Jamaica; $6 Million Allocated for Social Protection and Labour Programme

Submitted by fabbri on

Jamaica Information Service (19.02.2018) A sum of $6 million has been allocated to the Integrated Social Protection and Labour Programme in the 2018/19 Estimates of Expenditure, now before the House of Representatives. The project, which got under way in December 2012, aims to support the Government of Jamaica’s efforts to improve human capital and labour market outcomes for the poor by enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of key social-protection programmes

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A sum of $6 million has been allocated to the Integrated Social Protection and Labour Programme in the 2018/19 Estimates of Expenditure, now before the House of Representatives.

The project, which got under way in December 2012, aims to support the Government of Jamaica’s efforts to improve human capital and labour market outcomes for the poor by enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of key social-protection programmes.

It is being implemented by the Ministry of Labour and Social Security through funding from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).

The funding provided for 2018/19 will be used to make final payments to the contractor for the construction of the Stimulation Plus early-childhood development centre in Rockfort, Kingston.

Already, under the project, two early-stimulation programme assessment centres have been constructed and a parenting programme piloted for Programme of Advancement Through Health and Education (PATH) families in six parishes –

Clarendon, Kingston, St. Thomas, Portland, St. Ann and St. James.

In addition, the Labour Market Information System was developed and enhanced, with the database populated with jobseekers and employers.

Other achievements include roll-out of the pilot of the management and monitoring information system for the school-feeding programme in 313 schools, placement of 846 participants in on-the-job training, and development of a school feeding policy.