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Le nombre de travailleurs au noir estimé à 2,5 millions en France Europe , france

Environ 2,5 millions de personnes pratiqueraient, pour tout ou partie, le travail non déclaré en France.

L'ampleur du phénomène reste mal connu, selon un rapport du Conseil d'orientation pour l'emploi publié vendredi qui presse le gouvernement de s'y attaquer. Fondé sur le croisement de différentes bases (statistiques nationales, données fiscales, contrôles de la Direction générale du travail), le r

Extension of coverage, Difficult-to-cover groups, Error, evasion and fraud digital platforms… gfilhon
El trabajo decente sigue lejos para mujeres latinoamericanas  latin america

ipsnoticias (06.03.2019) Las mujeres latinoamericanas ganan en promedio una quinta parte menos que los hombres por cada hora trabajada, en uno de los hechos que retratan las persistentes inequidades en el campo laboral, que mantienen lejos en la región la meta de igualdad en las remuneraciones…

as mujeres latinoamericanas ganan en promedio una quinta parte menos que los hombres por cada hora trabajada, en uno de los hechos que retratan las persistentes inequidades en el campo laboral, que mantienen lejos en la región la meta de igualdad en las remuneraciones para 2030.

El peruan

Employment, Difficult-to-cover groups gender_and_inequality, labour markets Published_SS_Monitor… dfabbri
UK: Men and women will BOTH start collecting their state pension aged 65 from today united kingdom

Daily Mail Online (06.03.2019) Historically, women could collect state pension at age 60 and men at age 65 By October 2020 the age when both sexes can claim state pension will be 66 Former pensions minister said 'fixed dates no longer apply to anyone'

For the first time since before the Second World War, men and women will both start collecting their state pension at the age of 65 from today.

Under the new pension rules, anyone with a birthday between December 6, 1953 and January 5, 1954 has seen their state pension age rise by up to t

Pensions managing reforms Published_SS_Monitor… dfabbri
Expert Brief Reflects on Varying Approaches to Social Protection

IISD (28.02.2019) Global Policy Watch (GPW) released a briefing note on current approaches to social protection, observing that the issue has become prominent on international agendas. The authors suggest that the proliferation of interest in social protection among multiple players and…

Global Policy Watch (GPW) released a briefing note on current approaches to social protection, observing that the issue has become prominent on international agendas. The authors suggest that the proliferation of interest in social protection among multiple players and institutions, each with dif

adequacy Published_SS_Monitor… dfabbri
EU: Better work-life balance: closing the gender employment gap? european union

EurActiv (06.03.2019) A positive work-life balance contributes to a more inclusive labour market, reducing the gender employment gap and raising individuals’ quality of life. Despite some progress, female participation in the workforce is lower than for men and the gap becomes much larger for…

A positive work-life balance contributes to a more inclusive labour market, reducing the gender employment gap and raising individuals’ quality of life.

Despite some progress, female participation in the workforce is lower than for men and the gap becomes much larger for women with childr

gender_and_inequality, labour markets Published_SS_Monitor… dfabbri
Big data et protection sociale : au-delà de la lutte contre la fraude, des opportunités à saisir pour améliorer l’accès aux droits france  - Regards 2017/2 (N° 52)  En 2016, les Caisses d’allocations familiales (CAF) ont détecté près de 43 000 fraudes, soit 8 % de plus que l’année précédente, pour un montant de 275 millions d’euros. La Caisse nationale (CNAF) a expliqué cette hausse par l’…

Error, evasion and fraud big data Proposition_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR pmassetti
Canada; Ottawa à l'ère de l'intelligence artificielle canada (04.03.2019) Le ministère qui supervise le filet de sécurité sociale fédéral a discrètement commencé à tester des systèmes d'intelligence artificielle qui pourraient un jour faciliter et accélérer l'obtention de réponses sur les prestations et les services.

