Title | Authored on | Regions / Country | Abstract | measures summary | Description/integral text (Internal-not for publishing) | Topics | Tags | Status | URL | |
Understanding coverage: what does universal social protection really mean? | oecd (28.01.2019) The notion that social protection is “universal” rests on two elements, namely that “everyone” is “covered.” |
Universal Social Protection | Published_SS_Monitor |… | pmassetti | |||||
[Blog] Suisse: Santé numérique - et si la vraie révolution était celle des patients ? | switzerland | Le Temps (07.02.2019) Le numérique est-il utile en médecine et si oui, pour faire quoi ? Poser la question pourrait passer pour de l’idiotie tant le discours ambiant est que le numérique va tout révolutionner, y compris la santé. |
Le numérique est-il utile en médecine et si oui, pour faire quoi ? Poser la question pourrait passer pour de l’idiotie tant le discours ambiant est que le numérique va tout révolutionner, y compris la santé. Pourtant, lorsque l’on se rend chez le médecin ou à l’hôpital, l’utilité du |
Published_SS_Monitor, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR |… | dfabbri | ||||
France: Le chômage paie-t-il plus que le travail ? | france | Alternatives Economiques (05.02.2019) Les modalités de calcul des allocations chômage pour les contrats courts peuvent, dans certaines situations, générer des effets d’aubaine. Mais dans l’immense majorité des cas, il est impossible de gagner plus au chômage qu’en travaillant. |
Il faut s’y résigner. La petite musique des demandeurs d’emploi qui rechignent à traverser la rue pour trouver un job n’a pas fini de résonner. Non seulement ils n’auraient pas le goût de l’effort, délaissant même des centaines de milliers d’offres, mais ils se « mettraient au chômage » |
Unemployment | Published_SS_Monitor |… | dfabbri | |||
[Report] ILO/UNICEF: Towards universal social protection for children Achieving SDG 1.3 | ILO (07.02.2019) The importance of ensuring adequate social protection for children has long been high on the agenda of both the ILO and UNICEF. For children, social protection takes on a special significance, since the negative effects of poverty and deprivation in childhood have ramifications… |
Children | Published_SS_Monitor |… | dfabbri | |||||
ILO: Social protection - Countries urged to act on universal social protection | ILO (07.02.2019) To end poverty, ensure social protection for all and make good on international commitments made in 2015, countries around the world have been urged at a ministerial-level conference at the International Labour Organization to take five actions towards universal social… |
- Countries have been called on to develop their national social protection systems, which comprise basic, lifelong social security guarantees for all, for health care and income security.* |
Published_SS_Monitor |… | dfabbri | |||||
[Note] France: Baisses de charges : stop ou encore? | Europe , belgium, france | cae-eco (Janvier 2019) Les politiques d’allègements de cotisations sociales se succèdent, mais les créations d’emploi, ou les exportations, ne sont pas pour autant au rendez-vous. |
Sous le titre Baisses de charges : stop ou encore ?, une note du Conseil d’analyse économique (CAE) vient de proposer « d’abandonner les baisses de charges au-dessus |
Employment, Unemployment, Employment policies, Employment of young workers, Contribution collection and compliance | adequacy, mobile contribution-collection self-employed, self-employed, sustainability, youth employment | Published_SS_Monitor | | gfilhon | ||
The demise of Mexico’s Prospera programme: a tragedy foretold | mexico | Development Pathways (06.02.2019) The big story in the social protection world last week was the news that Mexico’s Prospera programme is to be abolished after 21 years. Formerly known as Progresa and Oportunidades, it had become an iconic programme for advocates of conditional cash… |
Extension of coverage, Inequalities | cct | Published_SS_Monitor |… | pmassetti | |||
A European employment guideline—a new recipe for dealing with the crisis | Europe | socialeurope (07.02.2019) Full employment could become a new target for an insecure Europe. A European employment guideline would provide the means to hit it |
