A year into the pandemic, welfare “innovation” continues to penalise the poor

Submitted by pmassetti on

Privacy International (22.06.2021) The global Covid-19 pandemic has acted as a catalyst for technology-intensive initiatives for welfare distribution, coming at a high cost to human rights and inclusion: enforcing automated discrimination, exacerbating existing inequalities and compromising access to essential benefits.

Global challenges
Digital inclusion


Document Type

Social protection measures for persons with disabilities and their families in response to the COVID-19 crisis: An updated overview of trends

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This document provides an overview of social protection measures announced in response to COVID-19 that have made specific reference to persons with disabilities. Rather than seeking to provide an exhaustive survey of measures, it identifies the main characteristics and trends for social protection responses that specifically sought to support persons with disabilities during the crisis.

Duflo offers pathways to a better future, lessons from COVID-19 crisis

Submitted by pmassetti on

UNCTAD (16.06.2021) Coronavirus pandemic recovery efforts should provide comprehensive social protection, fight climate change and ensure vaccines reach the poorest people quickly.

Global challenges


Document Type

A Digital Bridge to Social Support

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Project Syndicate (16.06.2021) During the COVID-19 pandemic, governments worldwide have taken advantage of technological solutions to streamline social-protection schemes. But, for all its benefits, a digital approach to welfare programs implies an obvious risk: exclusion of those on the wrong side of the digital divide.

Digital inclusion


Digital Economy Topical Cluster
Societal Impact
Document Type

US Supreme Court rejects Trump-backed challenge to Obamacare

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bbc.com (18.06.2021) The US Supreme Court has rejected a Trump-backed challenge by Republican-led states to former President Barack Obama's healthcare overhaul. Despite the court's conservative tilt, its nine justices ruled by 7-2 that the challengers did not have legal standing to sue. It is the third time since 2010 that the Affordable Care Act (ACA), known as Obamacare, has survived a challenge. The law gave millions of low-income Americans access to medical insurance.

Regions / Country
United States
Document Type

Little-known facts about time off for new fathers

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weforum.org (18.06.2021) Parental leave is a good thing, according to 90% of men who take it. Each month of paternity leave can increase a mother’s earnings by 6.7%. Billions of dollars in economic output is lost every year because women shoulder the burden of childcare.

Family benefits
Document Type

The Mozambican Statistical Bulletin: a best practice in monitoring the progress of the extension of social protection coverage

Submitted by pmassetti on

social-protection.org (2021) The brief presents the Mozambican practice of preparing and publishing an annual National Statistical Bulletin on Social Protection. This practice demonstrates how this country has successfully developed a tool that harmonizes national data and underpins informed social protection decision-making, based on concrete and comprehensive data.

Regions / Country
Global challenges
Extension of coverage
Document Type

Council adopts European Child Guarantee

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europa.eu (04.06.2021) The Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council (EPSCO) has adopted the Commission proposal on establishing a European Child Guarantee. The objective of the European Child Guarantee is to prevent and combat social exclusion by guaranteeing the access of children in need – persons under the age of 18 years who are at risk of poverty or social exclusion – to a set of key services: early childhood education and care, education, healthcare, nutrition and housing.

Regions / Country
european union
Document Type