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Working towards universal health coverage in Georgia fabbri

WHO/Europe  (July 2018) The European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies has released a new health system review (HiT) on Georgia which highlights the progress made in improving access to health care, in protecting the population from the financial risks of inpatient care and in reducing inequalities since the country made the political commitment to providing universal health coverage.

universal health care georgia
Pourquoi les femmes chauffeurs d'Uber gagnent moins que les hommes fabbri

Les Echos (05.07.2018) Personne n'a jamais dit à l'algorithme du service de véhicule avec chauffeur qu'il fallait pénaliser les femmes. Mais, bon gré mal gré, c'est ce qu'il fait. Entre une femme et un homme chauffeur avec Uber, l'écart de revenu par heure est de 7 %, selon une étude américaine des universités Stanford et de Chicago menée sur plusieurs millions de courses aux Etats-Unis : «  The Gender Earning Gap In The Gig Economy  » publié par le National Bureau of Economic Research. Soit en moyenne 20,04 dollars de l'heure, contre 21,28 dollars pour la gent masculine. Toutefois, l'algorithme de fixation des prix ne prend pas en compte le sexe des travailleurs (ce serait juridiquement condamnable). Alors comment expliquer cette différence ?

gender_and_inequality Employment
Le travail indépendant en pleine mutation en Europe fabbri

EurActiv (02.07.2018) Le travail indépendant se diversifie en Europe, et touche de plus en plus de types d’activités. Une petite révolution qui pose des questions en matière de protection sociale.

Par opposition aux travailleurs indépendants « traditionnels », les freelances n’ont « pas de fonds de commerce ou de licence, ne sont pas dans une profession réglementée [médecins, avocats, etc.] », a expliqué Laetitia Vitaud, spécialiste du futur du travail, lors d’une conférence organisée par Euractiv le 26 juin à Paris. « Ils choisissent de travailler directement avec les entreprises sans passer par la case « salarié » et refusent le lien de subordination. »

self-employed Employment european union
France: Alan launches Alan Map to find doctors around you massetti

TechCrunch (04.07.2018) Health insurance startup Alan has launched a new product in France called Alan Map. It’s a dead simple way to find GPs, dentists, ophthalmologists and more around you.

Health france
UK: Auto-enrolment ‘not a solution for self-employed workers’ massetti (26.06.2018) The UK’s auto-enrolment system for workplace pensions should not be extended to include self-employed people, a lobby group for independent workers has said

united kingdom
China eager to embrace tech to meet overflowing health care demands fabbri

 South China Morning Post (02.07.2018) Patients need to have plenty of patience, especially in China’s under-resourced health care system where rural parents often travel with their sick children to seek treatment at Beijing’s Children Hospital but end up having to literally camp outside because of a shortage of lodgings in the city, or where the needs of the ageing population are rising with more than 200 million people aged over 60, equivalent to the entire population of Indonesia.

brics Old-age pensions, Information and communication technology china
Pour une politique de salaire minimum européen : perspectives et obstacles fabbri

revue de l'IRES  : Lors de la campagne des élections européennes de 2014, Jean-Claude Juncker, alors tête de liste du Parti populaire européen (PPE) et aujourd’hui président de la Commission européenne, annonçait : « En tant que président de la Commission, je plaiderai pour que chaque État membre introduise un salaire minimum adapté à ses pratiques nationales de négociations salariales et à ses conditions économiques » (Juncker, 2014a). Ainsi serait garanti à tous les salariés en Europe « un revenu suffisant pour qu’ils n’aient pas à se présenter au guichet de la Sécurité sociale » (Juncker, 2014b). En impulsant une politique de salaire minimum européen, Juncker se fixe comme objectif de renforcer la dimension sociale de l’Europe et de contribuer à une « réhabilitation de l’économie sociale de marché » (Juncker, 2014c).


Le projet d’une politique de salaire minimum coordonnée à l’échelle européenne fait l’objet de débats depuis plusieurs années (Schulten, 2008 ; 2012). Ce n’est pas une coïncidence si cette idée est apparue notamment en France qui dispose depuis longtemps d’un solide système de salaire minimum interprofessionnel. Ce sont les socialistes français qui, les premiers, ont proposé l’introduction d’un « salaire minimum européen », dans leur programme pour les élections européennes de 2004 (Parti socialiste, 2004). Depuis lors, ce projet a fait l’objet de débats en France. Parmi ses partisans figure l’ancien président de la Commission européenne, qui avait appelé les syndicats européens et les organisations d’employeurs à négocier sur cette question dans le cadre du dialogue social européen (Delors, 2006).

basic income european union
Older Russians fear pension reform will hit income fabbri

Financial Times (02.07.2018) The Russian government announced its reform plans on the eve of the World Cup, distracting public attention from the shock. They are potentially one of the most far-reaching economic changes of President Vladimir Putin’s latest six-year term, following his re-election in March. But in the country’s poorer cities and regions fear and anger are building.

managing reforms Pensions, Financing Russian Federation
Maroc: Conventions internationales de sécurité sociale : 80% des MRE désormais couverts fabbri

