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Les allocations familiales des étrangers menacées en Autriche austria

EurActiv (31.10.2018) À partir de janvier 2019, l’Autriche indexera les allocations familiales au niveau de vie des pays dans lesquels vivent les enfants concernés. La Commission veut maintenant se saisir de la question.

À partir de janvier 2019, l’Autriche indexera les allocations familiales au niveau de vie des pays dans lesquels vivent les enfants concernés. La Commission veut maintenant se saisir de la question.

Les allocations familiales concernent environ 1,75 million d’enfants, dont 330 000 ne vive

Family benefits, Difficult-to-cover groups Published_SS_Monitor… dfabbri
EGOVKB | United Nations - e-Government Knowledgebase (UNeGovKB)

The United Nations welcomes you to our interactive e-Government Knowledgebase (UNeGovKB). The Database was created by the Division for Public Institutions and Digital Government (DPIDG) of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) to provide…

Information and communication technology egovernment rruggia
UK: Uber's Latest Court Date Gives Gig Economy Its Biggest Test united kingdom

Bloomberg (30.10.2018)  Just months after Uber Technologies Inc. persuaded a London judge to allow it to keep operating in the city, the ride-hailing company is back in court. At stake during two days of hearings at the Court of Appeal in London is an issue that could strike at the core of…

Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… massetti
Deutschland: Rentenversicherung - Anstieg um 22 Prozent: Durchschnittsrente liegt nun bei 875,68 Euro germany

FOCUS Online (21.10.2018) Die Altersrenten in Deutschland sind in den zehn Jahren zwischen 2007 und 2017 um 22 Prozent gestiegen. Lagen sie 2007 im Durchschnitt bei 718 Euro im Monat, erhöhte sich die Durchschnittsrente bis 2017 auf 875,68 Euro, wie aus aktuellen Daten der Deutsche…

Die Altersrenten in Deutschland sind in den zehn Jahren zwischen 2007 und 2017 um 22 Prozent gestiegen. Lagen sie 2007 im Durchschnitt bei 718 Euro im Monat, erhöhte sich die Durchschnittsrente bis 2017 auf 875,68 Euro, wie aus aktuellen Daten der Deutsche Rentenversicherung hervorgeht. Sie liege

Old-age pensions Published_SS_Monitor… dfabbri
Subsidising long-term care

 VOX, CEPR Policy Portal (03.10.2018) Many European countries are revisiting how best to finance long-term care, balancing financial sustainability and the economic welfare of households. Using examples of Spain and Scotland, this paper demonstrates that an expansion of public funding for…

Today, funding of long-term care services is partial in almost all European countries. This means individuals still have to co-finance, and in many cases fully finance, their care needs (except for those who fall under income thresholds and can obtain additional means-tested support). Partial pub

Published_SS_Monitor massetti
Protection sociale: Le Maroc loin du compte! morocco

L'Economiste (29/10/2018) En dépit des progrès dans la mise en œuvre des programmes, l’efficacité et l’efficience du système de protection sociale restent limitées. C’est l’une des principales conclusions du rapport de l’Unicef sur le «Mapping de la protection sociale au Maroc».

Social policies & programmes Proposition_SS_Monitor… massetti
Mali: Protection sociale - Le renforcement de la résilience des ménages vulnérables reste toujours d’actualité mali

Malijet (31.10.2018) Les travaux de la 4ème édition de la conférence nationale sur la protection sociale se sont ouverts à l’hôtel de l’Amitié de Bamako, le mardi 30 octobre 2018 sous le thème « opérationnalisation et financement du socle de protection sociale au Mali ». Deux…

Les travaux de la 4ème édition de la conférence nationale sur la protection sociale se sont ouverts à l’hôtel de l’Amitié de Bamako, le mardi 30 octobre 2018 sous le thème « opérationnalisation et financement du socle de protection sociale au Mali ». Deux jours durant, les particip

Difficult-to-cover groups, Social protection floor Published_SS_Monitor… dfabbri
EUR-Lex - 4301896 - EN - EUR-Lex Europe , european union

Accelerating the digital transformation of governments in the EU — 2016-2020 action plan  

