labour markets
FSM government approves economic stimulus package
Temporary COVID-19 Wage Subsidy Scheme
Benin: Social measures Covid-19 in Benin: The transfers made
Government of the Republic of Benin (10.07.2020) The majority of beneficiaries exercising certain trades who were impacted by the restrictive measures to fight against the spread of corona virus have started receiving a subsidy via cash transfers on their mobile phones.
Greece: Covid-19: Greece to Launch ‘Syn-ergasia’ Job Retention Scheme
GTP Headlines (21.05.2020) Aiming to protect jobs and at the same time keep companies hit by the coronavirus pandemic above water, the Greek government announced the launch on June 1 of the “Syn-ergasia” program. Under the scheme, Covid-19-impacted businesses can slash the working hours of their full-time employees by half without affecting their working agreement.
Cambodia: Suspending employment contracts (07.05.2020)
Companies in the tourism and garment sectors who want to suspend employment contracts must first submit an application to the Ministry of Labor and Vocational Training (MLVT). The suspended employees can receive monthly allowances from the government. The maximum period for suspension is two months but this can be extended further depending on the circumstances.
Malta: The Covid Wage Supplement will remain unchanged until September
THE OFFICE OF THE PRIME MINISTER (08.06.2020) The Covid Wage Supplement will remain unchanged until September, where the benefit rate of € 800 for full-time and € 500 for part-timers in areas involved with tourist accommodation, travel agencies will be maintained. travel, language schools, organization of events and air transport. For the rest of the businesses that will remain on Annex A, they will start receiving € 600 and € 375 part-time, while there will be others that will move from Annex A to Annex B;
Finland: Shorter daily commuting distance for commuting and relocation allowance
Ministry of Social Affairs and Health (11.06.2020) The commuting and relocation allowance will be temporarily available to persons who work full-time and whose daily commute at the start of employment takes at least two hours instead of the three hours currently required. The allowance can also be paid to persons who move because of a job a distance comparable to the daily commuting requirement.
Finland: Increase in the exempt amount of unemployment security
Ministry of Social Affairs and Health (11.06.2020) The exempt amount of the unemployment benefit will be temporarily raised from the current EUR 300 to EUR 500 per month (i.e., from EUR 279 to EUR 465 per four calendar weeks). The exempt amount means the amount unemployed jobseekers can earn without an effect on their unemployment benefit.
Société | Les "damnés de la terre" : fraudes sociales, ouvriers "en esclavage"... le procès qui fait trembler Terra Fecundis | La Provence
L'un des cas les plus emblémamtiques de la fraude au détachement européen dans le secteur agricole. Pour la seule période de 2012 à 2015, celle retenue par la procédure pénale, c'est un peu plus de 112 millions d'euros de cotisations qui auraient échappé à la Sécurité sociale, selon l'accusation, grâce à un système parfaitement huilé consistant à "jouer sur des conflits d'interprétation entre notre législation nationale et le droit communautaire", a analysé Béatrice Mesini, chercheuse au CNRS. "Cette affaire hors norme est celle qui présente l