Aujourd'hui le Maroc (01.07.2018) Au titre de l’année 2017, la Caisse a traité plus de 160.000 dossiers de remboursement. A cela s’ajoutent 8.516 dossiers concernant la retraite ou la pension de vieillesse. Ces chiffres montrent que les journées d’information qui sont menées par la CNSS tout au long de l’année ont porté leurs fruits. Pour sensibiliser les MRE aux prestations sociales prévues par les différentes conventions qui ont été signées par le Maroc avec les pays étrangers, la CNSS édite et distribue régulièrement des guides pratiques et organise des campagnes de communication ciblées, à l’été de chaque année, aux points de passage frontaliers.  Dans chacune de ses actions, la CNSS explique les principes régissant ces conventions.

migration Extension of coverage comoros
A Welcome Message from Distinguished Leaders for IFDM 2018 9th World Congress on Return-to-Work & Disability Management fabbri

Ottawa Citizen (28.06.2918) The International Forum on Disability Management (IFDM) started with a vision: to gather leading representatives of stakeholders in disability management and return-to-work from all over the world in order to assemble global perspectives on consensus-based best practices, cutting edge research, successful disability management and return-to-work policies and programs.

issa, OSH Disability, Return to work
UK: Hermes couriers are workers, not self-employed, tribunal rules massetti

The Guardian (25.06.2018) A group of Hermes couriers have won their fight to be treated as workers instead of independent contractors in what has been described as one of the most significant victories against exploitation of gig-economy workers.

digital platforms united kingdom
European Union: Coordination of social security systems: Council agrees general approach massetti (21.06.2018) The revision of the regulations on coordination of social security systems aims at modernising the rules by bringing them in line with the development of national social security systems, as well as making them clearer, fairer and simpler to enforce. This will make it easier for people to move freely within the EU. The draft amending regulation focuses on five areas: unemployment benefits, long-term care benefits, access to benefits for economically inactive persons, family benefits and applicable legislation for posted workers and persons working in two or more member states. It also includes a number of other smaller amendments.

Social policies & programmes Europe
France: Les pistes de l’Assurance-maladie pour améliorer l’accès aux « bons soins » fabbri

Le Monde (29.06.2018) La CNAM souligne les risques de surmortalité pour les patientes opérées d’un cancer du sein dans les hôpitaux réalisant peu d’actes.

service delivery Financing france
AI, robotics, and intelligent machines ruggia

​Deloitte Insights (March 2018)  As AI and other advanced technologies permeate the workplace, skills such as critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving gain in importance. Leading companies are recognizing that these technologies are most effective when they complement humans, not replace them.

AI, robotics, and automation have gained a rapidly expanding foothold in the workplace, faster than many organizations ever expected. While organizations are increasingly using these technologies to automate existing processes, true pioneers are radically rethinking work architecture to maximize the value of both humans and machines—creating new opportunities to organize work more effectively and to redefine the human workforce’s skills and careers.

artificial intelligence , human resources, robotization Employment, Information and communication technology

Many industries have been disrupted by the influx of new technologies in the Information Age. Healthcare is no different.Particularly in the case of automation, machine learning, and artificial intelligence (AI), doctors, hospitals, insurance companies, and industries with ties to healthcare have all been impacted – in many cases in more positive, substantial ways than other industries.

According to a 2016 report from CB Insights, about 86% of healthcare provider organizations, life science companies, and technology vendors to healthcare are using artificial intelligence technology.

By 2020, these organizations will spend an average of $54 million on artificial intelligence projects. So what solutions are they most commonly implementing?

Here are 10 common ways AI is changing healthcare now and will in the future.

Health, Information and communication technology
Managing Digital Security and Privacy Risk - OECD -- ONLY ONLINE ! ruggia

Managing Digital Security and Privacy Risk, a background report for the June 2016 OECD Ministerial on the Digital Economy, discusses how increased connectivity and data-driven innovation have brought about significant economic and social opportunities while changing the scale and scope of digital security and privacy challenges.

These developments highlight the need for an evolution in policies and practices to build and maintain trust in the digital economy. Building on key messages of the OECD Digital Security Risk Recommendation and the OECD Privacy Guidelines, the report articulates why an approach grounded in risk management is essential to ensure that measures are appropriate to and commensurate with the risk. It also examines what further work is needed to understand how public policy can work jointly with private sector to overcome barriers and address the special challenges faced by small and medium enterprises (SMEs).

data protection Information and communication technology
Digital Security Risk Management - OECD ruggia

OECD (2015) Recently, large-scale digital security incidents with potential economic consequences have increased in frequency and sophistication, in a context where the digital environment has become essential to the functioning of the economy and a key enabler for growth, well-being and inclusiveness.

To reap the benefits associated with the digital environment, stakeholders need to depart from approaching digital security risk solely from a technical perspective in isolation from broader economic and social considerations. It is urgent that they integrate digital security risk management in their economic and social decision making process. Public policy makers also need to ponder the complexity of digital security risk through its multiple dimensions from economic and social prosperity to law enforcement (“cybercrime”) to warfare to national security and international security.

