Sistema Nacional de Cuidados

Submitted by rruggia on

Al Sistema Nacional de Cuidados le competen:

  • Aumentar la cobertura y elevar la calidad de los servicios de cuidado para la primera infancia, que estimulen el desarrollo de niños y niñas, faciliten su acceso a la educación y brinden a los hogares una alternativa corresponsable de cuidados.

Regions / Country
Long-term care
Document Type

Global social protection platform to fill knowledge gap

Submitted by pmassetti on (19.09.2021) Taking a lead on universal social protection, the Permanent Mission of Pakistan to the United Nations convened the first meeting of the Group of Friends on Social Protection along with Turkey, Nigeria and Costa Rica.

Regions / Country


Document Type

US: The new child tax credit does more than just cut poverty

Submitted by pmassetti on (24.09.2021) With COVID-19’s disruptions in employment, child care, and education, it is unsurprising that child poverty substantially increased in 2020—roughly 1.2 million more children were living in poverty in 2020 when compared to 2019 (an increase from 15.7% to 17.5%).

Regions / Country
United States
Family benefits


Document Type

Case study: Data responsibility and digital remote targeting during COVID-19

Submitted by pmassetti on (10.03. 2021) Challenges due to the pandemic have led to all kinds of innovations and adaptations focused on remote targeting, enrolment, verification and delivery. While required for the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, these new approaches might be useful in future responses that require remote targeting and delivery, such as in fragile contexts.

Information and communication technology
Cash transfers


Document Type

Europe: Social protection and inclusion policy responses to the COVID-19 crisis

Submitted by pmassetti on

European Commission (07.09.2021) This ESPN report examines the (sub)national social protection and inclusion policy measures that European countries put in place to help address the social and financial distress created by the pandemic and by lockdown policies. It covers the 27 EU Member States, the 7 candidate and potential candidate countries, and the UK.

Regions / Country
Social policies & programmes


Document Type

Cash and the city: Digital COVID-19 social response in Kinshasa

Submitted by pmassetti on (08.09.2021)  As COVID-19 spread across the world, governments responded with an unprecedented increase in social assistance measures. Policymakers had to shift their focus to urban areas, particularly slums, whose residents were hit the hardest by the pandemic and its economic impact. Social safety nets, traditionally targeting chronic poverty in rural areas, had to be reinvented overnight: The new objective was to prevent informal workers affected by lockdowns from falling back into poverty.

Regions / Country
Congo, Democratic Republic of the
Information and communication technology
Cash transfers


Document Type

COVID-19 and the impact of cash transfers on health care use in Togo

Submitted by pmassetti on (27.08.2021) Cash transfer program during pandemics provide a social protection mechanism to improve the health of the most vulnerable households. This article analysis the impact of cash transfers on household demand for health care during Covid-19.

Regions / Country
Cash transfers
Document Type

Transforming Long-Term Care Pain Management in North America: The Policy-Clinical Interface | Request PDF

Submitted by rruggia on


  • Thomas Hadjistavropoulos, University of Regina
  • Gregory Marchildon, University of Toronto
  • Perry G Fine, University of Utah
  • Keela Herr, University of Iowa
  • Howard A. Palley, University of Maryland, Baltimore
  • Sharon Kaasalainen, McMaster University
  • Francois Beland, Université de Montréal


Regions / Country
United States
Long-term care

Cuidados en América Latina y el Caribe en tiempos de COVID-19: hacia sistemas integrales para fortalecer la respuesta y la recuperación

Submitted by rruggia on

La construcción de sistemas integrales de cuidados es un factor fundamental para el logro del empoderamiento de las mujeres y la igualdad de género, y un elemento clave para la recuperación socioeconómica al convertirse en un generador directo e indirecto de empleo y un facilitador de que otros sectores de la economía funcionen adecuadamente.

Regions / Country
latin america
Long-term care
Document Type