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France: Canicule - l'employeur doit protéger ses salariés dfabbri

Les Echos (07.08.2018) L'employeur a l'obligation de préserver la santé et la sécurité de ses salariés. L'Assurance-maladie préconise l'évacuation au-delà de 34° C.

climate change, OSH Occupational accidents and diseases france
New Zealand: Pressures of an ageing population a big challenge for the regions dfabbri

NZ Herald (07.08.2018) It is very common to hear population ageing discussed in terms of those aged 65+ years (currently just over 15 per cent of New Zealanders) and its projected rise to around 23 per cent within two decades.

new zealand
France: Fusion des aides sociales : 3,5 millions de ménages subiraient une baisse, selon un rapport dfabbri

Nouvel Obs (03.08.2018) Le passage à l'allocation sociale unique (ASU) ferait plus de "perdants" que de "gagnants", souligne une étude interne.

managing reforms Social assistance france
The case for increasing Peru’s private pension system investment limit dfabbri

 World Finance (01.08.2018) Prima AFP is offering a compelling argument for the need to increase the limit for foreign investments in Peru’s intrinsically important private pension system

Pensions, Investment peru
Sweden: Fathers with more education more likely to take paternity leave dfabbri

ScienceNordic (23.07.2018) Swedish doctors and lawyers take twice as much parental leave as their less well-educated peers. But the trend is the opposite for well-educated women.

family_gender_society Parental leave sweden
Comment remédier aux insuffisances des systèmes de sécurité et d’assistance sociales au Maroc dfabbri

Le Matin (01.08.2018) Le Souverain appelle le gouvernement à entreprendre une restructuration globale et profonde des programmes d’appui et de protection sociale

managing reforms Extension of coverage morocco
Access to social protection for people working on non-standard contracts and as self-employed in Europe - Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion - European Commission rruggia

Economic and labour market transformations in Europe have led to an increase in non-standard work and new forms of self-employment as well as an upsurge in transitions from one labour market status to another — with great variations between countries, sectors, age groups and gender. In this context, European social protection systems are facing growing challenges in covering social risks for these workers.  

This Synthesis Report produced by the core team of the European Social Policy Network (ESPN) describes the social and labour market situation of the self-employed and non-standard workers in 35 European countries. It also analyses their statutory and effective access to the main social protection schemes, and identifies recent national reforms aimed at extending their social protection.   The report draws on the national Thematic Reports prepared by the 35 ESPN Country Teams.

digital platforms Extension of coverage, Difficult-to-cover groups, Social policies & programmes european union
Access to social protection for workers and the self-employed: six case studies - Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion - European Commission rruggia

These case studies support the impact assessment on the European Commission initiative "Access to social protection for workers and the self-employed".

They examine gaps in access to social protection for specific types of non-standard forms of employment in Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania and Spain.

(des)formalization, adequacy, coverage, digital economy, self-employed Employment, Extension of coverage, Difficult-to-cover groups, Social policies & programmes european union
Prestaciones laborales, anhelo de los trabajadores independientes | El Economista rruggia


Prestaciones laborales, anhelo de los trabajadores independientes Tanto asalariados como quienes trabajan por su cuenta coinciden en que deben hacer algo en lo que se refiere al ahorro para su retiro.

digital platforms Employment, Extension of coverage mexico
Why tax day is a nightmare for freelancers rruggia


For the 55 million Americans who make their living as freelance workers, tax day is more than just a headache. It's an annual fleecing. Freelancers now constitute a third of the American workforce, and over the past decade, 94% of new jobs added to the U.S. economy were created in the so-called gig economy. Yet freelancers must retrofit themselves into an archaic system designed for the industrial era, one that taxes independent workers disproportionately even as they benefit less from the social safety net.

A quaint 400 pages, the original tax code was adopted in 1913, when industrial-era workers might have had one or two jobs for life. It has since evolved into a 74,608-page behemoth that few self-employed individuals can navigate on their own.

Hiring an accountant to serve as one's guide through the Byzantine process is only the first step — and only the first expense. Freelancers must collect 1099s from each of their multiple clients, organize countless bills and small receipts into deductible expenses, and plan out a confusing payment schedule for making separate, estimated outlays toward federal, state and even local tax collectors.

digital platforms Contribution collection and compliance United States
[Blog] Invertir en las personas para triunfar en la era de los robots (BID/IADB) rruggia

IADB (24.03.2018) El futuro del trabajo es un tema cada vez más presente. El interés es creciente, a medida que constatamos cómo se intensifican algunas tendencias, como la automatización o la economía gig, de las que venimos hablando desde hace ya tres años en este mismo blog. Así que es de esperar que, este 2018, el futuro del trabajo sea un tema muy presente en las discusiones sobre mercados laborales y políticas públicas, también en América Latina y el Caribe.

