International Social Security Association To Strengthen Pacific Link

Submitted by dfabbri on

Fiji Sun (06.01.2019) Two years ago, the Fiji National Provident Fund and the International Social Security Association (ISSA) signed a memorandum of agreement in Panama to establish an ISSA Pacifi c desk to be hosted by the Fund.

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About the role

The role requires him to communicate the global association’s social security agenda to ensure regional provident funds are aware of social security and superannuation development and best practices that are being adopted worldwide.

“Access to Social Security is now a right and is a major component of any functioning economy,” said Mr Kalou.

ISSA Pacifi c link “FNPF is the only Social Security institution in the Pacific that actively participates and engages in ISSA programmes and is an affi liate member of the ISSA.”

He adds that as part of the agreement signed in 2016,

ISSA provides technical assistance in administration, coverage, financial management and also facilitates and supports administrative improvements of the provident funds in the Pacific.Organisation aim

Ultimately, the aim is to strengthen regional provident funds core functions and social security role.

“Most provident funds or social security institutions in the region are much smaller in size and may fi nd ISSA membership expensive.”

“The Focal Point is an avenue for regional provident funds to connect, to learn, share and adopt best practices and ideas on managing social security.”

Source: Fiji National Provident Fund