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Re-inventing service delivery through one-stop shops : proceedings from an international workshop - 3 to 5 May, 2017, Singapore-Johor Bahru, Malaysia (English) | The World Bank massetti

On 3 to 5 May 2017, an international workshop re-inventing public service delivery took place in Singapore and Johor Bahru, Malaysia focusing on delivering services through one-stop shops (OSS). The workshop focused on citizen centric OSS, presenting examples from a wide range of contexts, including Albania, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Moldova, and Vietnam, to illustrate the diverse experiences and models. The objective of this workshop was to strengthen government capacity for the design and implementation of OSS for public services. This report summarizes the discussions, deliberations, and conclusions of a three-day international workshop focused on service delivery through OSS. This report captures highlights from the deliberations of the workshop and offers takeaways for policy makers. The key high level conclusion of the meeting was that high level political leadership, phased approach, and whole-of-government coordination during implementation are critical preconditions for successful transformation of service delivery.

service delivery, services quality Information and communication technology, Service quality
Auf der Suche nach Strategien für die digitale Arbeitswelt fabbri

maschinenmarkt (02.11.2017) Die zunehmende Digitalisierung stellt die Arbeitswelt vor Herausforderungen. Führung und Zusammenarbeit im digitalen Zeitalter werden jetzt an der Universität Trier in einem Projekt erforscht. Vor allem kleine und mittlere Unternehmen will die Projektgruppe mit geeigneten Instrumenten und Strategien für die digitale Arbeitswelt unterstützen.

Congé paternité : ça se passe comment chez nos voisins européens ? fabbri

LCI (02.11.2017) Alors que le magazine féministe "Causette", appuyé par des personnalités, réclame un allongement et une meilleure indemnisation du congé paternité, voici un tour d'horizon de ce qui est proposé pour les jeunes pères de famille dans le reste de l'Europe.

Family benefits european union
El futuro del trabajo podría no ser tan desolador fabbri

Gestion (01.11.2017) La tecnología, por supuesto, ya hace que el trabajo independiente sea mucho más fácil. Pone a los trabajadores en contacto con los clientes y les ayuda a gestionar una oficina administrativa.

Télémédecine : le patron de la CNAM veut lancer les « négos » courant décembre massetti (25.10.2017) Le directeur général de l'Assurance-maladie, Nicolas Revel, a annoncé vouloir démarrer « dès que possible » les négociations autour de la généralisation de la téléconsultation et de la télé-expertise, une mesure du projet de loi de financement de la Sécurité sociale (PLFSS) 2018.

Health, Information and communication technology france
The future of work and current social protection massetti (02.11.2017) Automation and a rise in atypical forms of employment have triggered welcome and necessary debates about how social protection systems can maintain effective support for those in need.

Understanding employment barriers to inform policy - Faces of joblessness - OECD massetti

The European Commission, the OECD and the World Bank have launched an innovative new project (see 2-page project flyer) to shed light on the barriers that individuals face in securing good-quality jobs. The main objective is to assist policymakers in designing, tailoring and targeting activation and employment- support policies. This will help, for instance, avoid targeting costly training programmes on individuals whose main employment barriers are care responsibilities or financial disincentives, which training does not solve.

Employment, Unemployment
Kenya: NHIF reviews out-patient policy, service now 'universally' accessible massetti (02.11.2017) National Hospital Insurance Fund beneficiaries will no longer be required to choose an out-patient healthcare facility to access services.

universal health coverage Health, Health insurance kenya
L’assurance maladie progresse à petits pas en Afrique massetti (27.10.2017) Le Rwanda est souvent cité en exemple pour son assurance maladie obligatoire, suivi par d’autres pays, qui restent cependant minoritaires et ont du mal à couvrir l’intégralité de la population. Tour d’horizon, de la Côte d’Ivoire au Ghana, en passant par le Rwanda, le Kenya et le Gabon.

extending coverage, universal health coverage Extension of coverage Africa
The ILO and the United Nations Climate Change Conference - COP23 fabbri

ILO (03.11.2017) The annual United Nations Climate Change Conference will be presided by Fiji and held in Bonn, Germany from 6-17 November 2017. This twenty-third session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP23) will meet with the aim to advance the aims and ambitions of the Paris Agreement and achieve progress on its implementation guidelines.

climate change Shocks & extreme events
Argentina: El Gobierno invertirá casi 70% del Presupuesto total en gasto social fabbri

El Economista (01.11.2017) El gasto social es una de las piedras angulares del plan económico de Cambiemos, tal como había sido con el kirchnerismo y como ocurre, en rigor, en gran parte del mundo (incluso en países desarrollados). Aquello que el mercado no otorga, es el Estado el que pone la diferencia para garantizar la paz social y un piso de ingresos. Muy lejos del ajuste que proyectaban algunos, según un estudio de la Asociación Argentina de Presupuesto y Administración Pública Financiera (ASAP), difundido ayer, en 2018 Cambiemos destinará nada menos que 68,3% del Presupuesto en gasto público social.

Financing, Social assistance argentina
UK: 15% have access to a return-to-work programme at their organisation fabbri

employeebenefits (01.11.2017) More than one in 10 (15%) of respondents state that their organisation currently has a return-to-work programme in place, according to research by Hays. Its Hays UK gender diversity report 2017, which surveyed 5,400 UK respondents, also found that 70% of respondents believe that there would be greater gender equality if more return-to-work programmes, or similar initiatives, were introduced.