This OECD Recommendation and its companion document provide guidance for all stakeholders on these aspects.

cybersecurity, data management, data protection Information and communication technology
Securing Information and Communication Networks - Best Practices for Developing a Culture of Cybersecurity (ITU) ruggia

ITU(2017) This report is composed of a number of best practice reports on different aspects of cybersecurity. An analysis of an ITU’s cybersecurity awareness survey demonstrates that while a number of countries have to improve cybersecurity awareness, some do not, and those that do often do not target key segments of society. Strong attention is often paid to child online protection as a priority. Information related to the ITU’s Global Cybersecurity Index (GCI) conducted is also provided.

cybersecurity Information and communication technology, Security
ICT Services by Persons with Disabilities and with Specific Needs (ITU) ruggia

ITU (2017) The report is a practical tool aiming at assisting administrations in implementing ICT accessibility for persons with disabilities in their respective countries. It also provides resources and addresses a series of questions, including: What changes must be made to existing legislation to promote ICT accessibility? How to promote accessibility in public ICT spaces, such as telecentres and public pay phones? Which requirements for public procurement, including commercial best practices relating to telecommunications/ICT, should apply to persons with disabilities? What are the requirements for mobile phone accessibility? What are the requirements for TV and video programming accessibility? What are the requirements for web accessibility? How can accessibility tools be used by people with difficulties mastering reading and writing? What are the best strategies, policies, and projects on accessibility that are already implemented? What commercial solutions exist in the global ICT marketplace? What potential practical applications can be identified to promote accessible e-Education?

coverage, services quality Information and communication technology, Extension of coverage
Skill shift: Automation and the future of the workforce ruggia

McKinsey & Company (May 2018) Demand for technological, social and emotional, and higher cognitive skills will rise by 2030. How will workers and organizations adapt?

Skill shifts have accompanied the introduction of new technologies in the workplace since at least the Industrial Revolution, but adoption of automation and artificial intelligence (AI) will mark an acceleration over the shifts of even the recent past. The need for some skills, such as technological as well as social and emotional skills, will rise, even as the demand for others, including physical and manual skills, will fall. These changes will require workers everywhere to deepen their existing skill sets or acquire new ones. Companies, too, will need to rethink how work is organized within their organizations.

artificial intelligence , digital economy Employment
AI, automation, and the future of work: Ten things to solve for (Tech4Good) ruggia

As machines increasingly complement human labor in the workplace, we will all need to adjust to reap the benefits.

Automation and artificial intelligence (AI) are transforming businesses and will contribute to economic growth via contributions to productivity. They will also help address “moonshot” societal challenges in areas from health to climate change.

At the same time, these technologies will transform the nature of work and the workplace itself. Machines will be able to carry out more of the tasks done by humans, complement the work that humans do, and even perform some tasks that go beyond what humans can do. As a result, some occupations will decline, others will grow, and many more will change.

While we believe there will be enough work to go around (barring extreme scenarios), society will need to grapple with significant workforce transitions and dislocation. Workers will need to acquire new skills and adapt to the increasingly capable machines alongside them in the workplace. They may have to move from declining occupations to growing and, in some cases, new occupations.

This executive briefing, which draws on the latest research from the McKinsey Global Institute, examines both the promise and the challenge of automation and AI in the workplace and outlines some of the critical issues that policy makers, companies, and individuals will need to solve for.

  1. Accelerating progress in AI and automation is creating opportunities for businesses, the economy, and society
  2. How AI and automation will affect work
  3. Key workforce transitions and challenges
  4. Ten things to solve for
artificial intelligence , digital economy, robotization Employment, Information and communication technology
[Opinion] Suisse: Dépenses de santé: vers d’inévitables arbitrages fabbri

Le Temps (28.06.2018) Plutôt que de se focaliser sur une médecine de pointe, le débat sur le coût de la santé devrait davantage prendre en compte les dépenses de prévention, estime le médecin Julien Dupraz

Health promotion, Financing switzerland
Suisse: Réforme de l'AVS: La retraite des femmes à 65 ans, avec compensation fabbri

TDG (28.06.2018) La nouvelle réforme de l'AVS fera grimper la TVA d'au plus 1,5%, mais elle n'épargnera pas les femmes. Dans le projet dévoilé jeudi, le Conseil fédéral confirme sa volonté de les faire travailler jusqu'à 65 ans, et ce sans compensation généreuse.

managing reforms Pensions switzerland
España: El Gobierno ultima el decreto para recuperar la sanidad universal fabbri

EL PAÍS (27.06.2018) La sanidad pública atenderá a todos los residentes en España por su condición de ciudadanos, no de asegurados que se han ganado la atención médica por cotizar a la Seguridad Social. Este es uno de los cambios fundamentales que prevé introducir el Ministerio de Sanidad en el real decreto por el que devolverá la atención sanitaria a los inmigrantes irregulares, según la documentación enviada por el departamento de la ministra Carmen Montón a las comunidades autónomas y a la que ha tenido acceso

Migration spain
[Dossier] France: Travail - comment protéger les salariés fragiles fabbri

Lrs Echos (22.06.2018) Les entreprises se mobilisent pour développer la culture de l'entraide et accompagner les collaborateurs les plus fragiles.

prevention Employment policies france