Published_SS_Monitor, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… pmassetti
Europeanising pensions and unemployment insurance european union A European mechanism for pensions and unemployment insurance would protect vulnerable economies against asymmetric shocks and give life to the European Pillar of Social Rights. Pensions Published_SS_Monitor dfabbri
México, cerca de garantizar inclusión social a trabajadoras del hogar mexico

20minutos (01.03.2019) El panorama para la inclusión de las trabajadoras del hogar a la seguridad social es un poco más claro, con el mandato de la Suprema Corte para la ratificación del Convenio 189 de la Organización Internacional del Trabajo se espera que el Instituto Mexicano del Seguro…

El panorama para la inclusión de las trabajadoras del hogar a la seguridad social es un poco más claro, con el mandato de la Suprema Corte para la ratificación del Convenio 189 de la Organización Internacional del Trabajo se espera que el Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social elabore un programa p

Published_SS_Monitor… dfabbri
Rwanda Social Security Board (RSSB) strengthens quality service, increases contributions and enhances social protection programs rwanda

The New Times (04.03.2019) For many years now, Rwanda has implemented well-designed social security policies that have contributed to better livelihoods, provided protection, engendered confidence and commitment at work, and spurred community and economic growth. As incomes and the tax base…

Contribution collection and compliance Published_SS_Monitor dfabbri
Finlande: Moins anxieux grâce au revenu de base finland

Alternatives Economiques (01.03.2019) Les premiers résultats d’une expérimentation montre que le revenu de base accroît le bien-être des allocataires, même s’ils ne retrouvent pas plus souvent un travail

Plus confiants, moins malades, mais hélas toujours chômeurs… Malgré les espoirs de ses promoteurs, l’expérimentation d’un revenu de base, lancée en Finlande en janvier 2017 et qui s’est terminée en décembre 2018, pourrait ne pas être concluante pour ce qui concerne le retour à l’emploi,

Social assistance basic income Published_SS_Monitor… dfabbri
España: El Gobierno amplía por decreto ley el permiso de paternidad a 16 semanas spain

El País (01.03.2019) El gran guiño a la igualdad de Pedro Sánchez llegó en el último Consejo de Ministros antes de la disolución de las Cortes y a una semana del 8 de Marzo, en el que el movimiento feminista vuelve a llamar a la huelga. El Gobierno ha aprobado por decreto ley la equiparación de…

Hasta la iconografía ha acompañado este viernes al anuncio. La vicepresidenta del Gobierno con más ministras de Europa, Carmen Calvo, ha comparecido para informar de las medidas del nuevo decreto ley contra la

Family benefits, Parental leave managing reforms Published_SS_Monitor dfabbri
L’économie souterraine représente 12 % du PIB français france

EurActiv (28.02.2019) Environ 2,5 millions de personnes pratiqueraient, pour tout ou partie, le travail non déclaré, mais l’ampleur du phénomène reste mal connue, selon un rapport du Conseil d’orientation pour l’emploi

Environ 2,5 millions de personnes pratiqueraient, pour tout ou partie, le travail non déclaré, mais l’ampleur du phénomène reste mal connue, selon un rapport du Conseil d’orientation pour l’emploi.

Employment, Difficult-to-cover groups economic crisis, labour markets Published_SS_Monitor… dfabbri
[Blog] ILO: Artificial intelligence: opportunity or job-killer?

ILO Blog (27.02.2019) There is little doubt artificial intelligence (AI) will play a major role in the future of work – a future that has already begun. Think, for example, of self-driving cars, algorithmic stock market trading, or even computer-aided medical diagnosis.

There is little doubt artificial intelligence (AI) will play a major role in the future of work – a future that has already begun. Think, for example, of self-driving cars, algorithmic stock market trading, or even computer-aided medical diagnosis.


The rapid advanc

Published_SS_Monitor, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR… dfabbri
The Future of Work: Regional Perspectives Africa, Asia

Asian Development Bank (January 2019) This study considers how technology is likely to change labor markets in Africa; Developing Asia; Emerging Europe, Central Asia, and the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean; and Latin American and the Caribbean in the coming years.

Recent technological innovation in fields such as robotics, automation, and artificial intelligence have reduced the number of workers required in a range of sectors, while lowering costs and increasing reliability. This trend has led policy makers, academics, chief executive officers, and entrep

Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_DOCUMENTS pmassetti
US: Older Workers Face Career Woes Even in a Strong Economy United States

Reverse Mortgage Daily (25.02.2019) As workers get older, their employment becomes increasingly difficult to maintain even in a generally prosperous economic climate. This is according to a study conducted by the Urban Institute, and recently highlighted by the Boston College Center for…

As workers get older, their employment becomes increasingly difficult to maintain even in a generally prosperous economic climate. This is according to a study conducted by the Urban Institu

Old-age pensions labour markets Published_SS_Monitor… dfabbri
Suisse: Le PS veut alléger les primes de la classe moyenne switzerland