Family benefits united kingdom

II Foro Internacional Sostenibilidad Financiera de los Seguros Sociales -  4 y 5 de setiembre  2017

Health Americas, peru
[Opinion] How AI Can Help Africa Get Universal Health Care Before America fabbri

newsweek (31.10.2017) While American politicians quarrel over the Affordable Care Act, the United States—one of the few industrialized countries without universal health care—still spends twice as much per person per year on health expenses as the U.K. and Canada. For all the debates over Obamacare, however, America boasts 38 MRI machines per one million people: Nigeria, a country of 180 million people, has only four. Across Africa, the ratio of doctors to patients is painfully low. The continent accounts for 25 percent of global disease cases, but has only 2-3 percent of the doctors in the world.

digital economy Health, Health insurance, Technological transition
WHO and ITU to use digital technology to strengthen public health services in Africa fabbri

afro.who (26.10.2017) With Africa currently undergoing a digital revolution, the World Health Organization Regional Office for Africa and the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) today signed a Cooperation Agreement in Geneva, on using digital services to save lives and improve people’s health.

digital economy Health, Health promotion, Service quality Africa
France: Vers une profonde évolution du système français de protection sociale fabbri

Le Monde (31.11.2017) Après quatre jours de débats, le projet de loi de financement de la Sécurité sociale pour 2018 devait être adopté, mardi, par un vote solennel des députés.  Après quatre jours de débats parfois houleux, le projet de loi de financement de la Sécurité sociale (PLFSS) pour 2018 devait être adopté, mardi 31 octobre, par un vote solennel de l’Assemblée nationale. Ce premier et copieux PLFSS du quinquennat d’Emmanuel Macron acte de profonds changements du système de protection sociale français.


managing reforms Social policies & programmes, Financing france
Les députés votent la suppression progressive du très décrié RSI -filhon coverage, self-employed, services quality, social security processes Extension of coverage, Service quality france
Ils avaient renoncé à se soigner, la Sécu les a "repêchés" - L'Obs -filhon extending coverage, policy reponse, universal health care Extension of coverage france
US: Healthcare goes digital but regulation hard to disrupt fabbri

Lexology 30.10.2017)  Healthcare technology is at a pivotal moment in its development. The healthcare industry is primed to take advantage of the innovative tools that technology can provide and governments are positive as to the potential healthcare cost savings that are expected to follow. Regulators around the world are increasingly starting to acknowledge that conventional approaches to regulation may act as an impediment to digital innovation in healthcare and are looking to modernise health regulation. But we are still a long way off an environment where regulation has caught up with technology.

United States
US: Healthcare goes digital but regulation hard to disrupt fabbri

Lexology (30.10.2017) Healthcare technology is at a pivotal moment in its development. The healthcare industry is primed to take advantage of the innovative tools that technology can provide and governments are positive as to the potential healthcare cost savings that are expected to follow. Regulators around the world are increasingly starting to acknowledge that conventional approaches to regulation may act as an impediment to digital innovation in healthcare and are looking to modernise health regulation. But we are still a long way off an environment where regulation has caught up with technology.

Health United States
Egypt is about to launch Universal Health Coverage fabbri

HuffPost (30.10.2017) Egypt is about to offer all of its citizens health insurance for the first time in the North African country’s history. Prime Minister Sherif Ismail approved on Wednesday a new comprehensive health insurance bill after meeting with the Minister of Health, Ahmed Emad, to review final details of the law. The new health care program will cost L.E. 140 billion Egyptian pounds ($8 billion) and will be implemented gradually across the country between 2018 and 2032, starting with the cities of Port Said and Suez, and ending with expansion to Cairo and Giza. Subscription to the universal policy will be mandatory and will cost each citizen, depending on income, between 1,300 pounds ($74) and 4,000 ($227) pounds annually. The government has committed to providing the policy free of charge to those citizens who cannot afford it— an estimated 23.7 million Egyptians (approximately 25% of the population).

universal health coverage Health, Health insurance egypt
Uganda: NSSF wins global awards fabbri

Observer (30.10.2017) The National Social Security Fund (NSSF) has won the 2017 International Social Security Association (ISSA) Good Practice Award and Financial Literacy initiative.

contribution collection Contribution collection and compliance, Financing uganda
Sécurité sociale: L’expérience marocaine sollicitée en Afrique fabbri

Infomédiaire (26.10.2017) Une pléiade de pays africains sont intéressés par l’expérience et l’expertise avant-gardistes marocaines en matière de sécurité sociale et ses outils de gestion, a affirmé le DG de la Caisse Nationale de la Sécurité Sociale (CNSS), Said Ahmidouch.

issa Governance and administration morocco
Global Business Network for Social Protection Floors: Leading multinationals highlight importance of social protection fabbri

ILO (24.10.2017) Representatives of more than a dozen multinational enterprises met in Geneva to highlight the importance of investment in social protection floors for growth in emerging markets.

communication Communication, Social protection floor
Nuevo informe CEPAL/OIT: Desempleo urbano seguiría aumentando en América Latina y el Caribe y llegaría a 9,4% en 2017 fabbri

OIT (19.10.2017) En un nuevo informe conjunto, CEPAL y OIT indican que en el contexto de un bajo crecimiento económico regional las condiciones laborales se deterioraron, aunque existen algunos signos de recuperación.

youth employment Employment of young workers latin america