Global Challenges search
Title | Abstract | Tags | Topics | Regions / Country | |
Ecuador: Gobierno anuncia bono de contingencia de $60 a trabajadores que viven del día a día | mmarquez | (21.03.2020) El Gobierno dará un bono de contingencia de 60 dólares a quienes viven del día a día y por la emergencia sanitaria de coronavirus no pueden salir a trabajar. El presidente Lenín Moreno, en cadena emitida la noche del viernes, detalló quiénes lo recibirán: quienes se dedican al comercio informal, la crianza de animales, quienes venden comida en la calle, quienes se dedican a la peluquería, costura, panadería, los pequeños agricultores, las trabajadoras del hogar, los mecánicos, albañiles y carpinteros. La ayuda será para quienes no superan ingresos de 400 dólares mensuales y será el Ministerio de Inclusión Económica Social (MIES) la institución que contacte a los beneficiarias a través de llamada, mensaje o visita. |
covid19 | Social assistance, Cash transfers | ecuador |
Poland: Additional child care allowance during the closure of schools and kindergarten | pgirard | covid19 | Family benefits, Children | poland | |
ILO ACTRAV Analysis: Governments'Responses to COVID-19 | btreichel | The ILO Bureau for Workers' Activities (ACTRAV) has published a coprehensive analysis of Government responses to COVID-19. Governments' Responses to COVID-19 (Countries A-L)
covid19, prevention | Occupational accidents and diseases, Prevention of occupational risks | |
China: Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security Announces Online Application Platform for Unemployment Insurance | mmarquez | (12.02.2020) The provinces and autonomous regions will announce the online handling platforms within their jurisdictions that have achieved stable job returns to online claiming cities (states and alliances), and will take the initiative through SMS push, website link, handling reminders and other methods. Docking, proactive service, promote "no-face" approval, allocate funds as soon as possible, support enterprises to stabilize jobs, and properly respond to the impact of the epidemic. |
covid19 | Unemployment, E-services, Service quality | china |
China: Short-time work encouraged to avoid dismissals | mmarquez | (24.01.2020) If the enterprise is affected by the epidemic, which leads to difficulties in production and operation, it may stabilize the work position through consultation with employees, such as adjusting salary, rotating rotation, shortening working hours, etc., and try not to reduce or reduce the number of employees. Qualified enterprises can enjoy post-stabilization subsidies as required. If an enterprise suspends production and suspends production within a salary payment cycle, the enterprise shall pay the employee's salary in accordance with the standards stipulated in the labor contract. If the employee provides normal labor for more than one wage payment period, the wage paid by the enterprise to the employee shall not be lower than the local minimum wage standard. If the employees do not provide normal labor, the enterprise shall pay living expenses, and the living expenses standards shall be implemented in accordance with the regulations stipulated by the provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government. |
covid19 | Unemployment | china |
S. Korea to dole out relief cash fund based on health insurance | pmassetti | (03.04.2020) The government decided Friday to make emergency cash payments to households in the bottom 70 percent income bracket, financially hit by the novel coronavirus, by using March health insurance premiums as key standard. The temporary, yet controversial scheme will provide 1 million won ($814) each to four-person households with salaried workers that paid March premiums below 237,000 won, according to the government. |
covid19 | Cash transfers | korea, Republic of |
China: Workers should continue to receive remuneration during treatment and quarantine periods | mmarquez | (24.01.2020) For employees of pneumonia, suspected patients, and close contacts of new coronavirus infection who are unable to provide normal labor during their isolation treatment or medical observation, and because the government implements isolation measures or other emergency measures, the enterprise shall pay employees The remuneration for work during this period shall not be rescinded from employees in accordance with Articles 40 and 41 of the Labor Contract Law. During this period, if the labor contract expires, it will be postponed to the end of the employee's medical period, the medical observation period, the isolation period or the emergency measures taken by the government. |
covid19 | Unemployment | china |
China: Hospitals are mandated to provide attention regardless of type of health insurance | mmarquez | (23.01.2020) First, after paying for basic medical insurance, serious illness insurance, medical assistance, and other medical expenses incurred for patients diagnosed with pneumonia with a new coronavirus infection, the personal burden will be subsidized by the finance and comprehensive protection will be implemented. Second, for patients diagnosed with pneumonia with new coronavirus infection, they will be treated first and then settled, and reimbursement will not be implemented for the reduction of the proportion of payment for transfer to other places. The third is that the drugs and medical service items used to diagnose patients with pneumonia caused by new coronavirus are in accordance with the new coronavirus infection pneumonia diagnosis and treatment plan formulated by the health department, and can be temporarily included in the payment scope of the medical insurance fund. |
covid19 | Health insurance | china |
S. Korea to Offer Reductions, Exemptions of 4 Social Insurance, Electricity Fee Payments | pmassetti | (30.03.2020) The South Korean government will offer reductions or exemptions on four social insurances to ease the burden for low-income households and small business owners amid the COVID-19 pandemic. |
