Covid19 Monitor database - ALL covid19

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Tax and fiscal policies after the COVID-19 crisis (14.10.2021) The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a significant deterioration in public finances, adding to pre-existing strains from long-term structural challenges including population ageing, climate change, rising inequality, digitalisation and automation. This report, originally prepared… 2021-10-14 Contribution collection and compliance Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_SS_Monitor covid19 pmassetti…
The Implications of COVID-19 for Welfare and Vulnerability in Nepal nepal (06.10.2021) In Nepal, the lockdowns that were adopted to mitigate the public health impacts of Coronavirus (COVID-19) were accompanied by a significant contraction in economic activity. These in turn suggest a negative outlook for poverty and welfare, particularly in the face pre-… 2021-10-08 Published_SS_Monitor_covid19 covid19 pmassetti…
G2P Payment Arrangements in Egypt and COVID-19 egypt (23.06.2021) The report discusses the "Takaful and Karama" cash transfer program (TKP) in Egypt. Launched in 2015, it is a flagship social assistance initiative of the government. Takaful is a family income support program. It is a conditional cash transfers programme targeting… 2021-10-07 Family benefits,Cash transfers Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_SS_Monitor covid19 pmassetti…
Global social protection platform to fill knowledge gap pakistan (19.09.2021) Taking a lead on universal social protection, the Permanent Mission of Pakistan to the United Nations convened the first meeting of the Group of Friends on Social Protection along with Turkey, Nigeria and Costa Rica. 2021-09-30 Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_SS_Monitor covid19 pmassetti…
US: The new child tax credit does more than just cut poverty United States (24.09.2021) With COVID-19’s disruptions in employment, child care, and education, it is unsurprising that child poverty substantially increased in 2020—roughly 1.2 million more children were living in poverty in 2020 when compared to 2019 (an increase from 15.7% to 17.5%). As child… 2021-09-28 Family benefits Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_SS_Monitor covid19 pmassetti…
Case study: Data responsibility and digital remote targeting during COVID-19 (10.03. 2021) Challenges due to the pandemic have led to all kinds of innovations and adaptations focused on remote targeting, enrolment, verification and delivery. While required for the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, these new approaches might be useful in future responses that… 2021-09-23 Information and communication technology,Cash transfers Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_SS_Monitor covid19 pmassetti…
Europe: Social protection and inclusion policy responses to the COVID-19 crisis Europe European Commission (07.09.2021) This ESPN report examines the (sub)national social protection and inclusion policy measures that European countries put in place to help address the social and financial distress created by the pandemic and by lockdown policies. It covers the 27 EU Member States,… 2021-09-21 Social policies & programmes Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_SS_Monitor covid19 pmassetti…
Cash and the city: Digital COVID-19 social response in Kinshasa Congo, Democratic Republic of the (08.09.2021)  As COVID-19 spread across the world, governments responded with an unprecedented increase in social assistance measures. Policymakers had to shift their focus to urban areas, particularly slums, whose residents were hit the hardest by the pandemic and its… 2021-09-17 Information and communication technology,Cash transfers Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_SS_Monitor covid19 pmassetti…
COVID-19 and the impact of cash transfers on health care use in Togo togo (27.08.2021) Cash transfer program during pandemics provide a social protection mechanism to improve the health of the most vulnerable households. This article analysis the impact of cash transfers on household demand for health care during Covid-19. 2021-09-16 Health,Cash transfers Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_SS_Monitor covid19, managing reforms, ssptw pmassetti
How Can Basic Income and Health Care Prevent the Next Crisis? (10.09.2021) As countries seek to contain COVID-19, a return to the way things were is not an option, according to Olivier De Schutter, the UN Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights. Instead, countries must guarantee basic living conditions. “We see that when… 2021-09-14 Extension of coverage Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_SS_Monitor covid19 pmassetti…
COVID-19's four lessons for improving Africa's social protection systems Africa Africa at LSE (01.09.2021) Across Africa, states have adapted or expanded social protection measures in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. These interventions provide valuable policy lessons and political opportunities to reimagine the social contract on the continent. 2021-09-07 Extension of coverage Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_SS_Monitor covid19 pmassetti…
