
Title Authored on Regions / Country Abstract measures summary Description/integral text (Internal-not for publishing) Topics Tags Status URL
Belgique: Allocations familiales à Bruxelles - jusqu'où moduler le système? belgium

RTB (14.09.2017) Quel type d'allocations familiales mettre en place à Bruxelles ? Jusqu'à quel point lier les allocations aux revenus des parents ? Faut-il changer le système pour tous les enfants ou seulement pour les enfants nés après l'instauration du nouveau modèle ? La…

Family benefits Published_SS_Monitor… monitor
Suisse: Primes maladie: les politiques impuissants, les assurés résignés switzerland

Le Temps (28.09.2017) En début d'après-midi, l'administration fédérale dévoilera le montant exact des hausses de primes. Face à la spirale des coûts de la santé, le PDC, le PS et certains cantons dont Genève et Vaud bougent. En partant dans des directions très diverses

Financing, Health published Published_SS_Monitor… monitor
América Latina: ¿Estamos preparados para los trabajos del futuro? latin america

El País (13.02.2017) Este cambio tiene más que ver con unos frenéticos avances tecnológicos que están provocando transformaciones profundas en la naturaleza del trabajo y que, al mismo tiempo, hacen tambalear a muchas ocupaciones actuales. De hecho, algunas estimaciones aventuran que cerca de la…

La preocupación por la automatización del trabajo no es nueva: a finales del siglo XVIII apareció en Inglaterra un movimiento de artesanos (los luditas) que se opuso activamente a la utilización de telares mecánicos en la industria textil. Hoy el cambio podría ser aún más drástico: en los últimos

Employment, Employment policies, Employment of young workers digital economy, megatrends Proposition_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR fabbri
Distributed ledger technology: beyond block chain united kingdom (19.01.2016)  This report sets out the findings of a review exploring how distributed ledger technology can revolutionise services, both in government and the private sector. A specific example (p66 ; Case 2) is on UK Department for Work and Pensions.

Information and communication technology, Technological transition… massetti
Five ways to win with digital platforms: Many new platforms will fail, but small businesses and traditional incumbents can succeed by taking five steps

Accenture 2016 - Digital platform companies are transforming the way we do business by creating vast markets, compelling customer experiences and new ways to innovate. But how will small and traditional companies find success in a platform landscape dominated by digital born companies? This…

Employment, Information and communication technology, Technological transition digital platforms Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR ruggia
What do people want from their social services agencies? Guess what: the answer depends on which country you ask… | LinkedIn

People in virtually every country in the world now come into contact with digital technology and experiences every day. And research shows consistently that their expectations and attitudes towards digital vary widely. When you ask citizens in different countries how comfortable they feel about…

Service quality… massetti
¿Los millennials ven a los robots como una amenaza para sus empleos o profesiones?

Merca20 (26.09.2017) El tema de la presencia de los robots y bots en la industria reporta un crecimiento importante desde hace varios años, sectores como el automotriz, farmacéutico, manufacturero, el de seguridad, incluso los hemos visto en periodismo y publicidad. Esto ha hecho surgir la…

Employment of young workers, Technological transition digital economy, published, robotization, youth employment Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… monitor
US: New tool reveals high cost of untreated sleep disorders in workplace United States

news-medical (25.09.2017) Sleep disorders and sleep deficiency are hidden costs that affect employers across America. Seventy percent of Americans admit that they routinely get insufficient sleep, and 30 percent of U.S. workers and 44 percent of night shift workers report sleeping less than six…

Health, Occupational accidents and diseases Published_SS_Monitor… monitor
Canada: Several workplace exposures may increase risk of developing Parkinson’s disease canada

Canadian Occupational Safety (12.09.2017) Parkinson’s disease is the second most common neurodegenerative disorder after Alzheimer’s. It is estimated more than 100,000 Canadians have Parkinson’s disease and more than 25 people are diagnosed daily, according to Parkinson Canada.

Occupational accidents and diseases… monitor
Driven to despair — the hidden costs of the gig economy (22.09.2017) Signing up with the likes of Uber or Deliveroo offers flexibility, but the isolation and stress can take their toll

Employment, Employment of young workers, Occupational accidents and diseases digital platforms Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… monitor
France: Le système de protection sociale en chantier france

Les Echos (13.09.2017) Mieux protéger les Français, en rationalisant le fonctionnement de la Sécurité sociale et en adaptant les droits à l'époque moderne : c'est le pari d'Emmanuel Macron. Il risque de bousculer les acteurs du secteur.

Published_SS_Monitor… monitor
Pathways to a universal basic income in low- and middle-income countries (20.09.2017) The idea of providing a periodic, unconditional cash transfer to all residents of a country – a universal basic income – has rapidly gained traction in recent years. However, the debate about basic income often seems curiously divorced from the wider debate…

Extension of coverage universal-basic-income, published monitor
EU seeks more protection for Uber-style jobs european union

Reuters (25.09.2017) The European Commission wants more social protection and rights for casual workers, such as those in the “gig economy”, and others with non-standard contracts to try to tackle growing social inequality.