Since the investment bank Lehman Brothers went bankrupt a decade ago, unemployment in many EU countries has risen to an unacceptably high level, falling only slightly in recent years. In parallel, right-wing parties and populists are gaining ground at a frightening pace. Today, economists, banker |
economic crisis, labour markets | Published_SS_Monitor | | dfabbri | |||
France: Fraude au travail détaché: les sanctions trop peu nombreuses et pas assez dissuasives | european union, france | Le Figaro (06.02.2019) Un étude sur la fraude au travail détaché en France, et l'insuffisance des sanctions, en nombre et en montant, pour être dissuasives. Pour lutter contre la fraude au détachement, la Cour des comptes prône dans son rapport annuel un renforcement des… |
Pour lutter contre la fraude au détachement, la Cour des comptes prône dans son rapport annuel un renforcement des sanctions administratives et pénales, notamment en termes de fermeture de chantiers ou d'établissements, et de mise en cause des donneurs d'ordres et maîtres d'ouvrage. Ce n' |
Error, evasion and fraud | contribution collection, coverage | Published_SS_Monitor |… | gfilhon | ||
Social protection: Only one third of children covered by social protection: ILO, UNICEF | (06.02.2019) A new report by UNICEF and the ILO highlights the critical need to extend social protection to all children. |
Children | Proposition_SS_Monitor |… | pmassetti | |||||
Brazil mulls minimum retirement age of 65 for men and women | brazil | Reuters (04.02.2019) Brazil’s government has opened discussions with congressional leaders, state governors and mayors on a pension reform bill that would set the minimum retirement age for men and women at 65, a government official said on Monday. |
Pensions | Proposition_SS_Monitor |… | pmassetti | ||||
Harnessing the power of automation in government | McKinsey (February 2019) Process automation and technologies based on artificial intelligence can bring benefits across numerous functions of government. |
Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR |… | pmassetti | ||||||
A systems perspective on Universal Social Protection - Towards life-long equitable access to comprehensive social protection for all | Healthy DEvelopments - BMZ (January 2019) Key points for further thought and discussion
universal health coverage |… | pmassetti | ||||||
Allemagne la réforme des petites retraites suscite un vif débat | germany | Les Echos(05.02.2019) rois à quatre millions d'Allemands pourraient voir leurs pensions revalorisées très fortement. L'idée est de récompenser ceux qui ont travaillé par rapport à ceux qui bénéficient de l'aide sociale de base. Mais l'Union démocrate-chrétienne se montre sceptique. |
Trois à quatre millions d'Allemands pourraient voir leurs pensions revalorisées très fortement. L'idée est de récompenser ceux qui ont travaillé par rapport à ceux qui bénéficient de l'aide sociale de base. Mais l'Union démocrate-chrétienne se montre sceptique.Des retraites plus élevée |
Pensions | managing reforms | Published_SS_Monitor |… | dfabbri | ||
Maroc: Couverture médicale - les commerçants demandent un coup de pouce à l’Etat | morocco | le360 (05.02.2019) Le montant de la cotisation n’a pas encore été arrêté, ce qui suscite de vives inquiétudes. Selon les premières simulations, il serait de 733 dirhams minimum par mois, sur la base d’un barème correspondant à une fois et demi le Smig. |
L’application relative à la couverture sociale des commerçants, fixée par les lois sur l’assurance maladie et la retraite des indépendants, ne va pas être facile. C’est le constat que fait L’Economiste qui, dans son édition du 5 février, assure que, si le mode opératoire du pré |
managing reforms | Published_SS_Monitor |… | dfabbri | |||
[Conference] Together to achieve Universal Social Protection by 2030 | (05.02.2019) Universal social protection (USP) is essential to the economic and social development of individuals, communities and nations. It is also a human right. We call on all countries to live up to their commitment to develop nationally owned social protection systems… |
Published_SS_Monitor | | dfabbri | ||||||
[Report] Working Better with Age: Japan | japan | OECD (December 2018) People today are living longer than ever before, while birth rates are dropping in the majority of OECD countries. Such demographics raise the question: are current public social expenditures adequate and sustainable? Older workers play a crucial role in the labour market.… |