World Social Protection Report 2020-22: More than 4 billion people still lack any social protection, ILO report finds ILO 2021. The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed and exacerbated the social protection gap between countries with high and low income levels. 2021-09-03 Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_SS_Monitor covid19 pmassetti…
[Report] WHO compendium of innovative health technologies for low-resource settings 2021. COVID-19 and other health priorities Africa (31.08.20121) Health technologies are essential for a functioning health system. The  response  to  the  global  COVID-19  pandemic  crisis  has  exacerbated  the  need  for  rapid  evidence based  assessments… 2021-09-03 Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Proposition_SS_Monitor covid19 pmassetti
Towards a more gender-equitable COVID-19 response Modern Diplomacy (31.08.01 ) As the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic continue to ripple across the world, they leave in their wake an upheaval touching all areas of public life. While all have been effected, no segment of the population has been impacted more, and in more varied ways, than women.… 2021-08-31 Gender Inequalities Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_SS_Monitor covid19 pmassetti…
COVID-19 G2P Cash-Transfer Payments : Case Study : Philippines philippines, the (01.05.2021) The COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic is having devastating impacts on the economy and people of the Philippines, and since the onset of pandemic, the Government of the Philippines (GoP) has responded with strong social protection measures. The Social Amelioration Program (… 2021-08-31 E-services,Cash transfers Published_SS_Monitor_covid19 covid19 pmassetti…
US: Most Rental Assistant Funds Not Yet Distributed, Figures Show United States  The New York Times (25.08.2021) Just $1.7 billion in funds intended to prevent eviction were disbursed in July as the White House braces for a Supreme Court decision that could strike down its eviction moratorium. 2021-08-26 Housing Published_SS_Monitor_covid19 covid19 pmassetti…
India And Unemployment: Covid-19 And Its Impact On The Indian Workforce india Forbes India (20.08.2021) Structural weaknesses in the jobs market, amplified by Covid-19, continue to quietly impact many, particularly women and younger workers. Creating sustainable, quality employment opportunities need urgent policy attention and reforms 2021-08-23 Unemployment Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_SS_Monitor covid19 pmassetti…
The Increase in Social Protection Programs During COVID-19 BORGEN (14.08.2021) In an attempt to protect from economic disaster in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, governments enacted an unprecedented number of social protection programs. According to the World Bank, Social protection “traditionally consists of labor markets, pensions, social funds and ‘… 2021-08-20 Shocks & extreme events Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_SS_Monitor covid19 pmassetti
Bangladesh: Redesigning social safety net programmes to mitigate Covid-19 impacts bangladesh (10.08.2021) The Government of Bangladesh has allocated 17.83 per cent of the total budget for fiscal 2021-22 for Social Safety Net Programmes (SSNPs). The coverage is diverse; it includes programmes related to poverty eradication, education, health, infrastructure,… 2021-08-17 Social policies & programmes Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_SS_Monitor covid19 pmassetti…
Redesigning Canada’s social safety net for the post-pandemic economy canada (10.08.2021) COVID revealed the shortcomings of Employment Insurance and income-support programs. As the economy rebuilds, now’s the time to examine the system. 2021-08-12 Unemployment Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_SS_Monitor covid19 pmassetti…
India: Migrant workers cry neglected by the Government. How has the Covid-19 pandemic crisis highlighted the need for social security? india  Inventiva (20.07.2021) India’s pandemic crisis has had its heart-rending consequences on millions of people across informal sectors. 2021-07-20 Migration Published_SS_Monitor_covid19 covid19 pmassetti…
To tackle COVID-19 outbreaks, ASEAN MPs call for more inclusive policies for migrant workers Asia ASEAN Parliamentarians for Human Rights - JAKARTA – As COVID-19 cases surge in Thailand and Malaysia, as well as elsewhere in the region, Southeast Asian lawmakers urge these governments to take more inclusive measures to protect everyone without discrimination, regardless of their migration status… 2021-07-19 Migration Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_SS_Monitor covid19 pmassetti…
Pandemic has eroded past efforts to fix unemployment, inequality, say BRICS Ministers india The Economic Times (15.07.2021) The labour ministers of five BRICS nations -Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa on Thursday, said the COVID-19 pandemic has negatively impacted the efforts made in the past to address unemployment, decent work deficits and inequality. “Discussion on… 2021-07-16 Unemployment Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_SS_Monitor brics, covid19 pmassetti…
