How Can Basic Income and Health Care Prevent the Next Crisis?

Submitted by pmassetti on (10.09.2021) As countries seek to contain COVID-19, a return to the way things were is not an option, according to Olivier De Schutter, the UN Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights. Instead, countries must guarantee basic living conditions. “We see that when social protection remains weak, the poorest pay the price,” De Schutter said. “Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and economic slowdown, an estimated 115 million additional people may have fallen into extreme poverty in 2020, and 35 million more may follow this year.

Extension of coverage


Document Type

COVID-19's four lessons for improving Africa's social protection systems

Submitted by pmassetti on

Africa at LSE (01.09.2021) Across Africa, states have adapted or expanded social protection measures in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. These interventions provide valuable policy lessons and political opportunities to reimagine the social contract on the continent.

Regions / Country
Extension of coverage


Document Type

[Report] WHO compendium of innovative health technologies for low-resource settings 2021. COVID-19 and other health priorities

Submitted by pmassetti on (31.08.20121) Health technologies are essential for a functioning health system. The  response  to  the  global  COVID-19  pandemic  crisis  has  exacerbated  the  need  for  rapid  evidence based  assessments  of  innovative  health  technologies  to  ensure  safe  and  appropriate  use.  Thus,  the objectives of the 2021 compendium are to: 1.Select  innovative  technologies  that  can  have  an  immediate&nbs

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Global challenges


Document Type

Towards a more gender-equitable COVID-19 response

Submitted by pmassetti on

Modern Diplomacy (31.08.01 ) As the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic continue to ripple across the world, they leave in their wake an upheaval touching all areas of public life. While all have been effected, no segment of the population has been impacted more, and in more varied ways, than women. The pandemic has shown scant regard for women’s socio-economic or marital status, for motherhood, occupation ethnicity or region of origin.

Gender equality


Document Type

COVID-19 G2P Cash-Transfer Payments : Case Study : Philippines

Submitted by pmassetti on (01.05.2021) The COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic is having devastating impacts on the economy and people of the Philippines, and since the onset of pandemic, the Government of the Philippines (GoP) has responded with strong social protection measures. The Social Amelioration Program (SAP) enacted under the Bayanihan To Heal as One Act in March 2020 and managed by the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), aims to provide cash assistance to 18 million households (over 75 percent of total households) in the country.

Regions / Country
philippines, the
Global challenges
Cash transfers


Document Type

US: Most Rental Assistant Funds Not Yet Distributed, Figures Show

Submitted by pmassetti on

 The New York Times (25.08.2021) Just $1.7 billion in funds intended to prevent eviction were disbursed in July as the White House braces for a Supreme Court decision that could strike down its eviction moratorium.

Regions / Country
United States


Document Type

Digital bodies and digitalised welfare: North-South linkages in the politics of food assistance and social welfare

Submitted by pmassetti on (2021) This paper examines North–South linkages in the politics of contemporary food assistance and social welfare, and in particular the normalisation of poverty and humanitarian crisis caused by increased digitalisation, privatisation and individualisation of aid or welfare. Migrants and displaced populations are considered as extreme cases and we examine how these policies and practices are leading to the growth of a global precariat who are constantly on the edge of survival (or death).

Regions / Country
united kingdom
Information and communication technology
Digital inclusion
Document Type

India And Unemployment: Covid-19 And Its Impact On The Indian Workforce

Submitted by pmassetti on

Forbes India (20.08.2021) Structural weaknesses in the jobs market, amplified by Covid-19, continue to quietly impact many, particularly women and younger workers. Creating sustainable, quality employment opportunities need urgent policy attention and reforms

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