a programas para el Bienestar en 2021; es inversión social histórica: Javier May

Comunicado 011.- Se avanza en nunca más dejar a nadie atrás y a nadie fuera, afirma el secretario de Bienestar ante el presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

Cash transfers covid19 Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary… mmarquez
Benin: The European Union allocates 30.5 billion CFA francs to Benin benin (21.01.2021)

The European Union allocates 30.5 billion CFA francs to Benin. This is in the framework of the mitigation of the consequences of the Coronavirus. These funds will support the government's efforts to respond to the health and socio-economic consequences of Covid-19.…

The European Union allocates 30.5 billion CFA francs to Benin. This is in the framework of the mitigation of the consequences of the Coronavirus. These funds will support the government's efforts to respond to the health and socio-economic consequences of Covid-19. The government will not only…

Le ministre de l’Économie et des Finances, Romuald WADAGNI, a reçu des mains de l’Ambassadrice, Cheffe de la délégation de l’Union Européenne, Sylvia HARTLEIF, un chèque de 30,5 milliards de francs CFA ce mercredi 20 janvier 2021. C’était à la faveur d’une cérémonie qui a eu pour cadre la salle d

Financing, COVID-19 covid19 Proposition Measures summary… cambrosio
Japan: Extension of Employment Adjustment Subsidy until 30 April 2021 japan

Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Japan (08.03.2021) The exceptional treatment of Employment Adjustment Subsidy is extended until 30 April 2021. The subsidy scheme covers part of leave allowances companies pay to furloughed workers. Typically up to two-thirds of the allowances were covered…

The exceptional treatment of Employment Adjustment Subsidy is extended until 30 April 2021. The subsidy scheme covers part of leave allowances companies pay to furloughed workers. Typically up to two-thirds of the allowances were covered by the program, with the upper limit set at ¥8,370 per day…

Employment, COVID-19 covid19 Proposition_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary mmarquez
Child benefits in the US — For children here, there, and everywhere United States

Development Pathways (11.03.2021) As part of recent COVID-19-related legislation, the US Government has committed to provide a quasi-universal child benefit (an affluence-tested “qUCB”) – a monthly child cash benefit where, like in Iceland, only the very wealthiest families will not receive the…

As part of recent COVID-19-related legislation, the US Government has committed to provide a quasi-universal child benefit (an affluence-tested “qUCB”) – a monthly child cash benefit where, like in Iceland, only the very wealthiest families will not receive the full amount. This child benefit –…

Family benefits, Children covid19 Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary, Published_SS_Monitor… pmassetti
The Fight Is On to Define the Pandemic Aid Bill - The New York Times United States

Buying insurance through the government program known as COBRA would temporarily become a lot cheaper. COBRA, for the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act, generally lets someone who loses a job buy coverage via the former employer. But it’s expensive: Under normal circumstances, a…

Buying insurance through the government program known as COBRA would temporarily become a lot cheaper. COBRA, for the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act, generally lets someone who loses a job buy coverage via the former employer. But it’s expensive: Under normal circumstances, a…

Health insurance covid19 Published Measures summary… pmassetti
US: Biden plan a "powerful change" for poor US children United States

AFP (11.03.2021)  With the massive $1.9 trillion US stimulus plan approved by Congress on Wednesday, President Joe Biden is marking a dramatic shift in US social policy, with the goal of cutting child poverty in half. "The American Rescue Plan represents a powerful change in social policy…

Family benefits covid19 Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_SS_Monitor pmassetti
House Approves Biden Stimulus Bill - The New York Times United States

US Stimulus Bill:  The stimulus payments would be $1,400 for most recipients. Those who are eligible would also receive an identical payment for each of their children. To qualify for the full $1,400, a single person would need an adjusted gross income of $75,000 or…

US Stimulus Bill:  The stimulus payments would be $1,400 for most recipients. Those who are eligible would also receive an identical payment for each of their children. To qualify for the full $1,400, a single person would need an adjusted gross income of $75,000 or…

Cash transfers covid19 Published Measures summary pmassetti
How the $1.9 trillion U.S. stimulus package compares to other countries’ covid spending United States