Report: Employment and Social Developments in Europe review shows diverse impact of COVID-19 crisis european union European Commission (06.07.2021) This review provides an up-to-date economic analysis of the steps the European Union (EU) is taking towards a strong social Europe, particularly in the aftermath of the COVID-19 (coronavirus) crisis. This ESDE report shows that the social impact of the COVID-19… 2021-07-15 Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_SS_Monitor covid19 pmassetti…
India: Delhi govt launches social security scheme for Covid-19 affected families india Times of India (06.07.2021) Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal on Tuesday launched a scheme and an online portal to provide financial assistance to families who lost their loved ones to Covid-19 and asked officials not to find faults in their claim applications. Under the 'Mukhyamantri Covid… Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal on Tuesday launched a scheme and an online portal to provide financial assistance to families who lost their loved ones to Covid-19 and asked officials not to find faults in their claim applications. Under the 'Mukhyamantri Covid-19 Pariwar Aarthik Sahayata Yojana', Rs 50,000 ex-gratia will be given to every family that lost a member to Covid-19 and an additional Rs 2,500 per month will be given if the deceased was the sole breadwinner.  2021-07-06 Family benefits,Cash transfers Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary, Published_SS_Monitor covid19 pmassetti…
Looking beyond COVID-19: Strengthening the role of Family Support Services (March 2021) The COVID-19 pandemic has created new challenges for many families: in addition to health and economic issues, policy measures such as lockdowns, school closures and teleworking from home out considerable stress on families. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted immediate… 2021-07-08 Family benefits Published_SS_Monitor_covid19 covid19 pmassetti
National cash transfer responses to Covid-19: operational lessons learned for social protection system-strengthening and future shocks (09.07.2021) Before Covid-19, many countries were engaged in the process of strengthening core social protection systems and exploring ways to develop their shock-responsive capacity. However, these system-building efforts were still nascent in many low- and middle-income countries (LICs… 2021-07-08 Cash transfers Published_SS_Monitor_covid19 covid19 pmassetti…
English families get extended support with food and utility bills united kingdom The government’s COVID Local Support Grant, first introduced in December 2020, has been extended through to September bringing it in line with the end date for furlough and other COVID-related support. This is beyond the planned ending of restrictions, to help families get back on their feet as the… The government’s COVID Local Support Grant, first introduced in December 2020, has been extended through to September bringing it in line with the end date for furlough and other COVID-related support. This is beyond the planned ending of restrictions, to help families get back on their feet as the economy recovers and the vaccine rollout continues. Families struggling with food and utility costs will get further support through Government scheme. Boost worth £160 million to families in England… 2021-07-05 Family benefits Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19 pmassetti…
UK: Child payment rollout hindered by data concerns united kingdom  BBC News (22.07.2021) The rollout of a benefit aimed at tackling child poverty in Scotland could be in jeopardy unless eligible families can be identified, according to a House of Commons committee. 2021-07-05 Family benefits Published_SS_Monitor_covid19 covid19 pmassetti
Malaysian government unveils $36bn COVID-19 aid package malaysia (29.06.2021) Malaysia announced a MYR150bn ($36bn) economic aid package as the Southeast Asian nation continues to grapple with COVID-19 restrictions. The package has aspects such as direct cash transfers to citizens, assistance to small and medium enterprises and additional healthcare… Malaysia announced a MYR150bn ($36bn) economic aid package as the Southeast Asian nation continues to grapple with COVID-19 restrictions. The package has aspects such as direct cash transfers to citizens, assistance to small and medium enterprises and additional healthcare spending. The highlight of the aid package is MYR10bn of direct fiscal spending by the government for cash aid, unemployment assistance and wage subsidies. Specifically, the government will spend MYR4.6bn for direct cash… 2021-06-29 Unemployment,Cash transfers Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published Measures summary covid19 pmassetti
COVID-19 and the Irish welfare system ireland ESRI (21.06.2021) COVID-19 had, and continues to have, a strong negative effect on incomes in Ireland due to widespread job losses as the measures put in place to slow the spread of the disease resulted in severe economic restrictions. Despite the existence of unemployment supports, additional… 2021-06-28 Shocks & extreme events Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_SS_Monitor covid19 pmassetti