Old-age pensions | Published_SS_Monitor |… | dfabbri | ||||
India announces pension scheme targeting 100 million unorganized workers | india | (01.02.2019) India on Friday announced a pension scheme targeting at least 100 million workers in the unorganized sector, such as drivers, maids and cobblers |
brics | Published_SS_Monitor |… | pmassetti | ||||
Qué significarán los próximos 20 años para el empleo, y cómo prepararse | Foro Económico Mundial (28.01.2019) Las próximas dos décadas prometen una revolución a gran escala en nuestras vidas laborales. Antes de estudiar los próximos 20 años, echemos un vistazo rápido al presente, y a algo que alguna vez se consideró paradójico. |
Las próximas dos décadas prometen una revolución a gran escala en nuestras vidas laborales. Antes de estudiar los próximos 20 años, echemos un vistazo rápido al presente, y a algo que alguna vez se consideró paradójico. Ya estamos viviendo en una época de muchos |
Employment | labour markets | Published_SS_Monitor, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR |… | dfabbri | |||
EU: Let’s make posted workers feel really secure | european union | EurActiv (03.02.2019) Marek Benio, who will chair the 6th European Labour Mobility Congress in Krakow on 14-15 March, offers his commentary regarding the European Parliament’s proposals for the revision of regulations affecting social security schemes for posted workers. |
Marek Benio, who will chair the 6th European Labour Mobility Congress in Krakow on 14-15 March, offers his commentary regarding the European Parliament’s proposals for the revision of regulations affecting social security schemes for posted workers. Marek Benio is vice-president of |
Migration | Published_SS_Monitor |… | dfabbri | |||
Deutschland: Was ändert sich 2019 bei der Rente? | germany | n-tv (01.02.2019) Ab dem 1. Juli sollen die Renten im Westen um 3,18 und im Osten um 3,91 Prozent steigen. So steht es im Entwurf des Rentenversicherungsberichts 2018 der Bundesregierung. Die Anpassung gilt für alle Altersrenten, für Erwerbsminderungs- und Hinterbliebenenrenten, für gesetzliche… |
Renten steigenAb dem 1. Juli sollen die Renten im Westen um 3,18 und im Osten um 3,91 Prozent steigen. So steht es im Entwurf des Rentenversicherungsberichts 2018 der Bundesregierung. Die Anpassung gilt für alle Altersrenten, für Erwerbsminderungs- und Hinterbliebenenr |
Pensions | managing reforms | Published_SS_Monitor | | dfabbri | ||
The case for digital identification | McKinsey (24.01.2019) To secure personal data, rationalize online navigation, and boost financial inclusion, governments should embrace electronic IDs |
identity management | Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR |… | pmassetti | |||||
European Union: Closing the gender digital gap, a priority for Commissioner Gabriel | european union | EurActiv (31.01.2019) Digital Economy Commissioner Mariya Gabriel defended the need for a collective response to the digital gender gap on Tuesday (29 January), at a conference on gender equality organized by the Martens Centre in Brussels. |
Digital Economy Commissioner Mariya Gabriel defended the need for a collective response to the digital gender gap on Tuesday (29 January), at a conference on gender equality organized by the Martens Centre in Brussels. Gender equality is one of the core values of the EU and yet, it is far |
Published_SS_Monitor, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR |… | dfabbri | ||||
[Report] ILO: 100 years of social protection: The road to universal social protection systems and floors | ILO (29.01.2019) Social protection and the right to social security have been an integral element of the mandate of the International Labour Organization (ILO) since its creation |
Extension of coverage | Published_SS_Monitor | dfabbri | ||||||
Protecting workers against cancer-causing chemicals: third agreement between EU institutions | Europe | European Commission (29.01.2019) The European Parliament, the Council and the Commission reached a provisional agreement on the Commission's third proposal to broaden the list of recognised cancer-causing chemicals in the workplace. |
With this agreement, 5 additional cancer-causing chemicals will be covered by the Carcinogens and Mutagens Directive. The Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Labour M |
Prevention of occupational risks | OSH | Published_SS_Monitor |… | dfabbri |