The Washington Post (10.03.2021) President Biden’s $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package, which the House passed Wednesday and Biden is expected to sign this week, is mammoth in scope — a number so large it can be hard to conceptualize in concrete terms. But amid a pandemic that has wrought…

covid19 Published_SS_Monitor_covid19… pmassetti
Hard hit by COVID-19, migrants seen facing "invisible wall" (09.03.2021) From Australia to Egypt, migrants and refugees have been especially hard hit by job losses and economic pain during the coronavirus pandemic, with many struggling to access healthcare and state aid, a survey showed on Tuesday. The survey, published in a report by the Red…

COVID-19 covid19 Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_SS_Monitor… pmassetti
South Sudan: Benefit from World Bank Support for Social Safety Net south sudan (2020)

The World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors today approved a $40 million International Development Association (IDA*) grant for the benefit of the people of South Sudan. The South Sudan Safety Net Project (SSSNP) will expand access to safety net and provide income…

The World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors today approved a $40 million International Development Association (IDA*) grant for the benefit of the people of South Sudan. The South Sudan Safety Net Project (SSSNP) will expand access to safety net and provide income security for low income South…

Social assistance, Cash transfers, Financing, COVID-19 covid19, Emergency grants, family Published Measures summary… cambrosio
Mauritius: JICA provides $289 million support to fight COVID-19 under initiative with African Development Bank mauritius (25.02.2021)

The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) has extended an Official Development Assistance loan of up to 30 billion Japanese yen ($289 million) to support Mauritius’ response to the COVID-19 pandemic and rebuild its economy. The loan, signed on 24…

The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) has extended an Official Development Assistance loan of up to 30 billion Japanese yen ($289 million) to support Mauritius’ response to the COVID-19 pandemic and rebuild its economy. The loan, signed on 24 February, is a parallel co-financing…

The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) has extended an Official Development Assistance loan of up to 30 billion Japanese yen ($289 million) to support Mauritius’ response to the COVID-19 pandemic and rebuild its economy.

The loan, signed on 24 February, is a parallel co-fi

Financing, COVID-19 covid19 Published Measures summary… cambrosio
Gambia: Barrow Announces New 250M Covid-19 Relief to support families gambia (02.10.2020)

The Government of Gambia announced a new 250M Covid-19 emergency fund to support families affected by the economic downturn of the Covid-19 pandemic that includes the provision of a cash package of D3,000 to all families.

The Government of Gambia announced a new 250M Covid-19 emergency fund to support families affected by the economic downturn of the Covid-19 pandemic that includes the provision of a cash package of D3,000 to all families.

President Adama Barrow yesterday announced the launch of a D250 million emergency fund to support families affected by the economic downturn of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The president said the funds will provide immediate food support to the entire Gambian populace to aid food security.

Family benefits, Social assistance, Cash transfers, COVID-19 covid19, poverty Published Measures summary cambrosio
Gambia: Government To Disburse D100m Tourism Recovery Fund gambia (01.10.2020)

The Gambia Government plans to give the country’s struggling tourism industry a lifeline with a support package of one hundred million dalasi. The Government agreed to provide a one-off cash transfer of US$50 to each of the small-scale tourism actors whose…

The Gambia Government plans to give the country’s struggling tourism industry a lifeline with a support package of one hundred million dalasi. The Government agreed to provide a one-off cash transfer of US$50 to each of the small-scale tourism actors whose contact details are available…

Tourism minister Hamat Bah said yesterday that the relief package is principally provided by the government and is designed to help tourism businesses to survive a massive drop caused by the coronavirus pandemic.

The funds, according to Minister Bah, have already been disbursed to the acc

Social assistance, Cash transfers, COVID-19 covid19, Emergency grants Published Measures summary cambrosio
Covid-19 has transformed the welfare state. Which changes will endure?