Uganda: Govt to Extend Covid Money Countrywide uganda - Taxi drivers and boda boda cyclists cross the country whose businesses were affected by the lockdown will benefit from the government Covid cash, Mr James Ebitu, the director of social protection in the Ministry of Gender Labour and Social Development, has said. Other groups in all… Taxi drivers and boda boda cyclists cross the country whose businesses were affected by the lockdown will benefit from the government Covid cash, Mr James Ebitu, the director of social protection in the Ministry of Gender Labour and Social Development, has said. Other groups in all urban centres such as single mothers and ghetto youths will benefit unlike last year when government gave food to only Kampala Metropolitan Area. 2021-06-24 Extension of coverage,Cash transfers Published Measures summary covid19 pmassetti
A year into the pandemic, welfare “innovation” continues to penalise the poor Privacy International (22.06.2021) The global Covid-19 pandemic has acted as a catalyst for technology-intensive initiatives for welfare distribution, coming at a high cost to human rights and inclusion: enforcing automated discrimination, exacerbating existing inequalities and compromising access… 2021-06-24 Digital inclusion Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_SS_Monitor covid19 pmassetti…
Duflo offers pathways to a better future, lessons from COVID-19 crisis UNCTAD (16.06.2021) Coronavirus pandemic recovery efforts should provide comprehensive social protection, fight climate change and ensure vaccines reach the poorest people quickly. 2021-06-22 Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_SS_Monitor covid19 pmassetti…
A Digital Bridge to Social Support Project Syndicate (16.06.2021) During the COVID-19 pandemic, governments worldwide have taken advantage of technological solutions to streamline social-protection schemes. But, for all its benefits, a digital approach to welfare programs implies an obvious risk: exclusion of those on the wrong side… 2021-06-21 Digital inclusion Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_SS_Monitor, Published_DIGITAL_Eco_Obs_MONITOR covid19 pmassetti…
Biden administration can't stop state exits from unemployment programs United States The Labor Department determined it doesn’t have the legal authority to stop states from opting out of federal unemployment programs early, according to an agency official. The programs have offered unemployment benefits to millions of people since the early days of the Covid pandemic. The American… 2021-06-14 Unemployment Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_SS_Monitor covid19 pmassetti…
Govt looks to widen social protection, use single database malaysia Free Malaysia Today (FMT) (08.06.2021) Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin says the government is looking to bolster the country’s social safety net programme with a definitive database. Muhyiddin said that he chaired a Malaysian Social Protection Council (MySPC) meeting via video conferencing today,… 2021-06-11 Data management Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_SS_Monitor covid19 pmassetti…
Bangladesh expands social protection plan to shake off pandemic effects bangladesh (03.06.2021) Bangladesh has expanded its social safety net programmes by increasing the budgetary allocation by 12.5 percent in the fiscal year 2021-22 as part of the efforts to alleviate the plight of lower-income and vulnerable groups which have been hit hardest by the ongoing… 2021-06-08 Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_SS_Monitor covid19 pmassetti…
Brazil: Auxílio Emergencial 2021 brazil 31.03.2021 ( The Emergency Assistance 2021 is paid to recipients of Emergency Aid 2020. The benefit amount varies according to the composition of the family: If the family consists of only one person, the benefit is R$ 150.00 per month; If the family consists of more than one… The Emergency Assistance 2021 is paid to recipients of Emergency Aid 2020. The benefit amount varies according to the composition of the family: If the family consists of only one person, the benefit is R$ 150.00 per month; If the family consists of more than one person, the benefit is R$ 250.00 per month; If the family is headed by a woman without a spouse or partner, with at least one person under the age of eighteen, they will receive R$ 375 monthly. Up to four installments will be made… 2021-03-31 O que é O Auxílio Emergencial 2021 é um benefício financeiro concedido pelo Governo Federal destinado às pessoas que receberam Auxílio Emergencial e Auxílio Emergencial Extensão, e que atendiam aos critérios dos Programas em dezembro de 2020, e tem por objetivo fornecer proteção emergencial no… Social assistance,Cash transfers,COVID-19 Published Measures summary covid19, Emergency grants cambrosio
Asia and Africa find ways to plug COVID health gaps World Economic Forum (27.05.2021) Innovative solutions have been developed across Africa and Asia to deal with the increasing demand for health workers and services due to COVID-19. These include the use of drones, solar-powered freezers and utilizing Pakistan's unemployed doctors. In a pandemic,… 2021-05-28 Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_SS_Monitor covid19 pmassetti…
Italy: Extension of the layoff ban italy (07.04.2021) The ban on layoffs is extended until 30 June 2021 for workers in companies covered by ordinary CIG (CIGO) and extraordinary CIG (CIGS)(mainly industry and agriculture). The ban on redundancies is extended until 31 October 2021 for workers in companies covered by social… The ban on layoffs is extended until 30 June 2021 for workers in companies covered by ordinary CIG (CIGO) and extraordinary CIG (CIGS)(mainly industry and agriculture). The ban on redundancies is extended until 31 October 2021 for workers in companies covered by social shock nets in derogation (mainly tertiary sector). 2021-04-07 Employment,COVID-19 Published Measures summary covid19 cambrosio