digital economy, robotization Employment policies latin america
Los 'freelancers' de la región | BBVA rruggia

Cada vez más profesionales de América Latina trabajan ‘online’ para compañías globalizadas, cobran muy bien en moneda dura aunque a costa de resignar condiciones laborales. Los argentinos son los mejor pagados, por encima de los mexicanos y brasileños, aunque éstos representan el 50% de la oferta regional al mayor mercado global de trabajo independiente del mundo: la tercerización en ‘freelancers’.

digital platforms, digital economy, freelance Employment latin america
Los uruguayos que eligen trabajar para el mundo | Empresas, Mercado laboral, OIT, Uruguay XXI rruggia

Los uruguayos que eligen trabajar para el mundo

Por María Noel Durán Julio 6, 2016

Diferentes sectores proponen la regulación del teletrabajo, una opción cada vez más elegida por los empresarios y trabajadores uruguayos

Teclear desde la rambla, el Parque Rodó o el sofá de su casa es una posibilidad cada vez más factible para los uruguayos que eligen trabajar para el mundo.

Según el subsecretario de Trabajo, Nelson Loustaunau, los teletrabajadores constituyen 8% de la fuerza laboral uruguaya y ese dígito crece año a año. Con eso en mente, Loustaunau sorprendió en la sede de la OIT, en Ginebra con un discurso que promueve una regulación internacional del teletrabajo. En aquella ponencia sostuvo que para promover reglas efectivas será necesario "evitar la mirada tradicional del mercado de trabajo". De esa forma, las ocho horas de trabajo frente a una computadora y marcar tarjeta son conceptos que podrían quedar obsoletos con el desarrollo del teletrabajo, una alternativa respaldada a nivel local tanto por el sector público como por el privado.

El director del área Internacional de la empresa Freelancer, Sebastián Siseles, explicó a Café & Negocios que para 2020 se prevé que cerca del 50% del trabajo en el mundo se realice, de alguna u otra manera, de forma remota. Algo que tarde o temprano trastocará el funcionamiento del mercado laboral local.

digital platforms Employment policies uruguay
Impuestos para freelancers – Mi Vida Freelance rruggia

Reuisitos administrativos de formalización para freelancers en América Latina

digital platforms Employment, Extension of coverage, Contribution collection and compliance latin america


digital platforms Employment latin america
The sharing economy: Why people participate in collaborative consumption by Juho Hamari, Mimmi Sjöklint, Antti Ukkonen :: SSRN rruggia

The sharing economy: Why people participate in collaborative consumption

Juho Hamari School of Information Science, University of Tampere

Mimmi Sjöklint Copenhagen Business School

Antti Ukkonen Helsinki Institute for Information Technology

Information and communications technologies (ICTs) have enabled the rise of so-called “Collaborative Consumption” (CC): the peer-to-peer-based activity of obtaining, giving, or sharing the access to goods and services, coordinated through community-based online services. CC has been expected to alleviate societal problems such as hyper-consumption, pollution, and poverty by lowering the cost of economic coordination within communities.

However, beyond anecdotal evidence, there is a dearth of understanding why people participate in CC.

Therefore, in this article we investigate people’s motivations to participate in CC. The study employs survey data (N = 168) gathered from people registered onto a CC site. The results show that participation in CC is motivated by many factors such as its sustainability, enjoyment of the activity as well as economic gains. An interesting detail in the result is that sustainability is not directly associated with participation unless it is at the same time also associated with positive attitudes towards CC. This suggests that sustainability might only be an important factor for those people for whom ecological consumption is important.

Furthermore, the results suggest that in CC an attitude behavior gap might exist; people perceive the activity positively and say good things about it, but this good attitude does not necessary translate into action.

digital platforms
AsISSSTE es la nueva app del ISSSTE para atender infartos : Su Médico rruggia

ISSSTE lanza app para atender infartos. Cuando se active la alerta por infarto, AsISSSTE dará aviso a centros de salud u hospitales para brindar atención.

01/09/2017 . AsISSSTE brindará atención a derechohabientes y no derechohacientes. El infarto al miocardio es uno de los problemas cardiacos que más afectan a los mexicanos, por lo que está entre las causas de muerte en el país. Por ello y con el objetivo de atender a tiempo los casos de infartos, el ISSSTE lanzó su app AsISSSTE. 

mobile technologies, universal health care Health promotion, Medical care, Information and communication technology mexico
Centro Nacional de Telemedicina de EsSalud brindó más de 62 mil atenciones durante 28 meses | EsSalud rruggia

Centro Nacional de Telemedicina de EsSalud brindó más de 62 mil atenciones durante 28 meses Publicado el 21 Enero, 2016 Atenciones especializadas a distancia permitieron el ahorro de más de diez millones 558 mil soles en lecturas de placas La mayor parte de asegurados beneficiados corresponden a las zonas de Tingo María, Pucallpa, La Oroya, Huánuco y Huancavelica.  