The Economist (06.03.2021) The pandemic may mark a new chapter in the nature of social safety-nets

Policy analysis covid19 Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_SS_Monitor… pmassetti
More than just cash: an innovative child grant in Papua province Papua New Guinea

Development Pathways (03.03.2021) Given the need to address child development issues and to improve the coverage of social protection programmes across Papua, the Provincial Government of Papua (PGP) responded by launching BANGGA Papua, a child grant for all indigenous…

Family benefits, Cash transfers, Programme & evaluation Published_SS_Monitor… pmassetti
Indonesia: Village Fund BLT Extended to 12 Months indonesia (05.01.2021)

The government changed the amount and duration of direct cash assistance ( BLT )  for village funds this year. In the previous PMK, village funds were given for nine months…

The government changed the amount and duration of direct cash assistance ( BLT )  for village funds this year. In the previous PMK, village funds were given for nine months with a total amount of Rp. 600 thousand…

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia - 

The government changed the amount and duration of direct cash assistance ( 

Family benefits, Social assistance, Cash transfers, COVID-19 covid19, family, poverty Published Measures summary… cambrosio
Ghana: Data-driven social safety net response to the COVID-19 crisis ghana (04.01.2021)

Strong data systems can play a crucial role in helping governments monitor, manage, and mitigate the impacts of adverse shocks. Ghana is among the countries pursuing such data initiatives. The government’s social protection authorities augmented and adjusted…

Strong data systems can play a crucial role in helping governments monitor, manage, and mitigate the impacts of adverse shocks. Ghana is among the countries pursuing such data initiatives. The government’s social protection authorities augmented and adjusted existing data systems to help inform…

Mobile technologies, COVID-19 covid19 Published Measures summary… cambrosio
UK: Universal Credit: Extend £20 benefit top-up for a year, say MPs united kingdom

BBC News (09.03.2021) The £20 weekly increase in Universal Credit must be extended for at least a year to avoid impoverishing hundreds of thousands of people, MPs have warned. The measure, which has been called a lifeline for struggling families, is in place until the end of March.

The £20 weekly increase in Universal Credit must be extended for at least a year to avoid impoverishing hundreds of thousands of people, MPs have warned. The measure, which has been called a lifeline for struggling families, is in place until the end of March.

Family benefits covid19 Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary pmassetti
New Spanish law to make food delivery workers ‘permanent staff’ spain (12.02.2021) Spain’s labour ministry, trade unions, and employer’s associations have agreed this week in principle to a law improving the rights of food delivery workers employed by global digital platforms like Deliveroo, granting them the status of “permanent staff” instead of…

digital platforms Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… pmassetti
EU unemployment reinsurance scheme falls off Commission’s radar  european union (04.03.2020) An EU reinsurance scheme to support national unemployment benefits was not part of the European Pillar of Social Rights Action Plan presented on Thursday (4 March), although the European Commission has been supportive of the idea.

Unemployment covid19 Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_SS_Monitor… pmassetti
Should we expect a post-Covid-19 social protection epiphany in Latin America? latin america

Global Development Institute Blog (18.02.2021) Social protection has played a leading role in government responses to Covid-19. Public programmes providing income and in-kind transfers to vulnerable population groups have been strengthened and enhanced to address the effects of the pandemic. In…

Extension of coverage, COVID-19 covid19 Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_SS_Monitor… pmassetti
Leveraging digital technologies for social inclusion

UN/DESA Policy Brief #92: (Feb 2021) COVID-19 is accelerating the pace of digital transformation: implications for social inclusion

Information and communication technology covid19, digital inclusion Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_SS_Monitor, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… pmassetti
Kenya: Parliament halts COVID-19 related tax relief kenya (22.12.2020)

Kenya’s parliament on Tuesday voted to end tax cuts put in place in April to cushion the economy from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, a move lawmakers said would help to plug revenue shortfalls but investors said would hamper a recovery. The tax cuts…

Kenya’s parliament on Tuesday voted to end tax cuts put in place in April to cushion the economy from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, a move lawmakers said would help to plug revenue shortfalls but investors said would hamper a recovery. The tax cuts were introduced weeks after Kenya…

NAIROBI, Dec 22 (Reuters) - Kenya’s parliament on Tuesday voted to end tax cuts put in place in April to cushion the economy from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, a move lawmakers said would help to plug revenue shortfalls but investors said would hamper a recovery.

The tax cuts were

Contribution collection and compliance, COVID-19 contribution collection, covid19 Published Measures summary… cambrosio
Plan Ibirapitá - YouTube uruguay Information and communication technology, Communication digital inclusion rruggia