WHAT IS THE AIM OF THE COMMUNICATION, THE TREATY ARTICLES AND THE CHARTER? Since 2005, the European Commission has adopted EU eGovernment action plans in order to advance the agenda of public…

Information and communication technology, E-services egovernment rruggia
Trust Services and Electronic identification (eID) | Digital Single Market (EU) Europe , european union

The Regulation (EU) N°910/2014 on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market (eIDAS Regulation) adopted by the co-legislators on 23 July 2014 is a milestone to provide a predictable regulatory environment to enable secure and seamless…

Information and communication technology, Security, Service quality identity management… rruggia
Tanzania: New pension schemes all set to start disbursing unemployment benefits tanzania (29.10.2018) The Public Service Social Security Fund (PSSSF) and National Social Security Fund (NSSF) are in the final stages of setting up operational guidelines for issuance of unemployment benefits to members, the sector regulator announced yesterday.

Unemployment Proposition_SS_Monitor… massetti
Uruguay lidera en América Latina la cobertura en cuidados paliativos uruguay

Presidencia de la República (28.10.2018) Según las últimas cifras difundidas por el Ministerio de Salud Pública, la mitad de los pacientes que requieren cuidados paliativos acceden a ellos, tanto en servicios públicos como privados. En 2012 la cifra no llegaba a uno de cada cinco. Uruguay se…

Según las últimas cifras difundidas por el Ministerio de Salud Pública, la mitad de los pacientes que requieren cuidados paliativos acceden a ellos, tanto en servicios públicos como privados. En 2012 la cifra no llegaba a uno de cada cinco. Uruguay se ubica en el primer lugar de América Latina en

Health Published_SS_Monitor… dfabbri
World Development Report 2019: International Labour Office expresses concern about World Bank report on future of work

ILO (12.10.2018) Following the publication of the World Development Report 2019 on ‘The Changing Nature of Work’, the International Labour Office questions the approach to some key issues addressed in the publication.

Published_SS_Monitor, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… massetti
Oman: Five get Scientific Research Award for work in field of social insurance oman

Times Of Oman (29.10.2018) Five winners have been awarded the first edition of the Scientific Research Award for their research in the field of social insurance by the Public authority for Social Insurance (PASI).

Five winners have been awarded the first edition of the Scientific Research Award for their research in the field of social insurance by the Public authority for Social Insurance (PASI).

A ceremony was hosted by Dr. Hilal bin Ali Al-Hinai, Secretary-General of The Research Council, a

Service quality issa Published_SS_Monitor dfabbri
World’s pension funds vulnerable to climate risks, study reveals (23.10.2018) 87% of assets managed by the world’s 100 largest public pension funds are yet to undergo a formal climate risk assessment, according to research published on Tuesday (23 October), with only 15% of them adopting a coal exclusion policy.

Investment Proposition_SS_Monitor… massetti
América Latina y el Caribe: CEPAL y OIT recalcan importancia de transitar hacia un modelo más sostenible de desarrollo para generar nuevas oportunidades de empleo latin america (23.10.2018) América Latina y el Caribe es la región más biodiversa del mundo, pero está perdiendo su riqueza natural con el deterioro ambiental que provoca el actual estilo de desarrollo. De allí que resulta urgente una transición hacia un modelo más sostenible tanto desde el…

América Latina y el Caribe es la región más biodiversa del mundo, pero está perdiendo su riqueza natural con el deterioro ambiental que provoca el actual estilo de desarrollo. De allí que resulta urgente una transición hacia un modelo más sostenible tanto desde el punto de vista medioambiental co

Employment labour markets Published_SS_Monitor dfabbri
[Policy Brief] WHO/Europe: Ensuring access to medicines: How to stimulate innovation to meet patients' needs? Europe

euro.who.(October 2018) This policy brief is one of a series on addressing market and policy failures in the pharmaceutical sector that was prepared for the Austrian EU Presidency. It aims to inform discussions about stimulating more meaningful productivity in terms of R&D. More specifically…

This policy brief is one of a series on addressing market and policy failures in the pharmaceutical sector that was prepared for the Austrian EU Presidency.