covid19 | Contribution collection and compliance | korea, Republic of |
China: Workers infected in the workplace will receive work injury benefits | mmarquez | (23.01.2020) The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the Ministry of Finance and the National Health Commission jointly released an announcement on insurance matters for healthcare workers and other employees infected with Covid-19 when fulfilling job responsibilities will count as work injuries. Workers will qualify for work injury insurance reimbursement, and local fiscal authorities should provide assistance when needed. |
covid19 | Health insurance, Safety and health at work | china |
China ups support to firms to ensure employment amid COVID-19 epidemic | pmassetti | Xinhua (25.03.2020) China has pledged to lend more support to companies with multi-faceted measures in a renewed commitment to protecting jobs for its workforce amid the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak. |
covid19 | Unemployment, Contribution collection and compliance | china |
China: The National Health Commission adds Covid-19 prevention measures in the workplace | mmarquez | (20.01.2020) According to the relevant provisions of the Law on the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases, based on the current understanding of the etiology, epidemiology, and clinical characteristics of new coronavirus-infected pneumonia, the State Council approved the agreement and the National Health and Health Commission decided to infect the new coronavirus Pneumonia is included in the management of statutory infectious diseases category B, and preventive and control measures for category A infectious diseases are adopted. New coronavirus-infected pneumonia is included in the management of statutory infectious diseases. People's governments at all levels, health administrative departments, other government departments, and medical and health institutions can take a series of preventive and control measures such as patient isolation treatment and close contact person isolation medical observation according to law to jointly prevent Control the spread of pneumonia outbreaks of new coronavirus infections. |
covid19 | Health promotion, Safety and health at work | china |
Monaco: Modalités de demande du Revenu Minimum Extraordinaire | cambrosio | (01.04.2020) Les Services de l’Etat mettent en œuvre dès aujourd’hui, le Revenu Minimum Extraordinaire, mesure annoncée par le Gouvernement princier pour venir en aide aux travailleurs indépendants disposant d’une autorisation d’exercer en nom propre, qui subissent une baisse de leur activité impactée par la crise du Covid-19, au point de les priver de toute ressource. Il s’agit, dans cette situation économique sans précédent, d’octroyer un Revenu Minimum Extraordinaire d’un montant forfaitaire de 1800€ aux travailleurs indépendants en activité en nom propre, qui se retrouveraient sans ressources. |
covid19 | Cash transfers | monaco |
Maroc: Suspension du paiement des charges sociales | mmarquez | (20.03.2020) Alors qu’une partie de l’industrie marocaine est à l’arrêt du fait du Covid-19, la dernière réunion du Comité de veille économique a mis en place des mesures en faveur des entreprises et des salariés du privé. Après l’édiction d’une première série de mesures le 16 mars, jugées insuffisantes, le Comité de veille économique (CVE) a tenu une deuxième réunion trois jours plus tard. Cet organe, mis en place par le gouvernement marocain pour suivre l’évolution de la situation économique du pays en raison de la crise du Coronavirus et d’identifier les mesures appropriées en termes d’accompagnement des entreprises, s’est voulu bien plus rassurant pour la sphère économique et les salariés du secteur privé. Après avoir obtenu la suspension du paiement des charges sociales et la mise en place d’un moratoire pour le remboursement des crédits bancaires au profit des entreprises, la CGEM en voulait plus. |
covid19 | Contribution collection and compliance, Cash transfers | morocco |
Tunisie: Mesures sociales en faveur des professions en chômage technique | mmarquez | (31.03.2020) Le chef du gouvernement Elyes Fakhfakh, a présidé ce mardi 31 mars 2020, un conseil ministériel dédié à la mise en œuvre des mesures sociales annoncées concernant les aides financières et les mesures liées aux institutions et professions en chômage technique. Selon un communiqué publié par la présidence du gouvernement, l'Etat fournira, par le biais de l'Union tunisienne de sécurité sociale, 60.000 colis de denrées alimentaires, qui seront livrés au domicile des bénéficiaires à partir du vendredi 3 avril et jusqu'à la fin du mois du Ramadan. Par ailleurs, il a été décidé en coordination avec les ministères de l’Education, des Affaires sociales, de la Défense et de l’Intérieur, d’ouvrir une école dans chaque municipalité pour accueillir les aides et les livrer aux familles nécessiteuses et ce, en coopération avec la société civile. |
covid19 | Unemployment, Social assistance, Cash transfers | tunisia |
Malta: Government unveils Coronavirus financial aid package | cambrosio | (18.03.2020) Financial assistance for families and unemployed persons: Where one of parents is required to stay at home to take care of children due to school closure and neither of the parents is able to telework– the Government will pay a benefit of €800 per month per family (expected to be for 2 months). Individuals which ended up unemployed due to the employer’s mandatory suspension of business, will benefit from 2 days per week based on a salary cap of €800 per month covered by government. This is expected to apply to individuals previously employed in the accommodation, food and beverages, language schools and entertainment. Employees who ended up unemployed as from 9th March, will benefit from a special unemployment benefit of €800 per month. Disable individuals who due to their medical condition were unable to continue working will also be entitled to a €800 per month for a period to be specified. Persons ending unemployed and previous not benefitting from rent subsidy, can now benefit from the rent subsidy. In case of individuals already benefiting from rent subsidy this will be increased (to an amount not specified). This measure is applicable also if only one dependent has his job terminated. |