Durante los primeros 28 meses de funcionamiento, el Centro Nacional de Telemedicina de EsSalud (CENATE), atendió a 62,183 asegurados que viven en zonas alejadas del interior del país, pero que gracias al uso de las tecnologías de la información, pudieron conocer a distancia sus diagnósticos y tratamientos especializados.  

Al respecto la médico radiólogo, Bernardette Cotrina Urteaga, Directora del CENATE,   precisó que gracias a este Centro y al sistema de imágenes médicas institucional, los asegurados obtienen un servicio más eficiente, ya que su médico tratante tiene acceso de inmediato a su imagen adquirida, así como la posibilidad de explicarles in situ el diagnóstico mostrándoles la imagen en la pantalla del consultorio.  

Explicó que entre el 2013 al 2015 se pudo dar lectura a 30,599 imágenes de Rayos X,  un total de 14,784 mamografías y 16,800 tomografías, generando un ahorro a la institución de 10 millones, 558 mil soles.

universal health care Medical care, Information and communication technology peru
France: Retraite à 62 ans - le coût des arrêts maladie en hausse dfabbri

 L'Express  (01.08.2018) Un rapport de l'Assurance maladie dévoilé par Les Echos, mardi, explique que le montant des arrêts maladies a connu une hausse de 13,4% entre 2013 et 2016.

Financing france
[Report] ILO: Social protection - More than half of Latin American workers are not covered by contributory social security dfabbri

ILO (27.07.2018) More than half of Latin American workers are not covered by a contributory social security system covering them against risks related to illness, unemployment and old age, a new ILO report says. The report calls for decisive action to close existing and future gaps in social security coverage.

poverty Difficult-to-cover groups latin america
[Report] Social protection: More than half of Latin American workers are not covered by contributory social security: ILO dfabbri

ILO  (27.07.2018) More than half of Latin American workers are not covered by a contributory social security system covering them against risks related to illness, unemployment and old age, a new ILO report says. The report calls for decisive action to close existing and future gaps in social security coverage.

poverty Difficult-to-cover groups latin america
España: Creación récord de empleo en primavera: 469.900 puestos de trabajo fabbri

El País (27.07.2018) El mercado laboral ha sorprendido en primavera. La recuperación del empleo ha acelerado más de los previsto. En solo tres meses se han creado 469.900 empleos. Nunca hasta ahora se había alcanzado semejante cifra en un trimestre. Con este aumento, el número total de ocupados queda en 19,34 millones. También el otro lado del mercado laboral, el paro, tuvo un comportamiento positivo. La tasa de desempleo quedó en el 15,28%, según el INE. Se mire por la cara que se mire hay que regresar a hace casi 10 años para hallar cifras parecidas. El empleo temporal, pese al frenazo en su empuje, sigue siendo muy alto.

labour markets Employment policies spain
Sénégal: Couverture maladie universelle - Le projet de loi sur la Cmu présenté aux journalistes fabbri

Le Soleil  (25.07.2018) L' Agence de la Couverture maladie universelle (ACmu) travaille sur un projet de loi permettant de sécuriser les programmes. Il a été présenté aux journalistes le 16 juillet à Dakar.

universal health care Health insurance senegal
Platform work in Austria: National context analysis ruggia

Centre for European Policy Studies (02.07.2018) Focusing on Austria, this report provides an overview of online platforms matching supply and demand for paid work, looking at different platforms and activities, working conditions, legal developments, and trends and changes in the labour market. It discusses the different concepts and definitions of platform work and describe how platforms operate. Furthermore, it will look at the characteristics of platforms, reflecting the extraordinary heterogeneity of this new form of employment. In addition, it discusses the composition of the platform workforce, their working conditions and their legal employment status based on case studies of workers and expert interviews.

digital platforms Employment austria
The Project - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development ruggia

The ongoing digital transformation of economies and societies holds many promises to spur innovation, generate efficiencies, and improve services, and in doing so boost more inclusive and sustainable growth as well as enhance well-being. But these benefits go hand-in-hand with disruptions. Our interactions with one another and with society more broadly are being transformed, as are the nature and structure of organisations and markets, raising important issues around jobs and skills, privacy, security, and how to ensure that technological changes benefit society as a whole, among others. Some countries and groups are better placed than others to harness the benefits of digital transformation. To bring about stronger and more inclusive growth from the digital revolution, it is essential to build a coherent and comprehensive policy approach.

This is the essence of the OECD's Going Digital project.

digital platforms Employment, Information and communication technology, Contribution collection and compliance angola