It aims to inform discussions about stimulating more meaningful productivity in terms of R&D. More specifically, it explores how

Health promotion Published_SS_Monitor… dfabbri
Les petits jobs, moteur de l’économie canadienne canada

Le Temps (26.10.2018) Plutôt que de privilégier le développement des «emplois d’avenir», qui seraient des métiers hautement qualifiés, les Canadiens, et notamment les Québécois, misent depuis longtemps sur les petits jobs. Avec succès

Pfizer, Pharmabio, Pharmalab. Telles sont les sociétés que les Québécois ont mises en avant dans une immense foire à l’emploi qui s’est tenue en fin de semaine dernière à Montréal. Les entreprises techno y occupaient les stands les mieux placés. Voilà pour épater la galerie. Car si le Canada veut

labour markets Published_SS_Monitor dfabbri
The future of work: Switzerland’s digital opportunity switzerland

McKinsey (25.10.2018) New technologies can give Switzerland’s economy a much-needed productivity boost, but bold digital transformation and skills development are imperative.  Digital technologies, automation, and artificial intelligence (AI) could boost Swiss…

Published_SS_Monitor, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… dfabbri
Deutschland: Digitalisierung der Arbeit: Wie gelingt der Blick in die Zukunft? germany

vorwärts (11.10.2018) Im Bundesarbeitsministerium wird ab sofort in einer Denkfabrik Digitale Arbeitsgesellschaft zur Zukunft der Arbeit geforscht. Ziel: Kluge Vorschläge an die Politik.

en rasanten Wandel der Arbeitswelt abbilden und daraus Aufgaben für die Arbeitspolitik ableiten, das hat sich Bundesarbeitsminister Hubertus Heil zum Ziel gesetzt. In einer eigens dafür eingerichteten „Denkfabrik Digitale Arbeitsgesellschaft“ sollen künftig zwölf Mitarbeiter des Ministeriums zur

Employment Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR dfabbri
ILO: As tech disrupts our jobs, it's not too late to turn pain into gain

ILO  (22.10.2018) Workers will need a magic mix of skills to survive the technological revolution. T he World Economic Forum’s Future of Jobs Report 2018  gives some cause for encouragement. The business…

The World Economic Forum’s Future of Jobs Report 2018  gives some cause for encouragement. The business perspective on how technology will affect growth and job creation is becoming more positive, the survey results

Published_SS_Monitor, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… dfabbri
España: La sanidad universal no acaba de llegar a todos los sin papeles spain

El Pais (25.10.2018) Los extranjeros que se encuentran en situación irregular en España siguen a la espera de que se concrete su acceso universal a la sanidad. El Congreso convalidó en septiembre el decreto ley…

Difficult-to-cover groups poverty Published_SS_Monitor dfabbri
Sécu : fin d'un compromis historique | Alternatives Economiques Europe , france

Les dangers du contrôle budgétaire par l'Etat des dépenses de Sécurité sociale et les raisons de l'équilibre financiers français.

Health, Old-age pensions, Employment, Occupational accidents and diseases, Actuarial, Governance and administration, Risk management, Social policies & programmes, Financing adequacy, sustainability… gfilhon
France: Cinq questions sur le « revenu universel d’activité » annoncé par Emmanuel Macron france (15.09.2018) Autrefois présentée sous le nom de « versement social unique », cette future prestation sociale regroupe des enjeux colossaux. Explications.

universal-basic-income Published_SS_Monitor… massetti
Nepal: Innovations in social protection nepal

The Kathmandu Post (25.10.2018) The third anniversary of the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by the member states of the United Nations reminds us that the SDG clock is ticking. The aspiration of Agenda 2030 of ‘leaving no one behind’ calls for an integrated strategic plan…

Extension of coverage, Difficult-to-cover groups poverty Published_SS_Monitor… dfabbri
Research Department Working Paper n°29: The Future of Work: A Literature Review

An enormous amount of literature has emerged over the last few years in the context of the “Future of Work”. Academics, think tanks and policy makers have fuelled rich discussions about how the future of work might look like and how we can shape it. Indeed, labour markets in developing and…… massetti