Italy: Indennità COVID, a new lump-sum for seasonal workers italy   A new lump-sum of 2,400 euros for seasonal workers in tourism, spas or other sectors, entertainment, self-employed persons, temporary workers and other atypical workers was introduced in April by the Sostegni Decree. The payment of a reduced benefit (1,600 euros) has been extended… A new lump-sum of 2,400 euros for seasonal workers in tourism, spas or other sectors, entertainment, self-employed persons, temporary workers and other atypical workers was introduced in April by the Sostegni Decree. The payment of a reduced benefit (1,600 euros) has been extended until July 2021.  2021-04-07 Il decreto Sostegni, nel solco dei precedenti decreti a supporto dei lavoratori in difficoltà, ha messo a disposizione ulteriori misure di sostegno al reddito. Indennità Covid-19: le categorie Il messaggio 25 marzo 2021, n. 1275 fornisce le prime indicazioni riguardo le… Social assistance,Cash transfers,COVID-19 Published Measures summary covid19, Emergency grants cambrosio…
Turkey: Extension of regulation barring layoffs turkey (26.05.2021) The Turkish government's Pandemic Social Support Program has provided relief for more than 6 million people, Minister of Family and Social Services Derya Yanık said. The program covers everything from cash aid to the distribution of free food across the country, where the… The regulation barring layoffs during the pandemic would be extended for another three months. 2021-05-25 ANKARA The Turkish state helped millions of families through social assistance programs and offered financial support worth billions of dollars during the COVID-19 outbreak, a top government official said on Wednesday. The government launched the Social Protection Shield program to cater to… Social assistance,Cash transfers,COVID-19 Published Measures summary covid19 cambrosio…
Drivers of Timely and Large-Scale Cash Responses to COVID-19: what does the data say? (2021) This note compares the experiences of 53 low- and middle-income countries to identify drivers of timely and large-scale government social assistance responses to COVID-19. The analysis covers cash responses only and focuses on the capacity of the social protection sector… 2021-05-24 Cash transfers Published_SS_Monitor_covid19 covid19 pmassetti…
Extending COVID-related reforms to conditional cash transfers could improve the life chances of young people in Colombia colombia (10.05.2021) Like other low- and middle-income countries, Colombia introduced changes to its cash transfer programmes so as to mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 crisis. But without extending and carefully redesigning these programmes, many families and young people will face a… 2021-05-17 Family benefits Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_SS_Monitor covid19, youth employment pmassetti…
Serbia: to offer cash to those who get Covid-19 vaccine serbia 06.05.2021 ( An allowance of 3,000 dinars (25 euros, $30) will be paid to each citizen who gets a Covid jab before the end of May, in what could be the world's first cash-for-jabs scheme. An allowance of 3,000 dinars (25 euros, $30) will be paid to each citizen who gets a Covid jab before the end of May, in what could be the world's first cash-for-jabs scheme. 2021-05-06 Social assistance,Cash transfers,Conditional cash transfers,COVID-19 Published Measures summary covid19, Emergency grants cambrosio…
Telemedicine takes center stage in the era of COVID-19 United States (06.11.2020) Telemedicine comes in many shapes and sizes and offers many advantages over the traditional healthcare visit, but until recently, it was largely underutilized. The COVID-19 pandemic quickly changed that—only time will tell if telemedicine’s new popularity will last.… 2021-05-11 Health,Information and communication technology Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_SS_Monitor covid19 rruggia…
EU leaders adopt Porto declaration on social rights, employment european union (10.05.2021) Heads of the bloc's 27 member states hope to reduce social and economic inequalities that have widened during the coronavirus pandemic. 2021-05-10 Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_SS_Monitor covid19 pmassetti…
As pandemic eases, EU leaders get social in Porto european union (06.05.2021) Leaders are facing social-welfare policy questions for a changed world. Their answers could alter the EU’s relationship with member states. 2021-05-07 Published_SS_Monitor_covid19, Published_SS_Monitor covid19 pmassetti
Europe: Job retention schemes are keeping millions in work, what happens once they end? european union Euronews (05.05.2021) What happens when job retention schemes come to an end in Europe? Job retention schemes have kept millions of people in work during the pandemic and lockdowns. As these emergency measures are gradually phased out, how does Europe ensure there are enough jobs and that people… 2021-05-06 Employment Published_SS_Monitor_covid19 covid19 pmassetti…