covid19, family | Family benefits, Unemployment, Social assistance, Cash transfers | malta |
Malta: COVID-19 Update: More fiscal measures to support businesses and individuals in Malta | cambrosio | (24.03.2020) Salary and wage support for Maltese employers The forms of assistance which will be available to employers in these situations for the time being are the following: A financial allocation to employers of €350 for each employee who has been required to take quarantine leave, in line with new regulations. Financial compensation in respect of salaries payable by business which were directly affected by governmental closure orders, subject to an €800 per month, for businesses and self-employed persons which were most affected by the Government’s order of suspension of operations to protect public health and safety. Where the affected business is a self-employed person, this assistance is increased to cover wage expenses payable in respect of three days per week. Additional compensation for self-employed persons who have recorded a decrease of at least 25% in their operational sales, in respect of losses incurred on one day per week. Where the business engages employees, the aid available is increased to the losses incurred on two days per week, capped at €800. |
covid19, self-employed | Social assistance, Cash transfers | malta |
Sri Lanka: Food packages to low income persons | mmarquez | (23.03.2020) Samurdhi Authority should issue title certificates to Samurdhi and low income families immediately for issuing nutritious food items to low income persons. They should be provided with rice, dhal and salt on a weekly basis with their food cards. |
covid19, family | Social assistance | sri lanka |
Sri Lanka: Grace period for the payment of income tax | mmarquez | (23.03.2020) A grace period for the payment of income tax and VAT, driving licence renewal fee, water bills and assessment tax less than Rs. 15,000, monthly credit card bills less than Rs. 50,000, be extended until April 30th. |
contribution collection, covid19 | Contribution collection and compliance | sri lanka |
Bahamas: Unemployment benefit to dismissed employess | mmarquez | (23.03.2020) The Unemployment Benefit is payable where an employed person is temporarily laid off because of the negative impacts of COVID-19. The benefit is payable for up to 13 weeks at a rate of 50% of the employee's average insured income. |
covid19 | Unemployment | bahamas |
Bahamas: Sickness benefit to employees quarantined | mmarquez | (20.03.2020) The National Insurance Act & Regulations provides for the payment of Sickness Benefit when a worker is quarantined. Employees with at least 40 contributions to the NIB, have a doctor's certificate and the employer's confirmation. The benefit is 60% of the insured's average insured income and is payable for 14 days. |
covid19 | Cash sickness benefits | bahamas |
Bahamas: Unemployment assistance for self-employed in the tourism sector | mmarquez | (23.03.2020) The Government of The Bahamas, in collaboration with the National Insurance Board (NIB), is responding to bring financial support to self-employed Bahamians in the tourism sector whose income sources have been disrupted by COVID-19. While the programme will be administered by the National Insurance Board, it is outside of the NIB package of benefits; it is not an earned entitlement; does not require the satisfying of National Insurance contribution conditions; and does not require Department of Labour involvement. |
covid19, self-employed | Unemployment, Social assistance | bahamas |
Bahamas: Early pension payments | mmarquez | (02.04.2020) The National Insurance Board is anticipating the old-age pension payments. |
covid19 | Old-age pensions | bahamas |
Greece: Placement of the Minister of Finance Mr. Christos Staikouras, for the second set of measures to deal with the effects of the coronavirus | cambrosio | (24.03.2020) All employees for whom their employment contract is temporarily suspended, due to the suspension of the operation of the company with a state mandate, will receive compensation in early April, from the state budget, amounting to 800 euros. The measure concerns about 500,000 workers, at a cost of about 400m euros. The State fully covers the insurance, pension and health rights of employees and their insurance contributions, based on their total nominal salary. At the same time, for these employees, the payment of March tax liabilities is suspended for 4 months. For self-employed persons and sole proprietorships operating in sectors where there is a drastic reduction in economic activity due to the emergence and spread of the coronation, all tax liabilities, payable in March, are deferred for 4 months. |
covid19 | Social assistance, Cash transfers | greece |
Turkey: Social Security Payment Extensions Due to COVID-19 | mmarquez | (20.03.2020) Turkey's Social Security Institution has issued a release announcing that six-month extensions are being provided for social security contribution payments due to COVID-19. The extensions are provided based on the deadline extensions for force majeure announced by the tax administration in March (previous coverage). As such, the extensions apply for taxpayers covered by the force majeure extensions and certain others as follows: |
contribution collection, covid19 | Contribution collection and compliance | turkey |