Le Temps (27.02.2019) La gauche se bat pour limiter le fardeau des primes maladie à 10% du revenu disponible d’un ménage. Selon elle, il n’y a qu’à suivre le modèle du canton de Vaud

Le PS a lancé ce mardi son initiative pour limiter la charge des primes maladie à 10% du revenu disponible, qui coûtera entre 3 et 4 milliards de francs par an. «Cet argent est disponible. La Confédération vient d’annoncer un bénéfice de 2,9 milliards de francs pour 2018. Ce n’est donc

Financing Published_SS_Monitor dfabbri
Annotated Bibliography | Future of Work

Version 2.1 - February 2019

The following is an annotated bibliography of reports on the future of work, produced by the Labour Market Information Council (LMIC). The annotated reports are from a variety of sources, with an emphasis on Canadian studies. To ensure relevance, LMIC focuses…… pmassetti
España: El Gobierno renuncia a hacer cambios en pensiones por decreto y demora los ajustes de la reforma laboral spain

El País (26.02.2019) Este viernes el Gobierno no tiene previsto aprobar decretos con cambios en la reforma laboral ni en el sistema de pensiones. Hoy estaba planeada una reunión con sindicatos y empresarios para abordar los cambios en el mercado de trabajo. Pero finalmente el encuentro se ha…

Este viernes el Gobierno no tiene previsto aprobar decretos con cambios en la reforma laboral ni en el sistema de pensiones. Hoy estaba planeada una reunión con sindicatos y empresarios para abordar los cambios

Pensions managing reforms Published_SS_Monitor dfabbri
France: Assurance chômage - le gouvernement veut réduire les allocations des cadres france

La Tribune (26.02.2019) Pour faire des économies, le gouvernement envisagerait de réviser les règles des allocations chômage des cadres supérieurs, révèlent nos confrères des Echos ce lundi 25 février. Deux pistes seraient à l'étude : réduire d'un tiers le plafond des indemnités des cadres ou…

Le gouvernement entend réviser les règles des allocations chômage des cadres supérieurs pour réaliser une part des économies de sa réforme de l'Unédic, révèlent nos confrères des Echos dans

Unemployment managing reforms Published_SS_Monitor… dfabbri
EU’s civil society consultative body votes in favour of EU-supported decent minimum income for all EU citizens in need european union

Europa (25.02.2019) On 20 February, the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) adopted the opinion "For a European Framework directive on a Minimum Income" in which it asked the European Commission to introduce a binding EU framework establishing an adequate minimum income across Europe,…

On 20 February, the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) adopted the opinion "For a European Framework directive on a Minimum Income

Social assistance basic income Published_SS_Monitor… dfabbri
Oman:16,676 active firms covered by social insurance system oman

menafn (24.02.2019)  Statistics issued by the Public Authority for Social Insurance (PASI) till the end of January 2019 showed an increase in the number of active establishments covered by the social insurance system to 16,676. This was reflected in increase in the number of active insureds…

Statistics issued by the Public Authority for Social Insurance (PASI) till the end of January 2019 showed an increase in the number of active establishments covered by the social insurance system to 16,676.

This was reflected in increase in the number of active insureds working in the pri

Published_SS_Monitor… dfabbri
Right fiscal reforms, policies can help meet social protection agenda in Asia and Pacific: ADB Asia

FT Online (14.02.2019)  Countries in Asia and the Pacific have a good chance of achieving the social protection agenda under the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) if the right fiscal reforms and policies are in place, says a new study by the Asian Development Bank (ADB). The report…

Financing Published_SS_Monitor… pmassetti
Asia’s Fiscal Challenge: Financing the Social Protection Agenda of the Sustainable Development Goals Asia

Asian Development Bank (October 2018) This book focuses on the analysis of fiscal requirements to achieve the social protection agenda of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Developing countries in Asia have expanded their social protection programs. One of the key challenges is creating sustainable financing—considered the bedrock for success of the social protection agendas of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Agenda and Strategy 2030 of the Asian De

Financing pmassetti
German bill to tackle undeclared work and child benefit fraud germany

EurActiv (21.02,2019) Some foreign workers in the German construction sector live in dreadful conditions, toiling away during the day for a few euros and then sleeping in a dump at night. Being given staff and powers should allow German customs officials to adopt a tougher line against…

German Finance Minister Olaf Scholz has presented a bill for German customs to be given more employees and powers. EURACTIV Germany’s media partner Der Tagesspiegel

Error, evasion and fraud Published_SS_Monitor… dfabbri