Employment policies, Employment of young workers, Extension of coverage digital economy, extending coverage, published Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… monitor
Malaysia: Make OSH priority at home and work malaysia

New Straits Times (23.09.2017) National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) has called for the promotion of occupational safety and health (OSH) as a people's agenda that covers every worker and family member at all places of work including schools and educational…

Occupational accidents and diseases published… monitor
France: Où sont les gisements d'économies de la Sécurité sociale france

Le Parisien (23.09.2017) Coût de la distribution des médicaments, nombre important de centres de chirurgie, manque de contrôle sur les pensions des retraités à l'étranger... Le rapport de la Cour des comptes publié ce mercredi matin pointe de gros gisements d’économies.

Financing… monitor
Suisse: Après l'échec de Prévoyance 2020, la presse évoque l'urgence d'une réforme switzerland

RTS (25.09.2017) Tout est à refaire" estime la presse lundi, au lendemain du "non" à la Prévoyance vieillesse 2020. Pointant l'urgence de la situation, les commentateurs jugent que la Suisse n'a pas d'autre choix que de trouver une solution.

Pensions managing reforms, published… monitor
Juanita Rodríguez (Ministerio de Trabajo) habla sobre Trabajo Autónomo Económicamente Dependiente - YouTube colombia

Juanita Rodríguez,Gerente de contenidos Digitales, habla del proyecto de ley de Trabajo Autónomo Económicamente Dependiente de autoría del Representante Rodrigo Lara, en la comisión VII del Senado el día 1 de Diciembre de 2016.

Employment, Information and communication technology, Technological transition digital platforms ruggia
Où sont les gisements d'économies de la Sécurité sociale - Le Parisien france

Les différentes sources d'économie ouvertes au sein de la protection sociale sont liées à une meilleur gestion des processes internes et une utilisation plus poussée des moyens ouverts par les technologies de l'information et de la communication, notamment pour les profils spécifiques comme les…

Migration, International agreements, Social policies & programmes social security processes, sustainability Published_SS_Monitor… -filhon
Why the Digital Economy is Key to Formalizing Africa's Informal Sector Africa (14.09.2017) With the commodities crisis crippling the economies of countries like South Africa and Nigeria, it's become more important than ever that Africans develop the blueprint for their own start-up nations. While industrialization is an appealing path to growth for…

Lagos — At a recent conference, newly elected French President Emmanuel Macron proclaimed that he wanted France to be a "start-up nation." From Washington to Paris, start-ups are heralded as the key to catalyzing economic growth. But in Africa, 

Employment policies, Extension of coverage Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR massetti
France: Renforcer la capacité des entreprises à recruter france (24.08.2017) Pour améliorer l’impact de la formation professionnelle en termes de retour à l’emploi et réduire les difficultés de recrutement, il importe de comprendre la manière dont les postes sont pourvus et de renforcer les capacités de recrutement des entreprises…

Unemployment… monitor
Digital revolution forces rethink of labour and welfare (15.09.2017) The transformation of jobs in the digital era will force governments to review their welfare systems and workers to constantly update their skills, senior European officials, experts and ministers agreed during a conference held in the Estonian capital Tallinn this week…

digital economy Proposition_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… monitor
[Entrevista] Así estamos llevando a los colombianos a la economía digital colombia

El Espectador (19.09.2017) Lo cuenta Juanita Rodríguez Kattah, la gerente de Colombia 4.0, el evento digital más importante del año. Es la cumbre de industrias creativas digitales, el evento más grande que tiene el Mintic, que todos los años ha venido creciendo y que nos cuenta las últimas…

Information and communication technology digital economy Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… monitor
Deutschland: Arbeitsmarkt - Viele Wege zur Vollbeschäftigung germany

handelsblatt (18.09.2017) Der Arbeitsmarkt hat sich gut entwickelt, die Beschäftigung in Deutschland eilt von Rekord zu Rekord. Die Parteien wollen ihn nach der Wahl noch besser und gerechter machen – mit sehr unterschiedlichen Ansätzen.… monitor
The Distributional Impact of Taxes and Transfers: Evidence from Eight Developing Countries (18.09.2017) The current policy discussion on fiscal redistribution in low- and middle-income countries focuses on the power of fiscal policy to reduce inequality but less on the impact of fiscal policy on the standard of living of the poor. However, a new World Bank book—The…

Extension of coverage extending coverage, poverty, published… monitor
Tougher Employment Regulations For Cyprus Social Insurance cyprus

Mondaq (12.09.2017) A vote for changes in the Cyprus social insurance (Amending) (No. 2 Law) of 2017 and the Social Insurance (Contributions) Amending Regulations has recently been made, now awaiting an enforcement date by the Council of Ministers, and announcement in the Official Gazette of…

Governance and administration… monitor